Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ironing Board / Chair / Step Stool Sources

I had no idea how unique this item was, but based on some of the comments in my last post, I guess it is! I purchased it off the nicest man on eBay about six years ago... Mine came with the matching chair pad and ironing board padded cover, so I didn't make them myself as someone had asked...

What I didn't realize until today is how much of a steal I got! I understand that I got mine six years ago and things have gone up in price, but I paid a fraction of what some of the ones I found are going for!

Here's a photo of it in the 'step stool' position, which I hadn't showed yesterday...

Anyhow, if any of you are interested in purchasing your own 3-in-1 combination unit, I found a few on-line for you (as you'll see, there's a wide range of prices out there!!)...

Here's one just like mine - but painted in the prettiest shade of PINK! It's not cheap, but it sure is pretty:
PINK Ironing Board / Chair /Step Stool

And here's a solid wood one from
Wood Ironing Board / Chair / Step Stool

If anyone is living in the Queens area, here's one that's very reasonably priced (more along the lines of what I paid)... Unfortunately they don't show a photo, and it doesn't sound like it comes with the chair pad or IB cover, but it may be worth a look (it does come with a free waffle maker... I guess all that ironing makes a gal hungry!):
Bachelor Chair Step Stool Ironing Board
It sounds like these are brand new, Made in America ones from Dutch Crafters:
New Ironing Board / Chair / Step Stool
Now I just learned from this listing that these date back to Jefferson's days... You can get one with "personality" from Grandpa and Nana at this site:
Cut Out Ironing Board / Chair / Step Stool
and you can even order the chair pad/ironing board top in your choice of fabrics:
Chair Pads / IB Covers

So as you can see, there's a wide variety of styles and prices out there, but these beauties can be found, whether you're looking for vintage or new...

Happy shopping! Ironing! Sitting! and Reaching!



  1. Hi Donna!

    wow that is so unusual, I adore it!! what a great way to combine function and I bet it makes for a great conversation piece too! adorable!!

    Just wanted to let you know im having my first.... GIVE-AWAY!..... so stop by if you get a sec!

    Hope your having a nice weekend! ~ Cynthia ~

  2. Hi Donna!
    They are so clever! It's one of the smartest designs, one of those things that you can't understand WHY they aren't made anymore. Like the old tables that stored the leaf under the table! (we had one for years til we gave it to our son) I'm so glad you found one for a good price!!
    Hugs, Sherry

  3. I had not looked on line for these. I shall do that. I had coveted one of those from the Amish shop for a good long time. Now I think I'll just forget ironing. Unless I want one again. Yours looks perfect.

  4. I have a ironing board/chair/step stool. It was given to me as a gift
    from friends of my inlaws.

    It was in this big cardboard box,
    we had no idea what could be in it.

    When we opened it, we didn't know what to think, it was a wedding gift. But we still have it. I use it often for a step stool. I haven't used it as an ironing board.
    When I saw your post, I got excited
    that you had one too! I didn't know
    they were popular.

    Have a great weekend,

  5. WOW!!! I bought mine from a Garage Sale, for $2.00!!....perfect condition. It is stained wood, and VERY heavy! I thought it was a very unique item, and couldn't pass it up! I really love it!!! Anybody know how old they are?

  6. I got my Jefferson Chair at a yard sale for $20. I'm now looking to find a replacement cover that won't break the bank. Any ideas?
