Friday, August 8, 2008

Is it February or August??

New England has been having some pretty strange weather this summer... Tornado watches, tornado warnings, actual tornadoes, and water funnels, all which are very unusual for our area. And then today...

...thunder, lightning, and hail, hail, & more hail !! This is the second or third time this summer! I can't even imagine what it's like to have "golf-ball sized hail," because our "marble sized" hail made a huge racket hitting the deck, metal table, and sun pipes (similar to skylights)... The girls and I had just been sitting on the deck, enjoying the beautiful weather, a half hour before this started! My poor bunny and bird statues look like their freezing with all that ice around them!

If you look closely, you'll see one of our "Sammy Squirrel" friends huddled under the blue table next to the basil. He got caught on the deck when the hail started (very suddenly)... He's a young squirrel and was quite frightened... He ducked under the table for the 10-15 minutes that the hail came down. At one point, it was coming down so fast and furious that it was ricocheting right under the table and hitting him, the poor baby... You can bet that he was rewarded with several peanuts for his bravery after the hail stopped and he came out of hiding!

If this is what the summer's been like, I'm almost afraid to think what the winter might have in store for us!!

(P.S. - Here's a video Amanda took of the hail coming down - and this wasn't the worst of it!)


  1. Yikes! I always get a little scared when I see hail because it often means there is enough rotation to spawn a tornado! Poor little squirrel! That is a lot of ice!

    How wild is it that we have the same shower curtain! And get my old house I had a plain white Battenberg lace curtain too! Plus Battenburg lace curtains in the kitchen, dining room, and my bedroom!


  2. Yikes! I always get a little scared when I see hail because it often means there is enough rotation to spawn a tornado! Poor little squirrel! That is a lot of ice!

    How wild is it that we have the same shower curtain! And get my old house I had a plain white Battenberg lace curtain too! Plus Battenburg lace curtains in the kitchen, dining room, and my bedroom!


  3. Poor squirrel! He must have thought What's goin' on here! Weather is a weird creature!!
    Have a great weekend!
    Hugs, Sherry

  4. Amazing weather. But, I love your music, is that the themem song to PS I Love You! I love Gerry Butler.

  5. We have hail here pretty often, and I never get used to it! Always makes me think a tornado is close by!
    Our summer has been hot, hot, hot and sticky-muggy. Nothing unusual there either. And dry, but not as dry as last summer, thank God!
    Poor little squirrel! I wonder what he was thinking when it was hailing? LOL!

  6. Strange weather indeed. We have had such a heat wave here for the past several weeks and today it is only going to be in the 70's. I have finally turned off the air conditioner to give it a break. Hope today is beautiful for you.


  7. Oh my goodness! What in world is up with the weather. I hope "baby sammy squirrel" shakes this one off and I hope your weather clears up some. We're still dealing with 100 degree days yuck!

  8. Wow Donna that was a amazing video, some hail storm. It looks like your plants did well. That poor baby squirrel if felt so bad seeing him under the table. Glad he was not hurt. Hail scares me cause it usually means a tornado is some where. I am happy you are ok. Have a great weekend.


  9. WOW! What a storm! I hope all your wild babies are ok!!!!

    M ^..^

  10. Wow! Scary! I've never been when it was like that. We have had hail before but only tiny pea size ones. Those look like they would really hurt.

    Did it kill all your plants?

    Poor littel squirrel. Glad he had the peanuts afterwards. At least he got something good.


  11. Hi Donna! Wow it looks like wintertime at your house! Hope you didn't have any damage from the hail. Poor little squirrel baby! You're so good to give him peanuts!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  12. Wow, that is wierd weather! Our weather has been a little off this summer too. We've had below average temps for most of the summer. I've actually enjoyed it! It's warm today though!
