Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bird songs...

"A bird does not sing because it has an answer.
It sings because it has a song."
Chinese Proverb

I just can't get enough of birds, real or otherwise... Now that winter has passed and the windows are open, we're being treated to a variety of bird songs...

I also love using birds to "pretty up" the cottage a bit. They're such a cheerful presence.

"If I keep a green bough in my heart, then the singing bird will come."

Chinese Proverb

I stopped at a garden center yesterday to buy hanging fuchsias for the deck; they didn't have their fuchsias yet, but I spotted these little ceramic birds for under $2 apiece.

They have beautiful spring green bodies and gorgeous blue tailfeathers...

"I want to sing like the birds sing,

not worrying about who hears or what they think."


They whispered to me that they'd love to come home to live in our little cottage...

I whispered back that I thought that was an excellent idea.

They've made their home in my aloe vera plant, where they'll remind me year round of how lovely the bird songs of spring are...

"Spring would not be spring without bird songs." Francis M. Chapman

Wishing you all beautiful spring days filled with bird songs...



Claudia said...

They are so sweet, Donna! I love the colors and their lovely faces. I love birds, too, can't get enough of them. They will add so much to your cottage.

Chanda said...

Love your little birdies, I have red ones just like them. You should come to my house about 4 am each morning and listen to my mocking bird, oooowe boym when you come, coulod you bring your bb gun. Just kidding. I do like to hear him but the weird thing is he is gone by day light, so weird.

Drawn to The Sea said...

How nice that they get to stay together :-)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love your little birds. I have two zebra finches..real ones. I love to hear them sing. I also love to hear the birds singing outside. It means the warm weather is here.

Kathi said...

What a pretty post! Your blog has inspired me to add a birdcage (or three now) to my home too.
I found a couple of little birdies yesterday at a thrift shop. Your new ones are so cute!

Jan said... cute! I love birds too! You find the best stuff!!! I am listening to bird songs right now as I sip my morning coffee and visit my favorite blogs.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I've been blabbing about birdsong out my window for two weeks now. I just love to hear it. Sounds so innocent yet communal. Yep, I love spring.

Shaam said...

I love your little ceramic birdies :) I never was into birds until I started blogging. I saw everyone's birds and they just started appealing to me more and more. Now I have all this bird stuff! LOL

All the best,

Peggy said...

Love your little birds and I love having the windows open so I can here the birds and my wind chimes.

there is an award for you over at my blog.

Brenda Pruitt said...

Well aren't they cute up there perched and looking ready to fly away at any moment. I have always loved birds, but I've been enamored more of the outdoor variety until recently. Birds are all the rage now. Wonder why that trend set in? Oh well, so very glad it did. I'm having such fun scooping up bird things!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Donna,
Love your little birdies! I love little birds myself, real or otherwise. Have a wonderful day.


Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

They are so precious, and I enjoyed your quotes too. laurie

Lisa said...

I love your birds! Thanks for sharing!
HUgs, Lisa

manda said...

I'm going through a bird phase too! In Aus, especially in the tropics, we have birdies all year round, so no troubles there! I'm in a bit of a crow and cockatoo and kookaburra stage at the moment! Who knows why?! lol
Thankyou for coming and visiting my blog! I'm glad I was able to "teach" you about thylacines! They are the most beautiful creatures! Unlike our dingoes, of which we have a rougue one roaming the streets near here, which the council is trying to shoot...oh well.
Anyway, I love these little birdies, can't help but say (lol) cheap! too! Good buy! Well done!

Amanda aka mandapanda

Unknown said...

Your new birdies are so sweet! Enjoy! :)

Cathy said...


Love the birdies, and the garden, and the bunnies ~ oh my! Beautiful pics of those gorgeous 50's planters. I adore them.

There's a great contest on my blog, take a peak.

xo Cathy