Saturday, August 2, 2008

Squirrel gulch...

I’m not sure how it got dubbed “squirrel gulch,” because it’s not a gulch at all, but that’s what we now call the girls’ 20-year old swingset.

The swingset used to sit next to the treehouse, but when the shed was put in, we moved it next to the deck until we decided what to do with it.

It took a day like this (brrrrr... this photo was taken 3 years ago) to make us realize that we should leave the swingset right next to the deck…

...because these little guys, who brave even the nastiest winter weather to get their peanut treats, discovered they could come down the tree branches and scurry across the swingset to the deck, not once having to go down to the yard to work their way through the (sometimes) knee deep snow! The squirrels realized it was the perfect shortcut/bridge to the deck...

Well, the word spread, and before long birds started coming. They realized that if they sat and looked adorable, that we'd put nuts out for them as well… First the bluejays came…

They tend to be greedy/hungry birds, so they come a lot… Just look at Sammy down at the end, horrified that the blue jay got one of his nuts!

Then the shy cardinals started coming. This is a young male; the female is never far away... (And once again, you can see that the squirrels are ever present when peanuts are being handed out!)...

And now the mockingbirds have started coming (no photos of them yet)... But most of the time it’s these guys... day in & day out – rain or shine - morning, noon, & early evening – 365 days a year.

And then there are those days when it's just too hot to eat, and the swingset is the perfect place to just flop… I took this photo yesterday from inside the house...

When I ventured outside to get a photo, Sammy heard me coming, but it was so hot he didn't even try to move…
Now I know many people think of these little guys as rats with bushy tails, but we have a soft spot in our hearts for them (even if they do rip up my plants)... So the swingset (a.k.a. Squirrel Gulch) has now found its permanent home.
"Okay, Sammy, I’ll be right back with a nut for you…"


  1. Those are cute pix you took, sweetpea, especially of that one squirrel just "lounging" around! I had to chuckle.

  2. So cute! I loved seeing Sammy Squirrel and the birds. I like to watch them here in my yard, and I have watched the birds gang up and swoop on a squirrel before because he must have got too close to a nest. They didn't leave him alone until they chased him to the riverbank!

    Yesterday I finally found the squirrels' nest in a tree along my property line!

  3. hi donna these are great pics- I'm not fond of squirrels much but I do see the are cute and its nice to have animals of anytype in a garden isn't it?

  4. Hi Donna!
    I'm trying to catch up on visiting and have missed so much on your wonderful blog! The squirrel post is so cute! I love that tin cherry jar you found, perfect shabby chic look!
    It will look great anywhere!!
    Have a great weekend!
    Hugs, Sherry

  5. OMGoodness, those pics are so cute. I'd probably do the same thing if I had such a cute squirrel hanging out...set out nuts and take pics...LOL! The cardinal is so beautiful. I don't have those where I live.

  6. I love your yard and all the nature that comes to visit you. You have such pretty birds. We don't get them here in CA. Mostly just brown and black birds. I wish we got the blue birds. They are so pretty.

    I'm with you and love squirrels. But then again, I like rats too. I used to have some as pets.

    You sure do get a lot of snow there. Another thing we don't get here where I live.

    I want to come to your house and feed the squirrels.


  7. How sweet! You raised your kids with that swing and now you're raising a furry generation on it. It must be fun watching the squirrels doing their cute antics on it!

  8. I just love coming here an seeing your cute little critters..
    those squirrel especially(:)
    You have a great Sunday Donna..
    hugs Patty

  9. Hi Donna
    Thank you for sharing your stories and photos, I love to read them and they often bring a smile to me. I know they bring a great deal of enjoyment to the readers. Please keep them coming
    Heather G
    Sydney Australia

  10. Such a cute post! Looks a bit like our house. The squirrels really make themselves at home on our deck.

  11. Hi Donna,
    These are such sweet pictures. I love to see little squirrels running around my neighborhood & up and down the trees.

  12. How cool is that!?! I love your photos and story! Especially love the squirrel all flopped out! Too cute!
    Hope you're having a great day!

  13. Oh my. Another critter story had me LOL and my son and I enjoyed their antics. Especially when it looked like Sammy was sunbathing.

  14. AWWWH! What a cute post! Love the Squirrel Gulch! In the desert we have prairie dogs... not squirrels.

    Loved the story too!
