Friday, March 13, 2009

Can you stand another bird cage??

I know I'm really milking these bird cage posts, but to be perfectly honest, I don't lead a very exciting life; therefore, I'm often at a loss as to what to blog about! (If you follow the widget links below each post, you can see all my previous bird cage posts!!)

(click any photos to enlarge)

So I'm going to take advantage of my bird cage collection and string it along a bit more...

I found this beautiful vintage cage and stand while visiting western Massachusetts last year... Here's a picture of it in the shop, right before I carted it out to the van!

And here's the plastic Pete who lives in this chippy white birdcage, which now stands in a corner of our living room.

The very nice thing about plastic Pete's (as has been mentioned in previous comments) is that they aren't the least bit messy! Can you imagine what this scrapbook paper (that I lined the bottom of the cage with) would look like if that was a real parakeet up on that perch?

The base is also old and chippy... perfect for a shabby cottage look...

I sometimes decorate this cage for the holidays. This is what it looked like during October with a little white bird nesting on a big pink floral pumpkin!

And at Christmastime, it became a vintage barn for the glittery sugarplum reindeer that I painted...

And here's yet another blast from the past... My little sister and I posing with Nana's Pete (again, with his cage door open)... This is a rare photo from our old albums. Purchasing color film and having it developed was much more expensive back in the 50's, so this is one of just a handful of color photos that I have from that era, the majority being black & white...

Check back tomorrow for my one year anniversary giveaway post!


Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

i LOVE your bird cage posts!!! Such cute bird cages and such wonderful stories. My Grandma Katy had birds that talked and I remember sitting next to their cages for hours saying, "Pretty bird...pretty bird." They'd say it back..

LOVE your home!! It is so sweet.


Anonymous said...

Oh now look at that. You inspire me to get a bird cage to decorate.. I never thought to use one in that way. How creative. Do you ever do them uup with fairy lights or anything or a candle inside? They are stunning. I'm glad there are others who are intrigued by cages.

Joanne Kennedy said...

I love seeing all your bird cages. They are all so different. I don't know which one I like the most.

I just bought flowers today to plant in the one I found with the stand. But after seeing your cute little Pete in there with the pretty paper on the bottom I may want to do that rather then let the cage stay outside and rust with flowers. Oh what to do! What to do!


Änglahem said...

Don´t mind your birdcagespost a bit, LOVE your collection of cages!
And the little Pete....want one of these little fellows myself...messfree sounds wonderful!

Hugs, Ulrika

Anonymous said...

I love the bird cages and your blogs about them have inspired me. I've got one in my attic somewhere, I'll have to get hubby to dig it out so I can get painting it ready to use. Pam xx

Anonymous said...

Love that you do the birdcages for the seasons... especially with the pink pumpkin.. an original idea!

The Blue Ridge Gal

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

I can never get enough bird cage "love"! Great photos! Keep 'em coming!

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Ok Donna, I think you'd better go visit Glenda @ Many Fond Memories and Joanne @ My Little Cottage In The Making! All of you are birdcageaholics! Well truth be told I could probably fit into that category too.

Loved your post and the photos of your Nana ahd her birdcage are precious in your previous post! My Grandma Meme had the same type birdcage in her kitchen and her favorite bird was Peter. She taught him tricks. Unfortunately I've never found a photo of them together. I have a plastic Pete in my birdcage too.

And I don't think there's anything boring about your life!!

Big Hugs, Sherry

Kathi said...

Oh, this cage is so pretty! I love how you decorate it for the holidays too! I'm on the hunt for one just like it! I want to find one to put on top of my china cabinet too. Wish me luck!

Anonymous said...

I love your cages Donna. You have to smile when you see a pretty cage. You just HAVE to.
I have a little 9 yr. old keet named Tilly. She'd have a ball flying around to all your cages. Especially the one with the pillow!

Nola said...

I love the way you used the cage for reindeer! I am always looking for ways to decorate where things are up, away from little paws. Maybe I should invest in a few bird cages!

Tracy said...

I love your bird cages, they are gorgeous. I want to get one, especially after seeing all of yours. The scrapbook paper in the bottom is so cute!

Kris said...

Keep right on milking the birdcage post. I've enjoyed each and every one. I've never owned a bird or a birdcage, but after viewing all of your post I think I'm now in the market for a cage and a plastic pete. (I would opt for a real bird, but I'm very aware of the fact that my life is too busy for a pet bird and I wouldn't want to see one caged up all the time).

Have a happy day


Connie said...

Yes, I can!! I love bird cages and really like what you did with those shutters also!

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Of course I can stand another birdcage post. I think they're great and I love the stories behind the pictures :0)
Enjoy your day!

Anne Marie said...

there IS something special about birds- they are symbolic in so many ways...and mentioned in the Bible often - and the actual structure of birdcages will, to me, never go out of style.....
cute picts. too!!

Stephanie said...

Love the birdcages....makes me want one!!

Claudia said...

Goodness, I love your bird cages! So charming and homey ~ you can keep them coming, as far as I'm concerned!

Kathleen said...

Hi Donna...I love all your birdcages...maybe the chippy green one a little more than the others. I have so enjoyed all your posts. Your home is as lovely as you are. Hugs, Kathleen .. PS I'm doing a series of blogs on nuns.

A New England Life said...

Hi Donna : )

No, I'm not tired of seeing bird cages. Did you see the ones they had at The Christmas Tree Shops? I really want one but I have no idea what I would do with it!

Priceless picture with your sister and Nana's bird and cage. What a special memory to hold onto.


June said...

I absolutely love the cages in your posts. I love birdcages as well. I think the make great art in a cottage. I love the bird on the pink pillow.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea. I have 4 birds, Parakeets & cockatiels. I change cages often so I have 6 extras stored out in the barn gathering dust. Not anymore. I am going out there & one at a time I am going to put them to use.
Thank you so much for the ideas.