Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bird Cage Love #3... Chippy Cottage Green!

Continuing with my bird cage collection....

(click any photos to enlarge)

Last week you met Pete, who lives in this little footed cage on our kitchen counter.

And yesterday I showed you this white wire bird cage that is currently housing my philodendron plant...

Today I'd like to share a favorite old bird cage that makes its home next to one of the family room windows (all the better for the birds to see out!)...

I purchased this vintage bird cage from eBay years ago. I absolutely flipped for the chippy, cottage green color. It was also the perfect size for this old black bird cage stand...

I love the domed top, the deep base, and the scrollwork on the front.

And this is sweet Pete, a beautiful blue-green celluloid parakeet who spends his days swinging back and forth...

... while his friend, Miss Canary, spends her days eating! They are the best of friends and share the cage together... (just look at those perfectly chippy cottage green bars!!!!)

The scrollwork on the cage shows up better in these night-time photos...

I don't know if I'll ever get another live bird. I haven't had one since I was a teenager. But if I were to get one, I think I'd have to purchase a larger cage than what we used in the 50's... Looking at some of my old photographs, the cages seem so small. With all my talking about wanting a parakeet lately, the girls suggested we transform the windowseat area of our family room into a big cage and get a couple of parakeets! Wouldn't Spotty and Tiger love that!
Did you know that you can adopt birds from I think that's so great because if what I've read is true regarding most pet store birds (bird smuggling and bird breeding - think puppy mills, but for birds), I'm afraid it's not a very pleasant existence for these beautiful little creatures. I've added a link to Petfinder on my sidebar (just click on the parakeet photo), where every possible species of birds can be adopted. As a matter of fact, through the Petfinder website, you can rescue/adopt a wide variety of animals, from cats and dogs to birds, lizards, and farm animals... It's definitely a website worth checking out if you are looking for a non-human companion!!!

And I couldn't end this post without sharing another old famly photo of Pete... (Note: All our parakeets were named Pete)... Here, my sister and Pete are enjoying a warm summer day out in the yard. (I wonder if my sister was trying to capture a playmate for Pete??)

More cages to come in future posts...


  1. OMG I am sitting here laughing because I thought those were two real birds in your cage.

    The cage is darling but I just adore that stand! Hmm, I'm finding all kinds of things to come out there and take back here to CA with me. LOL

    Can't wait to see the other cages you are going to show us.


  2. I thought the two birds were real too! What a cute idea! I really don't like to see birds in cages but yours are so sweet! I might even have to copy your idea! IF I can find a really cool cage like yours...

  3. How cute that your sister took Pete outside! I think all your Petes must have been very loved :)

    Mel xxx

  4. Hi Donna, what a great piece. Love this birdcage! I have had parakeets for pets....and I love them, but they are some messy. You would have empty seed hulls all over your room. My birds were always quiet, unless I was talking on the phone, and then you couldn't shut them up (LOL) I still miss them though....hugs, Kathleen

  5. The bird cages are beautiful. Your birds are beautiful, too. The hardest thing I found when I had birds was trying to keep the cages clean! I'll be back to see the rest. I was at CTS yesterday, bought Easter stuff! Love that place!

  6. That is the perfect vintage bird cage! I like the birds you have now, very low maintenance!

  7. You got me as well. I thought they were real until I read all of your post.

    Love the sweet birdcages.

    Have a Happy Day,


  8. Hi
    I just found your cute site.
    Have you ever used ice cubes to water your hard-to-get-at plants? That's what I do. Keeps me from pouring water on my head, too! ;)
    Suz in the Tules

  9. Hi Donna!

    My son had a parakeet named Pete as a child! It was his very first pet and he was so heartbroken when it died.

    Your celluloid birds look so real I did a double take!

    Did you now there are many flocks of wild parakeets that live and nest together in Brooklyn, NY? The story goes that they escaped from a shipment from South America at Kennedy Airport. Their numbers are increasing all the time.

  10. Omgosh!!! LOL! I thought those birds were real and I was going to comment on how pretty they were. ahahahahahaaaa!
    I really like the cage, but the stand really "got" me.
    Have a great day!

  11. That cage is beautiful Donna! and so are the birdies :) I love that picture of your living room too! it's so cozy and inviting!! and that old picture is so sweet!

    Have a wonderful day! Hugs, Cynthia

  12. Oooh I too love your chippy green cage. I love the olde vintage cages. Even though I don't own a bird. I just love the shape and purpose of the cages. To contain an loved one but with a view. What a high rise your baby has. Very pretty. I like it.

  13. What a great birdcage. The color green is great for little birdies to live in. I would love to get a bird but every time I have had one when I was younger they were great at throwing bird seed everywhere. And I have children to do that for me right now. Maybe when I am cleaning less.

  14. I love your collection of bird cages Donna. My little budgie Jax would love each one too :-) The black and white photo of your sister with Pete is adorable!!

  15. Very cool. I like the green. I use to have a pet Dove named Jonah. He was cute.

  16. Love the chippy green cage! I am always forever completely taken in by pretty vintage birdcages! Really enjoyed your story and nostalgic photo from a few years ago. And thanks for reminding everyone about! So many pets need good homes!

  17. Pretty birds. Does your cat bother them at all? We got our dog off

  18. LOVE that bird cage stand! I have a few that I use to hold chandeliers....they are just so cottage looking! I just love the old pictures!

  19. Donna,
    I love your bird cages! Those birds look awfully real!!!

  20. Funny how all your parakeets were named Pete. ALL mine were named Kipper! Funny how we used the same name over and over!
    I just discovered your blog and love it. I have a thing for birds and cages too. Love all your cages
