Monday, May 4, 2009

3rd Annual Cottage Charm Giveaway...

It's that time of year again!!!

(click any photos to enlarge)

The lovely Kim of The Twice Remembered Cottage (One Woman's Cottage Life) is hosting the 3rd Annual Cottage Charm Giveaway!!! (Thank you, Kim!)

This year I'm opening up my giveaway to both U.S. and International entries....

...and I thought it would be fun to offer a kitchen themed giveaway....

... so I headed to one of my favorite places (all giveaway items are from The Christmas Tree Shop) and put together the following items.... a pair of green toile oven mitts, a set of heart-shaped measuring spoons, and an appliqued 'hydrangea' dishtowel...

... all tucked into this little quilted tote.

You'll also get one of the aprons you saw hanging in the first photos....

Here you can see the style of all 3 aprons (my Amanda is modeling the light blue floral one).

But you get to choose whether you want:

The green toile apron....

The light blue floral apron...

Or the dark blue floral apron.

To enter, just leave a comment on this post and I'll draw the winner on May 30th... Good luck to everyone who enters!!!!

Now, be sure to click the logo below to go to Kim's lovely blog where you'll find a list of everyone participating in this year's Cottage Charm Giveaway (and if it's anything like last year's giveaway, you'll be blown away by all the incredible goodies being offered!!!) And while you're there, be sure to check out all the incredibily realistic sweets and treats that Kim creates!

Good luck, everyone!!! And thank you again, Kim!



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suzeeez said...

Good Morning....I would love to be included in your very pretty give away!! Have a great day.
:o) Sue

Tracey said...

Hi Donna, great giveaway. Love the aprons and the measuring cups. The whole idea is great. Enter me in the giveaway and I'll be back to see how things are going. Have a great day!!

Caroline said...

What a nice cottage giveaway...the light blue apron would like nice hanging in my kitchen!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous giveaway.... I'll have either of the blue aprons pretty please with sugar on it.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Michelle, All Home and Love said...

What fun! I would love to be entered.

Anonymous said...

How fun! And what pretty goodies :)

Thank you for the chance to enter.


Shirley said...

What an awesome giveaway. I just love the green toile.

Miss Jean said...

thanks for the great giveaway. btw, love your fur babies, too.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh your giveaway is very generous...and cute!! I'd love to enter. Keeping my fingers crossed for the green toile. Thanks for letting me know :)


Nancy said...

What a generous and gorgeous giveaway! I love the green toile, so my home!

tammy said...

Wow what beautiful items.
I love the aprons. Please enter me to win your wonderful prize.


Kim @ Twice Remembered said...

What a wonderful giveaway - how generous! Thanks for join this year :) Since you are a Cottage Charm Giveaway hostess, feel free to enter the drawing for the hostess gift here!

Thanks again!

stefanie said...

oh my, what a generous giveaway, just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

This is surely a sweet giveaway. Those aprons of yours are very well done. Love your colors!!

janice said...

Very pretty, thanks for the chance!!

Carrie Garvin said...

Good morning--- What a wonderful giveaway- ALL of the aprons are just adorable!

Love to me entered in this terrific giveaway!

Leigh Ann said...

What a wonderful givaway. Thankyou!

Cheryl Lovich said...

delightful giveaway! gorgeous aprons! would love to be your international winner :)

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Great give away prize for sure!

Becky said...

What a sweet giveaway. Love it.

Brandy said...

Count me in! Love your aprons!

Trisha said...

Your blog is lovely! I would love to have the green toile apron! Heavenly!
Thanks for the opportunity.
a vintage white

Jan said... it all!!! Please include me and thanks you so much!

~Jan :)

Rue said...

Hi Donna :)

Good thing I decided to check in on you or I would have missed the chance to win! I would love any one of the aprons offered :)

Take care sweetie....

Nova said...

I love the green toile! Please add me to the hat!

Sometimes It's Good said...

What a pretty giveaway! I really like the aprons. Have a wonderful Monday.

Kristen said...

All of her stuff is so cute....I love the green toile. Can you include me in your giveaway?
Oh the cupcakes I could make with those measuring spoons!

Gilbert AZ

Unknown said...

What a fabulous giveaway! You're so generous. Anyone would be so very lucky to win one of your aprons! Love the green toile one especially and they are both darling! :)

Anonymous said...

Would love to be included in the giveaway!! I love all the items you included!! As far as picking on of the aprons...way to hard for me, they are all beautiful!!

Heather said...

Thanks so much for allowing me to be included!!!! I love your blog!!!

Brenda Kula said...

Oh my, how fun! Everyone loves to receive goodies!

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

Oh, I love the green toile! You are very generous!

This is so much fun.

Deborah in NC said...

What beautiful aprons!! I'd really really need the rose patterned one, I think!

Thanks for offering these prizes.

Suzanne said...

Wow! What a wonderful giveaway. I'll be crossing my fingers :-)

Jean Tuthill said...

Hi Donna, I love all the giveaway stuff, please enter me in the drawing. I love the light blue apron and I'll keep my fingers crossed. Thanks.

Emily said...

Who doesn't love toile??

Ashley said...

I would love to enter your giveaway! And thank you for all your efforts in pet adoptions. I love my furkids more than anything. 3 were adopted :)

Michele's Treasures, Teacups, and Tumbling Rose Cottage said...

Oooo, nice giveaway! Thanks for offering it. ; )

Angie said...

I love everything! The aprons are gorgeous..I think one can never have too many aprons! Thanks!

Sarah said...

Hi, what a fab-u-lous giveaway! I would be honored to cook for my family wearing your beautiful green toile apron. I LOVE aprons and giveaways, thanks!

elaine said...

Lovely giveaway-I like the dark blue color for the apron.

Elaine R

Shaam said...

Oh my! What a nice giveaway! I would love to win that toile apron! So cute!

All the best,

Cottage In The Sun said...

I would love to be entered in your giveaway - I love the toile apron and those little heart-shaped measures - so cute!

Jennifer said...

Your giveaway package is adorable! Thank you for being so generous!

Recycled Rita said...

Your giveaway is wonderful! Love it all.... I hope I win!

Lori said...

What a sweet give away...Count me in too! Thanks!!

Lori said...

What a sweet give away...Count me in too!! Thanks!!

Lori said...

What a sweet give away....Count me in too!! Thanks for the chance!!

Lori said...

What a sweet give away...Count me in too please!! Thanks for the chance!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your generosity - both for the gifts and for including those of us who live outside of the USA - please add me to your giveaway!

Pearl Maple said...

How exciting.
Visiting your blog is almost as much fun as visiting the Christmas Tree shop!

As always lots of fun things going on in your blog space.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

I love those darling vintage looking aprons. What a generous giveaway. Please enter my name, and I hope I get to pick an apron. laurie

Andrea said...

Love the green toile apron!

Unknown said...

What beautiful aprons! Good luck to all who enter!

LisaJanelle said...

Please include me in your drawing...Such pretties!...Have a great day!


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How wonderful! I love everything you make! WOW! Thank you!

Sue Cahill said...

Wow!!! Love these prizes. Hope I can win.

Thanks for the chance to win.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

please include me! I love that light blue, thought they are allpretty!

dctm said...

Wonderful giveaway! I love these aprons

dctm at bellsouth dot net

Toronto Girl said...

So pretty! Please enter me.

Kelly said...

What an awesome giveaway. Thanks for the chance!

Ladipierce said...

I would love the green toile apron and the other goodies. Thanks for the giveaway.

Renee G said...

You are so generous. Love the light blue apron.


Jill-O said...

There are a LOT of comments here. It will lower my chances of getting your kitchen set. Oh, well, the odds are better than if I didn't enter at all. Please sign me up for the drawing. Thanks

Victorian Lady said...

It's so sweet! I'd love to enter! :) Thanks so much! :)


Mabry's Gamma said...

What a cute giveaway. Love the dark blue floral apron. Please enter me. Thank you.


Meghan said...

Oh I LOVE toile!!!!!

Cathy said...

Ooohh...I love these items!! I'd love to win them. :) I'm looking forward to spending more time checking out your blog!

Campbell or @FELTit or Designs by Anna said...

Great tote full of goodies for the kitchen! Please enter me in the giveaway.


Jen S. said...

sweet giveaway!


Lolly said...

What a wonderful giveaway. The aprons are fantastic!
Keeping my fingers crossed here in Virginia,


Jen said...

Such cute aprons! Thanks for hosting a giveaway!

Jean said...

I love your giveaway. Please enter me. I have really enjoyed your blog. Have a wonderful day.
Jean in Virginia

Betty Jo said...

What a sweet giveaway. I love your blog and I think this is my first time visiting. I love the light blue apron. ♥

Nancy @ Live love laugh said...

I am speechless!What a pretty give away! Please include me and consider me a new follower!

Sue said...

How pretty! Please enter me in the drawing. I like your Header photo of the purple Clematis vine by the way. :)

Sadie Lou said...

Oh my goodness! What a great batch of confections!
Stop by and enter my giveaway too!
~Sadie Lou

Christy said...

The green toile apron is just the sweetest thing! Your giveaway goodies are so pretty! Thank yo so much.

Nikie said...

So lovely! I would love the light blue apron!

Jessica said...

Lots of yummy goodies, thank you for your generosity! Please enter me in your giveaway too. :)
snowpumpkin @

Unknown said...

Just a wonderful giveaway..please enter my name. Warm wishes, Esther

Tosha said...

I'd love to be entered. What gorgeous things!


cpullum said...

This lady from California would love to be entered! Count me in!

Kaye Prince said...

Oh my, those aprons definitely look lovely! I would love to win, thank you!

Nancy said...

Christmas Trees is one of my favorite places to show also. Love the green toile apron. i love the pictures of your cats. They are God's perfect animal.

Digital Misfit said...

Wow - wonderful giveaway!
I am in love with the green toile. It would be perfect for my cottage kitchen.



Great stuff! And that light blue apron is really cute. Sign me up.... Maggie

Em said...

Wonderful giveaway! Love every little thing! Thanks for the chance to win!

Marilyn in NM said...

How awesome! I love the "kitchen" theme. I'd love to have a green toille
count me in, please.
Marilyn in NM

jninecostumes said...

What a beautiful set of kitchen items! Perfect for a new bride, or to keep. I adore the green toile apron.

Elisabeth said...

What a great giveaway. I LOVE that apron. It's hard to decide which one I like more but I love both the blue ones, I love anything floral pretty much!
Take care,

Deb said...

What a lovely parcel you've put together Donna!

Sonia said...

I love all the items you are offering. The aprons are so pretty.
I would love to enter. Thank you

manda said...

What a gorgeous giveaway!! Did you make the aprons? They're very well done!! My name is Amanda, just like your daughter! lol

The Chateau of Remnants said...

What a great giveaway someone is going to be very lucky!!


Springjoy said...

Oh, I love the aprons!

alaskawildrose AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway you are doing. Love everything..Please include me in this lovely giveaway. Vera

Dee in BC said...

What a great site- I like the adopt a pet links too-& I love my 3 adoptees- Please enter me in the draw- Dee in BC

Unknown said...

What a fun giveaway! I ♥ the light blue apron--although they are all simply gorgeous!

Thank you for such a generous giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in this giveaway. Kitchen items are always so welcome. Love the aprons. Thanks.

Carla said...

Ooooh, love, love, love the toile. Great giveaway.

rachel said...

count me in!
i love your aprons. :)

Anonymous said...

This is a great giveaway. I'd love to be the recipient of your beautiful choices. Please enter me!!

Laurie said...

You have a thoughtful and generous giveaway package! Thank you so much for the chance to enter! Please be sure to visit my giveaway, too!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and I love your giveaway. the aprons are beautiful! Thank you!

dawgyah said...

Nice giveaway! I hope I win I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway. I hope I win!

The Knight Family said...

What a great giveaway, the measuring cups are so darling!
carol :-)

Unknown said...

Love all the goodies! I especially think the dark blue floral for the apron is beautiful! Thank you for the chance to win!

Laura said...

Oh, fun! Those aprons are really cute.

Kim said...

Wonderful giveaway. someone is going to be very happy...I really like the green toile.

KARA from MADE 2 CREATE said...

I think I do a lot more cooking in one of those cute aprons! My husband and I would both thank you!! Visit my blog and sign up for my giveaway if you like!!!

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

I'm crossing my fingers! I love this giveaway......thanks for entering me.


Tam said...

holy cow, awesome goodies you are giving away, I'm so in love with aprons right now, hope I win!

ourfamily @

Marydon said...

Criss-cross my toes! Great creations.
TTFN ~ Marydon
Feedsack Fantasy

Anonymous said...

oh i love this giveaway!!!!! i want the green toile please!!!

valerie2350 said...

what a fun giveaway !

zs said...

hai's my first time entering 'giveaway'...the light blue apron is so sweet....tq

babalisme said...

Oh my!! I'd love to win all those!!

Lisa said...

Thanks for the giveaway! If I won, I'd pick the green toile apron.

Anonymous said...

What a fun giveaway. I would love to win those beautiful kitchen items. Thank-you for putting my name in. Debbi

Amy said...

I am building a new house and would love to create a cottage kitchen with these beautiful items!


LukesLove said...

So sweet of you! Thanks for the chance to win! Blue is my favorite!

Jingle said...

Everything looks wonderful! What a beautiful gift collection! I can't believe it all came from CTS! That is awesome!

~Vintage Nina~ said...

Hi! What a WONDERFUL giveaway! Please enter me. Thanks for sharing such great goodies!

Brooke said...

Good Morning Donna!

What a sweet giveaway! I would be honored to have this basket filled with goodies! I love the green toile! Thank you so much for all your kindness and have a lovely week!


VintageCrafter said...

What a lovely collection of goodies in your giveaway! How wonderful and generous of you. Please enter me in your giveaway draw...I would be so thrilled to win.
Carol :)

Julie said...

the dark blue floral please :)

i am having so much fun cking out all the wonderful giveaways.

please enter my name and thanks

Jalal said...

Love the oven mitt model!

What a cute theme.

Corinne O said...

Oh how I love these!! Please enter me in your faboo contest! Corinne

Thank you!!

APureHeart4Him said...

OH, I LOVE the green toil (I hope I spelled that right). I LOVE this giveaway. Thank you so much.

God bless

Susie Q said...

I LOVE that quilted tote! I've never seen measuring spoons like that lovely!

And either blue apron would be lovely. And your Amanda is a my Tori!

Unknown said...

I so love aprons !! I would chose the dark blue one Thanks so much for this giveaway:)

Colette S said...

Another fabulous giveaway! Do enter me.

Lilly said...

I love the toile oven mitts! I really need a new pair. Thanks a lot for this great giveaway!

Teresa aka Tess said...

I love your blog and the aprons are so cute. I like the blue one.

Unknown said...

I love all three aprons!!
Great giveaway!!

Jennifer said...

Love your stuff! Wonderful giveaway.... Please add me, too!

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

What a sweet giveaway!
Thanks for the chance to enter.

The Feathered Nest said...

What a wonderful, generous giveaway! I would love to be entered to win ~ xxoo, Dawn

G said...

What a lovely giveaway! Please add my name.

Jenni B said...

So much fun! Thanks for the cute kitchen-themed items you're giving away. I love the green toile apron! I have curtains in my kitchen made from the same fabric!

Jenni B

minishoes1 said...

What a great giveaway! I just recently started collecting aprons. Your dogs are cute! I have 2 dogs Ginger and Vinny. I really love to spoil them and they give me great joy! thanks

Bonnie said...

Toile! Toile! Toile! I'm singing as I look at your post. What a great giveaway! I'd love to win that apron and the other kitchen things. Adorable!

Trish said...

Ok, I HAVE to have those measuring spoons!! I've never seen anything like them. (sheltered, perhaps?) Great giveaway!!

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Please enter me in your lovely Giveaway.

Jill Schrader said...

I love that green toile print!
Thanks for the great giveaway!

Bev said...

Oh me too please! Just finishing up the post for the give away on my blog too! This is so much fun :)

she dreams big! said...

The light blue apron would be perfect for my new kitchen (if it is ever completed!). Please enter me to win!

Sue said...

I love your beautiful aprons!! Thanks for the lovely giveaway~

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

Lori said...

What a bundle of yum!!! Oh please,please count me in!!!! Thanks doll for participating!!! Lori

Carapace said...

Ohhh, that green toile apron! So sophisticated and appealing! I love your taste in fabrics! Thanks for joining in the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Please enter my name in the hat!
Thanks for posting such a sweet giveaway! love the apron! Measuring cups too- all so sweet!

Sharon said...

What a generous giveaway! The aprons are just beautiful! Please enter me :)


Anonymous said...

Oh what a marvelous assortment you have put together. I love kitchen goodies of all kinds. Coount me in please. I am in heaven over the aprons expecially the green toile.


♥ Noelle ♥ said...

very pretty items!! if i won, i'd share with my mom:)

thanks for giving away such lovely things!


windycindy said...

Love the whole package! Both aprons are lovely and the goodies you have put together are wonderful kitchen items. Great decor for our home!
Please enter my name in your drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

Sunshine and smiles said...

Wonderful blog. I love your give away. Please enter my name.

Michele said...

I love your blog, and this is a great giveaway!!!

Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers

Rachel said...

I love the aprons!! I would make an effort to cook more :)


Robin ~ Linton Cottage said...

Oh my I am just drooling over all these things. Please enter my name. I believe this is my first visit to your blog, but I can't wait to visit more!!


Helen said...

That green toile is just so gorgeous. Would so love to win this giveaway.

MarieB said...

Thank you for entering my name.

marieburch @

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Fabulous giveaway!!! Pick me, pick me!

trish said...

Love the kitchen theme giveaway. All three of the aprons are so adorable. Please nter me and I'll cross my fingers!

Anonymous said...

Great theme!!! Please count me in! Thanks:)

Ginny said...

How pretty, love the fabric choices!

redesigned said...

Please enter me in your giveaway.

Merci, Christine


Beyond charming!

Please add my name to the hat.

Chiki Cottage said...

Ahh. This is an awesome giveaway.


Lisa said...

Oh If I win I want the green toile! I must have been without my computer when you posted this! I follow you so I should have seen it before now!
Thanks for offering!
Hugs, Lisa

sue said...

please enter me in your give away. Love the kitchen theme items.

Gossamer Creations said...

What a wonderful giveway... please enter me. Have a wonderful day.

Marianne said...

You selected some beautiful things for this giveaway. Please count me in.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Holly! What a cute give away! Thanks! I like the light blue apron best! ♥

Wendy said...

What a lovely giveaway! I like the green toile the best :)

caribousmom (at) gmail (dot) com

Malisa said...

What a great giveaway! Please enter my name in your drawing! Thanks!


Suzie Button said...

yoo-hoo! A wonderful giveaway! Thanks so much! Suzie purrpage3[at]verizon[dot]net

Deb said...

I usually frequent quilting blogs; this is my first time visiting lots of cottage blogs! I think your giveaway is a great one! Pls enter my name. Thanks!

Cyndi said...

Please enter me in your give away! The green toile apron is my favorite. Thanks.

Karen said...

Wow--what a great giveaway! Please enter me...

Dragonlady said...

I really love the kitchen items you chose for your nice..

My Shabby Rose Cottage said...

Great giveaways!! Please include me.

I am also in the giveaway, so come on over and add your comment!

Warm Hugs,

My Shabby Rose Cottage said...

Great giveaway!! Please include me.

I am also in the giveaway, so come on over and add your comment!

Warm Hugs,

Andrea said...

Please enter me in! I love the apron!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Sensational give away! Please count me in. Thank you.

A Lovely Thing said...

Wow. How wonderful! I think I'd choose the green toile.

Please enter me in your giveaway, and, if you haven't already, be sure to pop over to to enter mine.


LOVEEEEEEEEE this giveaway.Seriously i'll cry if I win.enter me please ~!!!

Nancy said...

What a Beautiful set. Please enter me.

Thanks, Nancy

Barbara Jean said...

Those are all beautiful and what a great way to 'package' it.
thanks for entering my name.

barbara jean

RobinBirdsNest said...

Awesome giveaway! Love your blog! The green toile is so pretty! Thanks for the chance!

LivingTheLife said...

Would LOVE to win any or all of these great items for the kitchen. Do you think they will help my cooking any??? I'm moving to a new home w/a new kitchen, in a new state...what perfect timing a win could be for me. I love the green toile will match my new home perfectly! Thanks!


Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

What a fabulous giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

KatCollects said...

I love this giveaway, please include me. Thank you so much.

Jen**SugaredSongbird** said...

Beautiful giveaway- love the dark blue floral apron!

Michelle said...

Such pretty things! Please include me in the giveaway.

Thank you so much.



studio1404 said...

Please count me in! Love that light blue formal apron! Thanks for the chance.

Robin in New Jersey said...

I love the green apron! Very nice giveaway.

the wild raspberry said...

green toile!!! doesn't get better than that ;)
and i need some new oven mitts sooo badly.

Alyssa said...

That green toile apron is so pretty! Thanks for a chance to win!

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