Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Look through any window...

... what do you see?

I see beautiful autumn colored leaves....

New England puts on a spectacular show during the fall season...

The air is so crisp and cool...

I feel I have no right to complain about the fact that it's too cold to eat suppers on the deck anymore when I'm surrounded by such beauty...

Fallen leaves cover every square inch of our yard right now... A not so subtle reminder of all the raking that needs to be done before Old Man Winter arrives...

And the leaves are getting sparser with every passing day... I'm afraid one good rain or windstorm is going to empty all branches of any remaining color... Once winter arrives, I think I would like to hibernate until the warm spring sun beckons to me! (Can anyone tell that I am not a big fan of winter??)...


  1. Oh how I wish we had the beauty your state does.

    I love cold raining days. I would love to live in the snow. But sadly here lack the change in weather.

    We are excited to get a little rain here in the winter. One day it was will rain and then by the end of the week the sun is back and you don't feel any different then you did in the summer.

    I really should move. LOL


  2. Hi Donna -
    I'm on the opposite side of our country from you and we have the most gorgeous fall colors, too. They are lying all over my sidewalk and lawn and we have a lot of raking to do. I love the beauty of this season. A treat before winter arrives.

  3. How beautiful; you have such lovely views!! Autumn is my favorite season, but I DO love winter too, I admit!! After all, it contains CHRISTMAS!! :)

  4. You can't buy art like that! What a treasure. Isn't it amazing the colors those leaves take on in fall?

  5. You've been given the Marie Antoinette Award, stop by my blog to pick it up when you have time!

  6. The trees look so beautiful through your windows! What a lovely view to have in the fall.

  7. Hi there...thanks for stopping by my blog today. I love your fall photos. It is just starting to turn here in Texas. I love love this time of year. I am enjoying reading your blog. I will be back often to see more of your makeovers!


  8. We don't have colors like that here (CA. Coast). My husband is from New England and he tells me about trees like yours. Beautiful.

  9. Makes me want a weekend in New England.

  10. You have such gorgeous views from your windows! I too have been enjoying fall, and the fact that the leaves are getting fewer. I'm tired of raking! Your home is beautiful and cozy-looking. Is that a Xmas cactus in the flower pot?

  11. Beautiful pictures of your windows looking outside. So peaceful!
