Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Staying on track...and a fun little day trip

(click any photos to enlarge)

Don't you just love this "heavenly" blue brick building in beautiful Portsmouth, NH, with its crisp white shutters? This photo was taken back in January when it was still c-o-l-d and snowy...

(Amanda & Court in Portsmouth)
But this photo was taken Sunday (thankfully the snow is long gone!)... Since Court had to come home from college late last week for another orthopedic appointment for her broken fingers, the family decided to take advantage of the nice weather on Sunday and pop up to Portsmouth as we had some errands to run in that neck of the woods.

We ate breakfast at The Friendly Toast and since I'm trying to stay on track with making healthier food choices (check out Joanne's [My Little Cottage in the Making] "A Better Me" diet and exercise blog posts every Wednesday!), I got an egg white omelette with spinach and mushrooms, TFT's signature homemade bread/toast, and sliced tomatoes as a substitute for the home fries. It was all delicious!

The entire restaurant is decorated with vintage items; many (probably most) from the fifties, so you know I was in 7th heaven! That gigantic white reindeer hanging from the ceiling is identical to the little ones I put out at Christmastime...

And this wall was covered with vintage/fifties era paintings and prints...

I was especially drawn to this original nun painting (having been heavily influenced by nuns during my childhood!)

Each table sported a little lamp; ours featured horses. This lamp looked just like something my Nana or Mom would have had in their homes back in the fifties.

Here's Court, totally focused on changing her camera setting in order to take artsy b&w/one accent color photos...

She chose red as the accent color and this is the end result, Amanda and I with red highlights... A pretty neat effect!
Tomorrow I'm going to have a quick one-day guessing game contest with a little prize for the winner!


  1. Oh I can't wait for the contest! Love your pics!
    Hugs, Lisa

  2. Oh I love Portsmouth. When I lived in Maine I've made the trip many times. It is a historically fascinating. So much beauty and the olde town feel you get is amazing. The people are just as warm and friendly. Could visit all day and still not see the city in whole.

  3. Aww, it looks like you two had a wonderful day together. How fun.

    What a good girl you are being on your diet. I wish I was. It's so much easier to tell others what to do then to do it myself!

    Guess what, I ordered the bird napkin rings you showed us. The first ones! Can't wait to get them.


  4. That place looks completely full of character! Love the pic your daughter took.

    Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow!

    Mel xxx

  5. Isn't Portsmouth a great seaside community. I love the shops and places to eat there. So many choices. If you ever get the opportunity eat at "Bella Luna".. it's a very small and intimate place..the best Tiramisu I've ever eaten!!

  6. Hi Donna!

    What a great place to visit! Your breakfast sounded wonderful and good for you. Good girl!

    I think my mother had that lamp with the horses... scary! Only her's might have been unicorns... even scarier! What was she thinking?

    Have a blessed week!
    Hugs, Sherry

  7. I love your photos of Portsmouth! So charming...I can't remember if I've ever been there, but I think I have.o Oh boy, the memory is going! How nice to have a little adventure! And I am proud of you - great food choices. Don and I are cutting sugar out of our diet (that is hard for me!) and trying to make healthier food choices.

  8. Looks like you had a great time. I laughed like crazy at the "vintage 1950's" part; guess I'm now "vintage", although I never thought of it before now! haha

  9. Good for you on making a day of it in Portsmouth with the girls! As soon as I saw the first picture I said,"I know where that is!"

    My older daughter loves the Friendly Toast. Every time she goes to Portsmouth with her friends they have to eat there. Glad you enjoyed yourself, lovely lady : )
