Saturday, April 25, 2009

Window shopping...

Okay, so in my last post I told you about the $1.00 I spent at the hospital auxilliary shop for the hobnail planters and the floral earrings...

But just a few doors down is Viviana's Vintage Shop....

...and her window displays are always so beautiful that Amanda and I had to go in and look around.....

(So much for just window shopping)....

I loved this table full of vintage toys (and they all work, too!)....

This was a sweet stitchery of Cape May Lighthouse...

I loved these doors, even if they did have broken glass....

Can you guess what this design appears on?

This sweet old toy piano. I just loved the birds singing and all the flowers.. Wouldn't some potted plants look adorable on top of that piano... a little raised plant stand?

And just look at all these sweet Mary statues and/or planters! (I wonder what Amanda is checking out in the section behind me?)
I have to tell you, I was very tempted to get the Mary dressed all in white... V-e-r-y tempted...

This little garden burro reminds me so much of a small, indoor burro planter my Nana had in the 1950's. I'm just so drawn to things that reminds me of that era and/or of my Nana.

So even though I didn't purchase anything at Vivianna's today, it's always so much fun to go in and browse around...

Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Love all the wonderful things you've shown! That piano is adorable - so, so cute! I know what you mean about being drawn to that era - isn't it funny how we keep picking out things from a time that reminds us of someone special? Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Aw, great photos! I love that little burro too it is so cute!

    All the best,

  3. What a lovely shop! I can't believe you left empty handed. Good for that money for when I come as we will be shopping I'm sure. Are there any thrift stores in Boston? LOL


  4. I love that shop! Thanks for all the great pictures!
    You should have bought the piano. lol

  5. Donna, love this store,, we don't have enough antique stores out my way and most only open in the summer along the coast. You can bet that I'll be combing them in about one months time. I love the door too..anything glass and framed!

  6. Such great items. It would be difficult to leave without buying. Love the columns.

  7. I don't know if that picture in front of the shop is you or your friend Amanda, but I had to take a second look at it because the woman in the photo looks just like my daughter's friend Claudia, and my daughter's name is Amanda. Then I looked and saw that your name is Donna and you live on the other side of the country. Isn't that funny? That shop looks like one I would want to visit, for sure.

  8. Oh What fun! The table of toys is amazing!! Thanks for sharing!
    Hugs, Lisa

  9. What a great lot of fantastic finds in that shop! Hard to just window shop but what fun you must have had! I love the old toys and the piano is totally awesome!

  10. Even if I don't buy a thing, I usually come home inspired to decorate just by looking at displays. So many creative people out there!

  11. Oh my gosh I LOVE LOVE LOVE the burro. He is so cute. I love window shopping if for no other reason than inspiration for my next... fill in the word... It's so inspriring to see how others use what they have. Sounds like you had fun.

  12. Thanks fotaking me shopping with you! It was fun! :)

  13. Looks like you two had a great time - what a selection she has!


  14. Love it when another blogger takes us window shopping, enjoyed all the little treasures you are sharing with us.

  15. Hi!!!
    I just found your beautiful blog while doing a search for Viv's Vintage! Such a cute shop, I will definitely have to visit!!!!
