Tuesday, May 13, 2008


"Don't let it be forgot, that once there was a spot,
for one brief, shining moment that was known as Camelot."

The cherry tree in the back yard was in full bloom....

And the crab trees in the front yard were covered with blossoms..

It's such a PRETTY time here in New England!! It's unusual that our cherry and crab trees bloomed profusely at precisely the same time, but that's exactly what they did this year and the yard took on the most magical look! Yesterday's strong winds, however, wreaked havoc with the delicate apple blossoms so we must now refer to them in the past tense...

These pictures were taken over the weekend and I offer them as evidence that Camelot really did exist, if only "for one brief, shining moment! "



  1. I have always had a soft spot for Camelot. I loved the movie and the play. I remember seeing both of them with my mom. At home she would listing to the sound track. Just the name Camelot brings such a happy and romantic time to mind, doesn't it?

    Your trees were beautiful. That darn wind!


    I couldn't help myself Donna! I love that story and movie! Your blossoms are magnificent, I can almost smell the soft aroma.
    Thanks for your sweet comments about our little sweetie girls. It's fun after having 2 boys to be around girls, and then be able to send them home LOL. We love them to pieces!
    Hugs, Sherry

  3. Oh, Sherry - you are funny! You must have read my comment over at Joanne's about my love for Camelot! LOL You sounded BEAUTIFUL singing CAM-E-LOTTTT!! You should have starred right alongside Richard Burton! LOL Yes, it's clear you are enjoying those little granddaughters of yours!!!...Donna

  4. So pretty. I have always wanted to visit New England, maybe someday.

    LeAnn :)

  5. How beautiful~
    Do I hear Robert Goulet singing?

  6. Beautiful! And I love that high backed bench! I just love all spring and watching things bloom!
