Monday, May 25, 2009

The patio is almost done....

... but unfortunately, the patio cushions we've used for the past several years had to be tossed (which is too bad, because I really liked them!). So I'm off to The Christmas Tree Shop to see if I can find new ones and I thought you'd like to join me!

Many times it's hit or miss at The Christmas Tree Shop...

...but if you're in the market for some new mugs, there's a good selection right now...

Most of the mugs in our house are from CTS... I prefer to buy a variety of "mix and match" styles and patterns....

... that way, it doesn't matter if one or two get broken along the way... I always have a "full set" of coordinated mugs...

Since we're in this department, let's see what else they have... These little teapots are really cute...

Got milk? I've had a cow creamer similar to these for as long as I can remember (so long that I don't even remember where I got it, but Japan is embossed on the bottom of it)...

Lots of assorted pottery to choose from on these shelves...

If you use just plain white dishes in your home (which I do), it's always easy to pick up filler pieces in this section...

And just look at all these pieces for entertaining and serving!

Oooh - cute chenille/floral rugs!! I think little scatter rugs add so much cottage charm!

Does anybody buy CD's (or CD cabinets) anymore? I know I do, but both of my girls buy/download their music from the Internet... I'm so old school. I went kicking and screaming from LP's/albums/45's to 8-tracks to cassette tapes to CD's - and that's where I'm stopping. Yes, I have music on my blog that I sometimes play in the background of my office, but I'm still a bona-fide CD buyer. And the same goes for books. Whether it comes from a store or the library, I love the feel of a book in my hands and the actual experience of turning the pages. So for all the benefits (and I know there are many), I think it's safe to say I'll probably never get one of those little computerized reading/book gadgets. (Of course I'm also old enough to know that I should never say never!)

Mmm ... such pretty pale blue wicker planters... This might be a nice color to paint the yard sale wicker planter I brought home last week...

I love baskets. I wish I had room for the white bench in my front entry... (alas, in my small split level entryway, there would never be enough room)...

... but I do have a lot of other organizational projects to tackle where baskets could definitely be utilized...

... and right now, CTS is loaded with all colors and fabrics. They even have sweet little Nantucket styled baskets...

And speaking of Nantucket, does anyone feel like decorating with a beach/cottage decor? You might want to check out these shell garlands, shell 'trees,' or sea bird decoys...

Or how about some sea shell accent pieces or bowls?

These seashell wreaths were gorgeous!!! And there are loads of starfish sizes to choose from!

How about a seashell hurricane lamp to set the mood?

... or a nightstand for your cottage bedroom, complete with a "cottage by the sea" design...

Speaking of bedrooms, I love these striped "quilts in a tote"... After you've spread your quilt across the bed or sofa, you have a cute little tote to bring shopping with you!

If you're not into stripes, they had some beautiful florals and Hawaiian themed quilts and shams...

How cute would those quilts be in a bedroom or sunroom with some white wicker furniture?

I think I see some leftover egg wreaths from Easter!
The faux lavender wreath I have on my garden gate came from CTS a couple of years ago.

It has held up amazingly well over the past several years, especially when you consider that it stays outside during the hot, humid New England summers....

... and the bitter cold, snowy New England winters....

I was thinking another one might be nice on the reverse side of the gate...

Well I'm so glad you joined me on my trip to The Christmas Tree Shop.... Okay, now what did I come for? Oh, right! Cushions for the patio set!! (Have you ever gone to the store for one specific item only to get home without that one item? Please tell me I'm not the only one that happens to!)... But I did remember the cushions and I'll show them to you in my next post...



Joanne Kennedy said...

I am so jealous! I wish I had this store near me. Well, wait a minute, maybe not. I may be to poor. But they sure do have darling things and such good prices!

Can't wait to see what you got.


Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

I love it~ where do you find this store? Cindy

Kathi said...

Wow. What a nice place to shop!
I really like the white cake plates! No Christmas Tree Shop near here sad to say...
Thanks for sharing all of these lovely photos!

Lisa said...

Oh lovely...I'm still trying to catch my breath from all the goodies at really GOOD prices. Probably a good thing I don't live close! hehehe
Thanks for sharing, hope you find your cushions!
Hugs, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Would love to have a CTS in my area. But noooo, they would never think of coming to Roanoke, VA now would they? We are like the red-headed stepchild of the state of Virginia when it comes to new retail stores.

The whicker is nice!

The Blue Ridge Gal

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

I've never been to a Christmas Tree Shop. Looks like a great place to shop. I was looking at some of your previous posts and I love what you did to your kitchen! My daughter is going to remodel her kitchen next summer with some cabinets that were taken out of a French cottage and given to her free. I'm going to tell her about how you hung a window over your counter to seperate the rooms. I love that!

Shari @ My Cottage of Bliss said...

That was a GREAT price for those pretty mugs! Your post is not the first time I have read about what great things the Christmas Tree Shop has so I just had to do an internet search to see if there was one anywhere near me in Florida. I'm sad to say, they are only in 14 states, all in the New England and upper northeastern area of the US. (boo hiss hiss!) I also wish we had Hobby Lobby here too but the closest one to me is 2-3 hours north of Tampa. Bummer! :(

Claudia said...

I have to see whether there is a Christmas Tree Shop near me - I think there might be. Love the tour you gave us! I'm with you: I still buy CDs, and I will never give up a book, an actual book, that I can hold in my hands! Those Kindle readers look joyless to me. Can't wait to see the cushions, Donna!

Life on the Edge said...

I know I would love a store like that! Wish they had one around here. I saw something I would want to take home in every single picture. Then again, maybe its best that they don't have one nearby because I would want to spend all my money there! Great post! Can't wait to see the cushions.


Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

What a fun post and tour you did..I really liked those pink pretty and the prices are so great...May you have a wonderful Memorial day...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Caroline said...

OMG...what a fabulous store. The blue and pink teacups and teapot are my favorite. I can't believe they were only 1.29 each for the cups...what a steal!

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

What a great store! Wish they had them here in Ohio.

Rosie said...

I've never heard of the christmas tree shop. Good thing we don't have one close by because I would give them all my money for such pretty things! he pink/blue flowered mugs for $1.29? and a 12" cake plate for $8? What a deal!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

What a great store! I'd love to have one here! We don't have a Christmas Tree Shop here; maybe someday. Thanks for taking us along and have a super day.


Shaam said...

Aw. I want a Christmas Tree Shop!!! I would spend soo much time in there LOL. Can't wait to see the cushions :)

All the best,

Brenda Pruitt said...

I love your idea about not having matching teacups. I'm always breaking something. Then so upset because I ruined the set! Those are great prices at that place. Those mugs are so feminine and cute!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Thanks for the virtual shopping trip. That looks like a great store! I'm sure I'd get in there and forget what I came to buy (but of course, I even do it at the grocery store!). laurie

{oc cottage} said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you lucky duck! What a store! I'll take one of every single thing you pictured! How I wish I could find such a good deal on starfish! And those $1.29 mugs!!! Oh, my!

m ^..^

Old Centennial Farmhouse said...

WOW! I want to go shopping there! I wish there were one of those near me, what fun you had! Can't wait to see your cushions...I bet they're as cute as can be! (LOVE your garden gate!! And the lavender wreath!)

Cathy said...

Donna, You're killing me. I have made it a point to stay out of the CTS for the past month. Now I've GOT TO GO. I can't believe all the stunning treasures on the shelves. These pictures have got me waiting for morning so I can make a quick run. Thanks for the little push I needed to go shopping.


Kate said...

Great Blog! I'm going to have to become a follower. And don't you just LOVE the Christmas Tree Stores?! I can't get out of there without dropping at least $50!! I'm going to have to make a trip there tomorrow and see what they have. That CD tower just might be coming home with me LOL!