Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fountains and an Award !!

Tonight hubby and I were at a Lowes near our home... It is hot as blazes here in New England - and oh-so-humid! But as we walked by the fountains in the garden center, I swear that it felt cooler just listening to the water... Anyhow, I know a lot of you have been on the lookout for fountains and birdbaths, and I thought they had some pretty neat fountains so I snapped some photos to share... I have no idea if all of these styles are available at all Lowe's, but here's a sampling of what they had at mine:

Of all the ones I photographed, this was one of the priciest... $199 for the waterfall style. But soooo nice!!

I was so tempted to buy this Rose Fountain (but I think I definitely have enough already!) The top is in the shape of a little bouquet of roses - a very shabby/cottage look!!! I thought it was a very good price at just under $45...

This fountain was also very pretty, and not too bad at just under $100. I know it's hard to get a perspective from the pictures, but it was definitely taller than the rose fountain... The lion's head fountain behind was quite a bit pricier at $279, but what a presence! Very good sized and such a classic look! So if you have a Lowe's in your area, it might be worth checking out their garden center...

And guess what?? Can you believe that Sarah at Burgeon and Kady at Life on Bonnie Lane have both given me the Arte y Pico Award! Thank you so much, Sarah and Kady! I'm so honored that you have found my blog an inspiration! I hope everyone has a chance to visit Sarah's and Kady's beautiful blogs! They are wonderful, warm, witty ladies and bloggers, and I know you'll enjoy visiting them!
The rules for the award are:
1. You need to choose 5 blogs you consider deserving of this award for their creativity,design, interesting material, and contribution to the blogging community regardless of the language.
2. Each award has to have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that presented him/her with the award.
4. The award winner and the one who has given the award have to show the Arte Y Pico blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5. To show these rules.
So here I go, being a rule breaker right off the bat... Rather than naming five blogs, I'm awarding this to all of the blogs that I love and read regularly... I'm sorry I don't have time to always leave comments but I want you all to know that I enjoy your blogs so very much. So to everyone on my "favorites blog list" on the right - thank you!!! You are all an inspiration to me and whenever I visit you, it always brightens my day!


  1. Congrats on your award---well deserved! I enjoyed your fountain info.. We don't have one at our house, but I love them.

    Did you know Kansas City, MO is called "The City of Fountains?" Well, we are----- and if you are just itchin' to find out more, all you have to do is go to:
    and check it out!

    Thanks so much for your sweet comments about our BIG anniversary, my flag pictures and Twiggy the Wonder Cat!

  2. Congrats on your award! You deserve it!

    My husband and I were looking at those very fountains and birdbaths this weekend! My Lowe's doesn't have the one with the roses. I love that one! Great price, too.

  3. Congratulations on your awards. I love your blog, too.

    My husband & I were looking at fountains in Lowes a couple of weeks ago and I commented that I would love one for our new deck. A couple of days later, my 5 year old son said "I know what you are NOT getting for your birthday" (which is tomorrow) "a fountain". So, I think I am getting a fountain. LOL I wonder which one it will be. Smiles, JoAnne

  4. I love fountains and I currently am fountainless...those look like pretty good bargains! I may have to sashay over there!

  5. Hi Donna!
    Love the fountain info for Lowe's! Great post idea!! It's that time of year when everyone is planning what they want to do in their yard and gardens. It's been hot & humid here too, til this morning when it poured rain. Now it's stopped and is about 80 out, tolerable.
    Congrats on your award! You deserve it!! You have a great blog!
    Hugs, Sherry

  6. I want a fountain so bad for my backyard. I found one at the flea market a month ago and I was planning on buying it this month but I didn't go. Hopefully next month! It's a little boy peeing believe it or not. My daughter thought I was crazy but it's such a old classic for fountains!

  7. Congratulations on your award!!!
    I like the first fountain the best...and of course I would...it's themost expensive!! I think hearing water does cool you off - and I live in Louisiana - so humid here you can "touch" it!!

  8. Congrats on your award.....
    I do so love a water feature.... I have one but would like more..more more...

  9. Our Lowes didn't have the rose one. What a great buy. However, I don't think I will be browsing Lowes for awhile, taking a little break from there...LOL.


  10. Congrats on your award.

    I love the rose fountain! Plus it was the best price. Guess I'm a cheep date too. LOL

    I'm going to Lowe's tomorrow and I'm going to see if we have this one at ours. If so, it's going to be in my garden for sure!

    Thanks for the heads up.
