Saturday, May 2, 2009

The cottage cats...

... are in 7th heaven this week!!! A very special package arrived the other day (filled with special cottage kitty treats!!)...

Spotty was the first to discover it and he just couldn't get over how good it smelled!

The scent was so strong that even the the elusive Tiger trotted out to the living room to check it out...

While Spotty continued to sniff away, Tiger gave me the cold shoulder because it took so long for me to open their package (had to get the camera to record every cute moment, you know!!). But soon, all was forgiven...

The stages of catnip...

Step 1....

Rub your head against said catnip...

... Hold it close and don't let go...

Rub your mouth and face against it some more.... back and forth, back and forth... until you look blurry in photos...

Stretch and nibble... Nibble and stretch....

Step 2....

Relax... Enjoy... Let the kitty smiles and feline bliss take hold...

Let whiskers twitch while corners of mouth turn up... sigh... ahhhhhhh...

Step 3...

Surrender yourself to the drowsiness....

Lay your sweet little head(s) down among the catnip-scented sachets...

Step 4...

Allow visions of catnip treats... dance through your heads... Sweet dreams, little babies...

If your cottage cats would like to have their very own cottage catnip treats, just visit Tammy at her A Stitch In Thyme blog or her Stitch In Thyme shop... (Spotty and Tiger think you're the cat's meow, Tammy, and definitely give the catnip hearts two paws up!!!!!)


Joanne Kennedy said...

OMG! This has to be one the cutest posts I've ever seen. Love the way the cats actually smile. Very very cute!

So are the little cat nip hearts! Wish I had a cat to buy them for.

I wonder why dogs don't like cat nip.


Shaam said...

Your cat is named Spotty?! I used to have a Spotty. We had to put him down November 2007. :( He had been with me for 15 years. :( I have never met anyone else who's named their cat Spotty. So many people thought when we referred to him it was a dog LOL. Your kitties are sooo cute. Did you know that not all cats react to catnip because it's response is genetic? About 1/3 don't. Crazy huh? I have a cat that doesn't care for it at all. While the other loves it. I had one cat that never rolled around in it or acted silly but just ate it LOL. This was such a cute post!

All the best,

Anonymous said...

Must smell really really good! No kitties in our house... just super-sized doggies. But the nip sachets are caayute!

The Blue Ridge Gal

J.G. said...

They have happiness written all over them! Love those kitty smiles.

Nola said...

How adorable, thank the babies for being such great models! There is nothing sweeter than a happy kitty, they look so contented in the last photos.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

What a cute and fun post! And what cute catnip treats! Your cats are so pretty, and they really did look like they were smiling. I enjoyed your post so much. It put a smile on my face this morning. Thanks. laurie

Kris said...

So cute. I need a catnip pillow for myself. Ahhhhhhh' to be so relaxed and stress free.


Marydon said...

Sweet as sweet can be ...great photo captures of the 'kits' ... my cats all went nut-zo over catnip. Great captions for the pics ... TTFN ~ Marydon
PS Have a great weekend.

tam said...

LoL! I love it-sooo cute! We just planted some catnip seeds for our kitty's to have their very own plants to romp in! ~Tam:)

Stephanie said...

Your kitties look SO HAPPY! How fun to watch them!!

Life on the Edge said...

This is one of the most adorable posts! Your kitties sure look blissful, and those sachets are just darling. Many years ago when I was a kid, we had a cat and whenever we gave him catnip, he would go crazy! I swear, it was like kitty crack to him and his eyes would get big and he would dash around the house like a madman. He would also tear the little catnip mouse to bits. I'm glad it has a different effect on your cats!


Anonymous said...

Hubs and I got a real kick out this. I'm thrilled they are enjoying them. Now that I know they are a sucess, i'll make more. They look like they landed in kitty paradise. My Oscar is absolutely nutty over catnip. So much so, I had to put your sachets way up high so he couldn't get to them.

LOVE your photos!!!

Elaine said...

Such a cute post! You captured them beautifully. Love all the steps. They sure look like they are in kitty euphoria.

You are such a good mom!

suzeeez said...

That was a fun post..... I am smiling the cute pictures and your narration too. It's pretty good to be a cat! At least if you are lucky enough to live with someone who spoils you.
:o) Sue

Shabby Chick said...

My cat when I was growing up used to go nuts for catnip too, it was like he was on drugs! At Christmas he always got a catnip mouse and by January he's usually loved it to pieces.

By the way you have an award on my blog :)

Mel xxx

Martha said...

Cats and catnip -- you've captured it perfectly.

Kritter Keeper at Farm Tails said...

love your kittens! cute post!

Brenda Kula said...

Well, how cute is that? I'm heading over to visit her. I have purchased catnip toys my cats turn their noses up at. I planted catnip and they ignored it. Now I have some cat mint coming up. Haven't tried that before. Wonder if that might catch their fancy?

Jan said... those furry I sit here with one beside me at this very moment. Chloe loves when I sit down with my laptop and do my blog hopping...she gets as close as she can with her paws stretched out over the keyboard with her precious little chin resting on the edge.

Enjoy the day!
Jan :)

Unknown said...

Look at those darling cat photos! They are having just too much fun with those catnip heart pillows! I love the photos where they are actually using them for a head pillow for sleeping it off, LOL! What a cute post! :)

Claudia said...

Oh my gosh, Donna, those photos of the cats in their varying degrees of bliss are fantastic! Love them! How can you not smile when watching them? I would have had a hard time getting the photos taken - too easily distracted by the sweet kitties. Those sachets are so pretty, too! Thanks so much for the wonderful post and your thoughtful, sweet comments on my blog.

Jessica said...

The catnip hearts are gorgeous and I loved all the photos of the kitties! Two of our furbabies go gaga for catnip too and they are quite entertaining to watch. :D