Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lights... Camera... Action!

Back in September when our youngest daughter headed off to school in Boston, I shared some of the beautiful homes in that area with you....

This one in particular, with its lush gardens, is just gorgeous... And you might be seeing it in a film next year!

It's near my daughter's dorm, and it's where they just finished filming some scenes for Mel Gibson's upcoming movie, Edge of Darkness. (The word among the students is that he was very nice - always a wave and a smile... Poor daughter never got to see him as she was always in class or at her job when he was around)...

When we went into Boston to have dinner with our daughter a couple of weeks ago, the whole area was ablaze with lights as they were filming some night scenes for the movie. Having never seen a movie in production before, it was quite exciting to watch!

The girls posed for this picture back in early October when we all got together for lunch in Boston. That's the John Hancock Tower in the background.

But this is what it looked like during our evening in Boston - the exact spot where they were standing. Off to the left of the photo is the movie canteen truck... Too bad we didn't wait around for a while.. Maybe Mel would have come out for a donut during a break in filming!! The movie will be released next year.. it will be fun to see all the familiar streets and houses up on the big screen!


  1. I think I told you before how much I loved Boston when my husband and I visited a few years ago. We walked the Freedom Trail (is that the right name?) and it was just an amazing feeling to be right in old Boston, seeing the places of such historic value---P. Revere's house, the old North Church, the old cemetaries, etc.. It was a great experience. However, being able to get a glimpse of Mel making a movie--woo-hoo--reallllly neat!
    I LOVE those blue glasses you shared on yesterday's post! Great possession!
    Have a good day. Dana

  2. Hey Donna,
    What fun getting to be behind the scenes. Boston is just magical and your photo's show it off beautifully.
    Lisa & Alfie

  3. I'm sure your daughter wouldn't have been as star-struck as mother's age group would be anyhow! I don't even know who the "Mel Gibson" of today is!

  4. How exciting for your daughter and her friends. I love Boston, I think the students give it a special life. I lived in the Back Bay for several years. You're pictures captured it beautifully.

    Mel should have stuck around, he doesn't know what he missed!

  5. Hey Donna; Wow what a exciting thing to watch. I would have camped out all the time just to watch the making of a Movie oh and to see Mel. I can't wait to see the movie I have never been to Boston before, but some day I will, looks so great. Thanks for sharing.


  6. My hubby was born in Boston and when we got married he took me their to visit family. It is a very beautiful place.

  7. I totally would have wanted to watch! that mansion looks very intriguing...
    Maybe they home tours...

    Thanks for sharing!


  8. What fun to be so close to a movie in the making. They should have let you be "extras" in the movie. Surely they needed some people walking down the street while they were filming. laurie

  9. This is so fun! Imagine having Mel Gibson in your neighborhood! Your daughter lives in a most gorgeous area!

