Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lilacs and a baby food bottle...

I wish I'd remembered.... photograph these double-white lilacs while they were still fresh....

But even though they've started to turn a bit brown, they're still beautiful and the scent is heavenly.

This vintage Mellin's Infant's Food bottle that I picked up last year in New Hampshire.... the perfect size for a small bouquet.

I love the color of these bottles, ...

... especially when paired with creamy white lilacs.

Thanks, Mellin's, for the great vase. You couldn't have picked a better color!


Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Really beautiful, I so love lilacs! Cindy

Unknown said...

That bottle does look pretty with it's pale blue tint. I just love lilacs. Sure wish the computer screen had smell-o-vision! ;)

Lisa said...

Great old bottle! Beautiful Flowers!
Hugs, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Hi Donna,
I love liliacs, those look so pretty in that vase.


JC said...

I love Lilacs and their smell !!!

Old Centennial Farmhouse said...

GORGEOUS! I love the lilacs and the bottle...and your photography!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Oh yes, love that bottle/vase. And the flowers in it. Looks so old-timey. Photo could have been taken long, long ago. Also like all your birds sitting around!

Unknown said...

What a lovely image the color of that glass against the lovely white lilacs. I can almost smell the aroma. I love lilacs and these are beautiful.

Shaam said...

What a cute little vignette! I really like the flowers with that color vase too. :) Pretty!

All the best,

Unknown said...

I bet the smell is amazing! They all look sooooo pretty!

Carol said...

I miss the lilacs...but not enough to move back north.

Nancy said...

I read through many posts to catch up. Everything is so lovely. I do particularly love the southern belle lamps! Great finds all around.

Elaine said...

Oh, very pretty and I bet they still smell heavenly.

I did the same thing this week. I bought some pink peonies and I forgot about them for a few days now they're not so pretty but they smell great!

I just bought some of those turquoise color Ball jars at an antiques store. I thougt they might look nice with pink peonies but now I'm thinking maybe some white flowers would be nice.

Joanne Kennedy said...

I love lilacs. I don't think I've seen white ones in person before. How pretty they must be. Do they smell the same as the purple ones? Lilacs remind me of my mom. She loved them and would often pick up a bunch when she found them.

Where we are in So CAL we can't grow them very well. It doesn't get cool enough.


Rhondi said...

I love lilacs. I can smell them from here :)

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Oh, I do love the color of that bottle too, and the lilacs look beautiful in it. laurie

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