Friday, May 29, 2009

The man purse...

Not every male cat can pull off this look...

... but then again, Spotty isn't just any cat...

Spotty wants no part of a choker (flea collar) or the latest threads (cat clothes)....

...but he is smitten with his new accessory...

...which we lovingly call his man-purse.

The definition of a man purse, according to is: a handbag or purse carried by a male, often in the style of a messenger bag or backpack; describes a man purse as: typically distinguishable from a woman's purse by having a tall, narrow, rectangular form-factor, rather than the short and wide shapes more typical of most women's purses.

Nowhere in the description does it say that a man purse can't come in a variety of delicious colors (Spotty's reminds me of a yummy Cath Kidston color palette)...

Truth be told, this was a little travel cosmetic bag that belonged to Amanda. After Amanda's last trip to New York City, Spotty latched onto it and hasn't let go...

He loves to rub his face all over it (as you'll see in the video clip at the end of this post); he also loves to sleep on it or next to it.. Needless to say, Amanda will have to purchase another little cosmetic bag before she travels again because nobody has the heart to take this one away from Spotty! He has really become attached to it, as evidenced by the next photo...
(warning - next photo shows Spotty after last week's surgery... it shows him shaved with his stitches/staples)....

Our poor Spotty is making an incredible recovery after having a large tumor removed last week. And as you can see from this photo, our handsome, brave boy sought out his security blanket (i.e., man purse) as soon as he got home... He was drowsy and he wanted to sleep, but first he wanted his man purse. As soon as it was given to him he curled up on top of it and went right to sleep, purring all the while...

We took this little video of him this morning because he was just so adorable, loving his little man purse! (You can even hear him purring... he's such a happy kitty!)...
Wishing you all a great weekend! We're hoping for some good weather (after several days of rain) so we can get some things done in the yard!


Shaam said...

Awwww, poor Spotty. I hope he's better. How cute is he with that purse that is just so funny to me.

All the best,

Anonymous said...

Spotty is gorgeous. He looks adorable with his male purse. Pam xx

Kathi said...

What an adorable post! Scotty is so cute with his purse. The video is precious! Thanks for the smiles this morning...

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!

I wouldn't be able to take his purse away either.

Glad he's doing better after his surgery.


Nola said...

How sweet! After what Spotty's been through, he deserves whatever he wants. That video of him just about made me cry!

Shari @ My Cottage of Bliss said...

Oh that is just too sweet! Cats are funny creatures, aren't they? The things they do, the places they decide to curl up in, and the things they like and dislike are so unpredictable. Don't you wish he could tell you why he's so attached to his "manpurse"?

Anonymous said...

So nice to hear he is doing well. It's nice he gets to have the purse all to himself.. animals are so needy sometimes and it's easy to keep them happy, even if it does mean giving up a cosmetic bag. :-)

The Blue Ridge Gal

Claudia said...

Donna, that is the cutest darn thing! Isn't it funny what our pets will latch onto? Spotty is adorable, absolutely so sweet and that video made me give a great big "Awwwww." Too cute!

Unknown said...

Isn't it just wonderful how our animals take over our lives! Spotty is very sweet with his man purse! Warm wishes for a great weekend, Esther

JC said...

I hope he keeps getting better.
What a sweetie he is ...

My Jasmine took an Eeyore stuffed animal I have by my bed. She sleeps on it ... it's flat now.

Anonymous said...

OMGosh he is adorable. Poor darlin'. Now I see what you mean by he didn't feel up to his treats. I hope he is up and on the go real soon. WHat a doll with his little man purse. Awwww.

Lisa said...

that is the greatest!! I've never seen an animal go for a bag and it's slick! My be he likes teh coolness? Very neat, thanks for sharing!

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Glad to hear Spotty is on the mend and just let him know Real men aren't afraid to have a purse, lol!
Gentle rubs for Spotty!
Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

SOOOO cute.


Joanne Kennedy said...

Oh poor boy! Sure hope he is feeling back to his old self soon.

He is so darn cute! I just love cats. Well you know, I love all animals but some touch us more then others. I miss my cat.

SO I'll enjoy yours for now.

You are such a good mommy to let him keep the purse!


Brenda Pruitt said...

That last photo of Spotty makes me want to hug him! Hug him for me please. Get well, Spotty!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Now girl that is too funny...not the tumor but the pursre thingy...I have never seen a cat do that...May you have a great weekend my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Elaine said...

Spotty is a sweetheart. Let him have whatever he wants.

I would want that man purse too. It's really pretty.

I hope Spotty is recovering nicely. He looks absolutely content in the video.

J.G. said...

All is clearly right in Spotty's world now: home again, with his people and his favorite accessory.

I'm not sure there is anything happier than a happy cat.

Unknown said...

Oh, Sweet and gentle kitty hugs to spotty! I hope he gets better soon! I wonder what the attraction to that purse is!