Sunday, July 27, 2008

Love, pure and simple

Okay, who would think Mamma Mia would make me cry? I mean it's being touted as a "feel good, dance in the aisle" movie (and it is!!)... But when Meryl Streep started singing "Slipping Through My Fingers" the waterworks started. Maybe I relate because I have girls, I don't know... All I know is that sometimes, it doesn't take much...

Now on to 'Love, pure and simple.' You've probably seen the video below this past week. Every TV show seems to be talking about it. It is one of the most touching love stories I've ever seen, and once again the tears started... Several family members (who I won't out on this blog for fear of reprisal) also shed some tears... So I dare you to watch without at least getting a lump in your throat! If you haven't yet seen it, you must click on the photo below (which will bring you right to the YouTube video). If you want more detailed information about what brought about this reunion, you can click on the links below the video...:

(Note: According to one report I read, the man with the walking stick in the video is George Adamson. Born Free, was the 1960 book written by his wife, Joy, about returning Elsa, a lioness they raised, back into the wild. In 1966 it was released as a movie.)

Snopes has a write-up on this video; you can also click here if you'd like to read more about Christian the Lion, Anthony "Ace" Berg (Bourke?) and John Rendall, the two men seen in the video.



  1. That was astounding, sweetpea!!

  2. Now I have to say I am not to cry at movies or when I read books. When you said you cried durning Mama Mia I thought you must be hormonal or something. LOL

    So when you said the video was a tear jerker I thought "Ya, OK, Sure!"

    But here I sit with tears streaming down my face.

    I loved the Born Free story/movie. That is what this clip reminded me of.

    How in the world were these two ever strong enough to say good bye, not once but twice?

    Makes me wonder what these lions would do if strangers came up to them. Would they attack?

    Loved this video! I'm such a sap for an animal story. I often say I think I love animals more then most people.


  3. You're right. It got me and I got all shiny eyed. sniff*. How truly remarkable.

  4. I haven't seen Mamma Mia yet but I have seen the lion video and I cried and cried! It was so sweet and loving!
    Have a great day!

  5. That video of the lioness seeing her previous owners made me shed a few tears. But the music didn't help! What a great story (if it's true...I'm always skeptical of internet videos). True or not, it makes a good point to get back in touch with old friends.
    I'm a sucker for affection from pets and it was so cool seeing such a big cat hug and kiss her old friends.

  6. I've seen this before and I couldn't stop showing people-its amazing!

  7. Oh I do agree with you about tearing up over that particular song--I did, too. I thought something hormonal was going on with me at that moment, so I'm relieved to hear I wasn't alone!! And yes, that video is another one that made me dab my eyes!

  8. Lump.... are you kidding me... how about BOOO HOOO's... I am such an animal person any way. That is just amazing.... thank you for posting that... I would have never seen it... I don't watch news...
    I can't wait to show my husband when he come home.... he will love it..

  9. What a sweet video! I loved reading the story on Snopes that talked about the lion not being seen in months and then he KNEW his people were there and waited for them! That's just amazing and shows the power of love between humans and their pets.


  10. Thanks for the link to the video. It certainly brought tears to my eyes. What an amazing story - it shows how deep the bond is between animals and their human animal friends. I'm a sucker for this stuff...

  11. I'm sitting here wiping away tears! That was so sweet...there aren't words to describe how wonderful they must have felt.
