Sunday, August 10, 2008

Packratting pays off ...

My goal is to be a minimalist (ha ha) and get rid of things I don’t use anymore (hey, I didn’t say it was a realistic goal!)…But sometimes, being a packrat pays off big time because last week, as I was sorting through some things I’ve had forever, I came across these!

Sweet little Courtney (now 19) in her bedroom, 1993

Back in the 90’s, both of my girls had canopy beds. The canopy frames met with an early demise (a future blog post for sure), so the canopies got stuffed in a bag and have spent the last 14+ years in the back of a closet (can you say ‘hoarder’??)

So when I came across them last week while cleaning waaaaaay back in the closet, I thought, “Well, I don’t need these anymore.” But as I unfolded them, a light bulb went off in my head…They looked to be just about the right size for….

…tablecloths!! They fit our long, narrow trestle table perfectly!! So now I have two brand new (old) tablecloths, and the fact that they are the girls’ old canopies makes them extra special!

They have sweet little pleated edges and ruffles… perfect for out little cottage dining room… I just love it when I get bright ideas like this, because believe me, it doesn’t happen often!



Adrienne said...

What a great idea! You were right to hang on to those sweet canopies. They look great on your table.

Donna Lynn said...

What a wonderfully bright idea! Your recycling, and what a lovely look you now have...I had to go back up and look to see where you had gotten the great table cloths from! :) AWESOME!!

Donna Lynn

Victorian Lady said...

I always wanted one of those...I thought it would be a magical place to sleep! My parents said that I would outgrow it too quickly. Now that I have my girls, I make sure they have magical beds! Madeline's is like Dorothy's outfit, gingham, eyelet lace, and ruby sequin bedskirt. Lillian sleeps in a toadstool in her fairy bedroom...a loft bed my husband made with a sheer curtained room underneath.

How special that you are using them again...don't think I'll be able to say that years from now about the toadstool bed! lol



Kelly George said...

Great idea. ;) I remember that print she has on her wall also...I think it was Home Interiors, right?

Love the quilt colors.

Jill said...

What sweet little tableclothes! That was great thinking, Donna!

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

Very clever to recycle those canopies - looks very nice on the table.

Connie said...

Oooooh, I am SOOO with you on that one! Yessssss, it looks adorable AND I need to "shop" from the attic over the garage now, sweet cottage chick! Squeeeeeeeealllll!!!!

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

What a neat idea! Repurpose & reuse! Good for you!

Jojo said...

How cute the tablecloth is and how creative a thought on your part. The table is charming.

Anonymous said...

I love that when something like that happens!! They look tres chic!!


Cottage Rose said...

Now what are the chance's of them fitting your table. And such a great idea don't you just love it when you new ways to a old item. I know I do not to mention it saves some money. And then the memories that go along with them is just so great. Have a great week.


Anonymous said...

What a treasure to find your daughter's sweet little face in her canopy bed! And great use of the canopy!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Kim's Treasures said...

You are very "green"!!! You are in!!! LOL! Great idea!
Have a great day!

Cottage said...

It pays to be a pack-rat, it really does. LOVE your idea to use the canopies! So pretty!

cargol said...

What a great idea! And when you are dining and your daughters aren't at home you will have sweet memories of them while you eat!

Anonymous said...

Well ... isn't that just right for your table.... what a sweet picture of your baby.... I remember when..

CatieAn said...

what a great idea for those old canopies........I love to remix and rematch as well such a fun thing when inspiration strikes like that huh?

Anonymous said...

ANOTHER reason I like you---not only are you also a "taker-inner- of stray fur babies", but you like to save your "stuff" for future use. ME TOO. My husb. thinks I'm a packrat/hoarder, too, but I just can't pitch something (if it still has life in it) just to pitch it, because as soon as I do, I find I could have used it or someone else could've used it! Good job on the canopy re-use!

Oh, the poor little squirrel under the table! We've had some big old hail in our neck of the woods, too. Nearly every home in our subdivision (the ones with the cedar shingles) have been replaced. The sounding of hammering has nearly been deafening at times. Our roof is composition and 3 yrs. old. We had it checked, but the roofer said it was OK.

Have a great Monday!

Cathy said...

Donna, What a sweet little tablecloth. I just love the ruffles.

xo Cathy

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Great idea. Good thing you held onto them. Another way to to define- Recycle, reuse
Have a great day!

Joanne Kennedy said...

How clever of you! I would never have thought to use them for that. See that is why I love reading blogs. You never know what great idea someone will come up with.


Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Donna!
You are so clever girl! That was a great idea!! Repurposing is such fun. It's that thinking outside the box thing. Aren't you glad you kept them now? I love the ruffle at the bottom, looks like shabby chic cottage perfection!
Hugs, Sherry

NnN said...

Great idea! I love how it looks! And I am a closet, or rather, basement, hoarder too. The other day, I was able to make a floral display with just what I had on hand...with stuff to spare...oh, I need help....

Rue said...

Hi Donna :)

That is the best idea! It looks really sweet :)

That hail storm was something else! The weather has been so cool in Ohio this summer, it's odd... hmmm....

Oh and yep, they still have two-buck cards LOL


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Sp pretty Donna! Courtney was an adorable little girl.
My daughter had a pink and white Holly Hobby canopy. It is probably in the back of a closet also :-)

Hugs, Pat


Wow...that works just the memories.

Glenda said...

That surely was a great find. I went through somethings a few days back, and discovered things I forgot about and started to use them as well. It's like my birthday but not turning older.


Angie said...

I was scrolling down in your blog looking at the pictures of your home (so pretty!) and saw all your adopted animals and the puppy mill info. to click on. It is so nice to see someone feels the way I do! My dream is for one day no animals will have to be euthanized because they have no home. I want people to be educated about what they are getting from a pet store. I heard on Oprah's special on puppy mills (everyone should see it!) that probably 99% if not 100% of all dogs at pet stores come from puppy mills. People should NEVER buy from a pet store!!! These people are only there to make money. Adopting a homeless animal from a shelter or rescue group is the only way to go! I could go on and on and preach, but I'll hush now. Thanks again for loving animals!

w00ts up said...

Great idea and resourcefulness! It looks beautiful!

Robin said...

and all the more sweeter because they bring up sweet memories! Now shame on the first person to drop hot sauce on them! Oh wait...thats my family!