Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mantel Makeover...

Not long ago, I gave our fireplace mantel a little makeover...

As you can see from my blog banner, I used to have family photos on the mantel. Apparently that is a huge 'no no' in the decorating world, especially if it's overdone (and since my family photos were also on the dining room hutch, the dining room half wall, and the tops of various cupboards, etc., I'd be hard pressed to argue that I might not have been a tad obsessive... and we won't even mention the photos in the bedrooms)...

So I decided to put some of my family members into storage... (sorry guys - I still love you... honest!)

Just look at this perfectly shabby little candle holder that a good friend gave me this past Christmas (thank you, Jill :)... I wanted to put it someplace where it would really stand out, so I placed that on the center of the mantel flanked by two bluebirds. Now I have tons of white birds around my house, but these are my only two blue birds. I actually got them in the Christmas section of Target this past year. I have no idea why they were considered Christmas decorations, but when I spotted them I knew the colors would be perfect with the painting over the fireplace. And the finishing touch was this sweet little NEST banner that I got on ETSY.

I didn't know what to place on the ends of the mantel, so I finally decided on some tall candle holders and glass vases. This one just has a long piece of creamy white ribbon curled up around the inside. The ribbon was purchased for a project I never got around to doing (typical me...)

And then, of course, I have some of my creamy white buttons filling several vases as well...

So that's how the mantel looks now. I think it's really nice for a change (teeny confession though... by nature I'm a very symmetrical person, so I think the center section with the candle holder and birds is great, but the fact that the sides of the mantel aren't identical mirror images of each other is driving me nuts... be calm, Donna... remember, you're trying to not be so rigid.. to be more open to new ideas, new ways of doing things)...

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if some of the family photos I tucked away eventually start popping up 'here and there' around the house though, because when all is said and done, all the "do's" and "don'ts" of decorating don't really matter if we're not happy within our own four walls, right?


P.S. Joanne at My Little Cottage in the Making has a giveaway going on her blog for some BEAUTIFUL creamy white buttons and lots of other cottage/shabby goodies!! Be sure to visit her blog to enter her drawing!

Update: I thought it would be fun to add my name to Kari & Kijsa's Mantel 101 list! Since I did a "Mantel Makeover" post not long ago, I'm just linking to that. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's mantels as I'm always looking for new ideas and inspiration!!


  1. OMG! Your mantle makeover is beautiful Donna! I love everything you did! The buttons and ribbon in glass vases are awesome. And the banner and birds and candle are so perfect there, just too cute! I love that fireplace screen you have. I'd like to see that closer sometime. Have you had it a long time?
    Hugs, Sherry

  2. Your mantel looks great!! Enjoying visiting your blog.
    From another Donna.

  3. Like the simplicy of the new mantle decor, but if you are anything like me, those wonderful family photos will come back or will be displayed someplace else!

  4. Your mantle looks wonderful! I love the glass-filled pieces with something different in each one. Great idea. ~Adrienne~

  5. I adore those little blue birds ... they are so cute... and I love the jars of buttons.. the makeover is lovely... but I liked the other way also. But it is fun to have a fresh look...

  6. Donna,

    Your mantle looks lovely. But then again I thought it was beautiful with all the pictures too. Who cares what "THEY" say. I say, go with what you love.

    Hey, that's for the post to my blog give away. You just got another entry for that!


  7. I love your white fireplace. That's on my to do list for my's gotta go white.

    Your birds are too cute! Your cottage is enchanting!

  8. Oh pooh! You family is precious! You can put them wherever you want! BUT...I do love what you have done!
    AND...that fireplace screen...ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww is that pretty!!!!!

  9. Hi Donna,
    It looks beautiful! So serene.

    Happy weekend!

  10. I think you mantle looks beautiful! As far as family photos're lucky to have so many that you have to put some away...LOL. Your blog is beautiful, too.

  11. Beautiful mantel, your whole blog is lovely. love all the white/cream. Hugs, RoseMarie

  12. The mantel turned out great! I love those birds. They are really special and perfect with that banner! They really bring out the blues in the picture above. I just love the pictures of your home.

  13. Good morning Donna :)

    The mantel looks beautiful! As for the dos and don't of decorating...peshaw! do what you want sweetie. I took every last picture out of my rooms and I felt like I was living in someone elses house until I brought some back in and now I feel much better :)

    You are a wonderful decorator! Get those creepies out of your head ;)

    off to read your other post...

  14. I really like your gorgeous blog. Your fireplace is so pretty. :-)

  15. i loove this new look! especially those darling little blue birds. i've been hunting for a new pair of birds around my neck of the woods--but no such luck yet.

    a girl can never have to many birds :)

  16. This is beautiful! I love your style. I didn't know family photos were no-nos for mantels, but I'll keep that in mind for future reference! -Julia :-)

  17. Your mantel looks great now and it looked fabulous with your pictures on it, too. I'm with heck with "proper" decorating...we live in these 4 walls and what makes us happy is the important thing...
    thanks for sharing, bj

  18. Your mantle is so pretty. The blue birds are the sweetest thing. I also love the vases full of "creamy white buttons." I sort of want to tip them out and play with them. *grin*

  19. Very pretty! I love the idea of buttons in pretty jars!

  20. Pretty, pretty! Honestly, I like both of your mantels...the before, and the after! And I'm totally with you on decorating to suit your own style regardless of the rules. Wasn't it Mae West who said if you follow all the rules, you don't have any FUN?!!!

    Thanks for sharing!

  21. Hi Donna :)

    You know I love that mantle of yours :)


  22. Very pretty makeover! Count me as another fan of the button jars, and the sweet little birds!


  23. Who writes those no nos ?

    Whomever it is they should be fired.

  24. This looks so wonderful, we are so glad you joined in with one of your beauttiful makeovers!! Great pics!

    kari & kijsa

  25. Your mantel is lovely. I like the soothing, calm colors.

  26. LOVE your mantel- the nest sign is the best! :) Love the colors you used too! xo!

  27. Hi, I really came to see your mantle, but I have to tell you that when "Edelweiss" starting playing I felt it was a message just for me as it was my parents favorite and they are deceased. Thanks for touching my day.

  28. Your mantel makeover looks so pretty, Donna! I don't have a fireplace so I couldn't join in.

    I have a weakness for fsamily photos too .... I have them everywhere!

    Have an enjoyable weekend!

    Hugs, Pat
