Friday, June 27, 2008

An Award and a few more "shades of blue"...

"Oh, yes, I am the big guy of the house..."

Here is Spotty, who prefers to sleep on a big dog bed rather than a little kitty bed....

...and here is his sister, Tiger (who wouldn't get out of bed this morning!)... They both wanted their pictures taken in their blue beds and/or bedding for the Sadie Olive "shades of blue" inspiration...

And they're also pretty certain that the reason I received the following award is because of the "cuteness factor" that they bring to my blog on an ongoing basis!

I received the "Arte y Pico" award from Angie at Sandals and Daisies (I just love that blog name!). Angie has just recently started blogging and you won't believe all the furniture she's been transforming. She posts lots of "before and after" photos of the thrift store and flea market finds that she's turning into treasures! I know you will all enjoy visiting her blog as much as I do... So thank you, Angie, and welcome to blogland! (Spotty and Tiger want to welcome your Cooper and Cashew to blogland, too!!)

1) You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also contribution to the blogging community, no matter what language.
2) Each award has to have the name of the author and link to his/her blog to be visited by everyone.
3) Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that presented her/him with the award.
4) The award winner and one who has given the prize have to show the link of "Arte y Pico" blog so everyone will know the origin to this award.

I have so many blogs that I love to visit, and I just tagged some not long ago.. So I would like to present this award to:

Tales From An O.C. Cottage - You will fall in love with the O.C. Cottage (actually, there are several of them as M writes about her's and her sisters' cottages)... And what a delight they all are! You will see cottage decorating galore, beach decor, cottage gardens, projects, the cutest kitty photos e-v-e-r, and you will not be able to leave without smiling and laughing at the witty writing!!

At Home In The Country - Wait until you visit Jill, 'at home in the country'! Join her as she anxiously waits for her dream house to be built by Bob the Builder (yes, that really is his name!). She finds the best thrift store/flea market items for the best prices ever, and you will fall in love with her little fuzzies, Socks and Coco Bean (the kitties) and Molly (the sweetest little doggie!)...

Pink Icing on the Cake - You must visit LeAnn's blog - yes, it is as yummy as it sounds! It is cottage personified! You should see the update she just did on her kitchen! She also used the neatest color combination on an old dresser she recently painted. Her home is done in all my favorite colors and you will love visiting her! Don't miss the banner across the bottom of her blog - I LOVE those colorful Adirondack chairs all lined up!!!

Life on Bonnie Lane - Kady just seems like one of the sweetest people, and she is just about the proudest momma ever (you'll realize that as soon as you read her blog!)... Kady lives in her dream house, situated on the bank of a river, and she loves her family, her home, her gardens, and life. I love reading about all of them and as a mom, I just loved her most recent post about her son :) Oh - and she cracks me up!! A funny lady!

Little Red House - I really enjoy visiting Mary at her home/blog! She has a great writing style that always leaves me smiling (very cutting edge humor!)... She also happens to take the most incredible photos I've ever seen! In fact, her photography is sooooo good that one of her photos has just been published in the August 2008 issue of Old House Journal!! And if you're a "Chip" lover like me, you must check out her most recent post!

So thank you to all these lovely bloggers... You all inspire me and make me smile whenever I visit you!



  1. Hi Donna!
    Congrats on another award! Loved catching up on your past posts! The Powder Blue Reprise was so perfect with your Powder Blue post!!
    Hugs, Sherry

  2. Oh wow, Donna! Thank you soooo much! I haven't ever won an award! I am just tickled pink! We are going to do a little exploring (saying goodbye) to some of our favorite places it will be a couple days until I get to work on my blog and add my award...but I will!

  3. Congrats on the wonderful award.... I just adore all your shades of blue... and the sweet kitties
    I finally did my meme.... thank you

  4. Awww, an award for're the best!! Thank you. I am at the library checking my blog, still w/o a computer but hopefully that will be remedied soon.


  5. Congrats on the Award! Your blog is always so full of cheer and fun. I love coming for a visit.

    Your darling little kitties are to cute for words. I love that dog bed. I saw a pretty one at TJ Maxx I wanted to get for my dog but they wouldn't sleep on it. They would push me off the bed and make me sleep there first.

    You should see how I have to twist my body when I sleep. My two dogs really do own me. I don't own them. They have taken over and have no plans of backing off. LOL


  6. Oh my gosh! Am I blushing? Thank you not only for the award but also for such a sweet "review"! You are soooooooo kind!!!! And I am
    quite honored to accept!

    M ^..^

  7. I am crazy about Spotty and Tiger and their beds!! My kitties don't really have special beds. Now I feel like a real creep! They curl up on rugs, chairs, my lap, our bed, the guest bed, the steps, the table (and they KNOW BETTER!), but I never thought to get them a bed! I MUST make that a cat priority this week!

  8. Hi Donna, yes, I recognize you too from RMS! I just love your decorating style and remember you posting your beautiful living room. Thank you for coming by and it is nice to really meet you in blogland! Have a beautiful day!
    Shelia ;) Chloe says thank you for her compliment.
