Wednesday, April 30, 2008

April showers...

...bring May flowers... and boy, have we been getting April showers!!!!

I don't know why I buy seed packets because I eventually end up buying the plants from garden centers, but I'm going to give it a go! I am definitely planting basil this year, and I'm looking forward to trying a moonflower vine. I've never grown one before, but I've heard they smell heavenly!

My garden wouldn't be complete without LOTS of plants to attract the hummingbirds into our little yard. I'll be planting some cardinal flower, nasturtium, and scarlet runner bean (not pictured) from seed, and buying some hanging fuschias for the corners of the deck. I'll also be planting several hummingbird and butterfly perennials (that's if it ever stops raining!!)...

And even though I've never seen a hummingbird in our yard till May 10th or so, I've already hung my feeders...just in case! (I snapped this little guy in Aug 2005.) This is my favorite feeder. I even bought a second one this year. I like them so much better than the ones I used to have. Cleaning the saucer style is a breeze... there's no need for pipe cleaners because there aren't any tubes or crevices to clean out. Plus there's a perch all the way around. The hummers really do love to take a load off! They're always content to sit for long periods, sipping the sugar water, looking around for bugs, then sipping some more... It's always such a treat when they return in the spring! It won't be long now!

Look at this little guy, hamming it up for the camera. I think it was his way of thanking me for all that yummy sugar water! Happy gardening to all of you!



  1. During our last move, the movers broke my hummer feeder. :o/ You've inspired me to finally replace it today!

  2. Hi Donna!

    I never see any hummingbirds around where I live. It is disappointing, as I love them! My sister and sister-in-law live in Arizona, and I go wild for all the beautiful hummingbirds they have flying around their yards, amongst other birds.

    I do have a regular birdfeeder but I never tried an specific red one made for hummingbirds....does the sweet syrup in it attract bees too?

    I have a lot of luck with growing basil in containers, and it usually does well if you keep cutting it from the top when it grows so it doesn't bolt to seed.

    Have a good day!

    Hugs, Pat

  3. I just love hummers.... I have 2 feeders out and have had hummers. I need some new feeders.... they are so fun to watch...

  4. Hi Donna!
    Your hummingbird photos are so adorable! Now that I have a digital camera maybe I can get some shots of the hummingbirds that come to our trumpet vine. We also get them at our butterfly bush, I love to watch them! One day I was sitting on the patio and one flew right in front of me and stopped about 3ft from my face as if to say "What are you doing in my space lady?". It was so awesome!
    Hugs, Sherry

  5. Love the little hummies! My sister has one she call Fidel, since he bosses the whole yard!!! You're so lucky to have rain!!!

