Saturday, January 3, 2009

'9 A.M. in New York City' Framed Print

Actual title: Neuf Heures du Matin New York by Jean-Jacques Sempe
(Translation: 9 A.M. in New York City)

Back in October I spotted this large 24"x31" framed print in a hospital auxiliary thrift shop... It was full of my favorite peachy-pinks (not to mention some beautiful cottage blues), but the clincher was the little black kitty perched on the chair (I happen to be very fond of little black kitties!!). So for $10, this framed poster print (that screams 1980's to me, although I'm not exactly sure when the original was painted) came home with me.

(click to enlarge photos)
I found the perfect spot for it... a bare wall in the far corner of the family room...

A perfect fit!!! And strategically placed right above the treadmill...

... so I can pretend I live in exciting New York City (rather than the suburbs) when I'm on the treadmill (New Year's resolution - use treadmill more for exercise and less for drying clothes!!)...

Now be sure to visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound to see her Pink Saturday post and to find a listing of all the other pink loving bloggers who are participating this week!!!



Unknown said...

That's always to fun to find a piece of art work that just "speaks to you", isn't it! I think it would be quite glamourous to live in NYC for a while, soak up the culture, people, etc. Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

What a cute print. I happen to be fond of little black kitties, too...and little grey striped ones, too!

Kathleen said...

Donna, I love the print. I really love the cat, And it's so spring/summer like. Better than the weather you and I are having here in the Northeast. Happy Pink Saturday! Kathleen

Anonymous said...

You did find the perfect spot for it. And, using that treadmill would be a great idea for me, too.

Happy Pink Saturday, Donna.

Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

Love New York!

~ Gabriela ~

A New England Life said...

What a wonderful print Donna! And for only $10? You can't go wrong. It's beautiful. As you know I too have a fondness for black cats.

Ah yes, the treadmill, how it calls my name too. Hopefully I will do it proud this winter ... but I doubt it ; )


Diana S said...

I love that poster! we are slowly adopting a stray black kitty so I too love black kitties. it looks like it was made for that wall. perfect.

Deb said...

Your print was a great thrift shop find! I love the black cat :-)

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Your new print is so pretty, and your family room is wonderful. Let me know if you use your treadmill more with the print hanging above it. If it works, I may have to go find one of these prints! laurie

Stacey said...

It's beautiful and perfect for the spot. Love the kitty!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous room you have there. It looks like something from the UK. You have a lovely decorating style, and I adore any painting or print with a kitty in it. Happy New Year blessings to you. ~cindy s.~

SmilingSally said...

Your artwork looks like it was made for that spot. Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Day.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your New Years Resolution! It sounds like one I'd make. I was just telling my hubby that MY New Years Resolution is to take the dog for a walk everyday...even in 17 degree weather. They may not be very long walks on those days though.
Happy Pink Saturday!

Betty said...

Happy Pink Saturday!! I love that poster too and it fits perfectly in your room.

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

My first pink Saturday... Happy Pink Saturday!

I think you found the purr-fect place for the piece of art!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

HI Donna!

I'm back from Colorado and visiting my new baby grandson.

I LOVE this print! I have a thing for black cats too --and that is such a great scene.
I use to have a drying rack treadmill too -- lol!

HAPPY 2009 to you and your family! I have enjoyed getting to know you through your lovely blog this year.

Hugs, Pat

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

That is a cute print and the Kitty is so "you". I know you love your kitties :0)
Enjoy your day!

imjacobsmom said...

you're right - that is a great spot - happy pink Saturday! ~ Robyn

Anonymous said...

I have to agree..the little black kitty is just too cute. And he looks so at home where you chose to put him..:). Happy Pink Saturday and have a great week.

Suzie Button said...

Very pretty! Happy Pink Saturday Suzie

Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

Oh how Sweet Donna! Its perfect there!

Hope you are feeling better! thanks for stopping by and your sweet words too! It does feel good to get all the needles and dust back where it belongs, lol, the attic!!

Happy 2009!

Hugs, Cynthia

Anonymous said...

Lovely print! Something beautiful for motivation!

Rhondi said...

Hi Donna
I can see why you like that picture The room you put it in is so lovely. It has that wonderful English country home feeling, so comfortable.
Hugs, Rhondi

Unknown said...

Oh, I love that print, it really does look wonderful in that spot. Have a lovely Pink Saturday. Karen


Donna, how nice to have a lovely "view" from your treadmill - and an homage to your kitty at the same time!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely print! And you picked the perfect spot to hang it!
