Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April showers....

(click any photos to enlarge)

(Spring 1994: Our little Courtney caught the eye of a local newspaper photographer one rainy day while we were out & about... She looked so darned cute in her little rain slicker, holding her Mickey Mouse umbrella!)

... bring May flowers...

I've been looking through last year's garden photos...

...and realizing that May flowers...

...truly are just around the corner....

The promise of flowers seemed inconceivable during the long, cold, snowy New England winter we just went through...

But Patience is, indeed, a virtue...

...and good things do come to those who wait.... (May flowers... a mere month away! Be still my heart!)

I'll announce the giveaway winner tomorrow!!!



  1. I took a walk in my backyard today and was thinking the same thing. Soon everything will be back in full bloom.

    Looks like my rose bush is going to be full of pretty pink roses soon. I can't wait.

    Oh I still have so much to buy and get planted before my time runs out. Time just flies by any more.

    I just adore that little gate of yours.


  2. Hooray for May! Lovely flower photos! What a darling photo of that Courtney!

  3. Sweet sweet photo under the Mickey Mouse umbrella. Happy April.. the month of showers, in fact we have rain this morning and I hear it on my roof right now.

    The Blue Ridge Gal
    (goes to get her umbrella)

  4. 'Morning Donna,
    What a sweet little girl your Courtney is! Your post today is so delightful and a feast for the eyes. We too, have waited through a long, cold winter here in Atlantic Canada for the first signs of Spring! Thank you for sharing today and enjoy a wonderful week.


  5. Beautiful flowers - and the arch is gorgeous, too! I can't wait until my garden is overflowing with blooms again!

  6. That was a perfect picture of Courtney! Your flower pictures are gorgeous! I am also waiting, but here in the south we are having warmer days so things are starting to pop out left and right! I'm looking forward to going to my local garden spot for those special flowers!

  7. The flowers are so pretty, and your Courtney was such a cutie! No wonder the newspaper photographer took her picture. laurie

  8. I am truly struggling with patience this year. I want spring to come and stay for awhile. Not quickly into summer either... stay longer this year. I want to smell spring and feel it, see all the plants come to life.

  9. I love the picture of Courtney and the flowers are so beautiful. I have a bunch of crocuses blooming their little heads off. And one daffodil! So far......

  10. Hey Donna; I so love your garden photos, you sure had some beautiful areas. I have been out looking in my yard, and seeing some tulips and irises starting to pop up, so I am getting the planting fever, so hurry up May...


  11. I'm feeling a little dreamy too! Thanks for sharing the past, and your hope for the future:)

  12. Such pretty flowers : )

    Isn't it wonderful to finally see a little green grass? If we could just get a few more sunny days I know it would make a big difference, but warmer weather is on the horizon. No more snow!

    Beautiful picture of your daughter! You must have been so excited when they said they wanted to take her picture! Those memories are such keepers. My older daughter had her picture on the front page of the local paper with Jeff Corwin. It was so cool!

  13. Love all your garden photos from last year. No wonder you're excited about what's coming up this year! Beautiful!
    Patricia :o)
