Saturday, May 30, 2009

A vintage hankie Pink Saturday celebration!

Happy birthday to Beverly at How Sweet the Sound!!! She is celebrating her one year "Pink Saturday" birthday anniversary today and you must visit her blog to join in on all the pink fun! (Not to mention she has the most fabulous pink cake recipe that looks oh-so-good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I have a very special Pink Saturday item to share today... It's a beautiful vintage hankie that I won in a giveaway late last year from sweet Nancy of My Crafty Little Page!

I was able to choose between a kitten or a puppy hankie, and the minute I saw the puppy I knew which one I wanted!

The hankie has a delicate scalloped border and is adorned with pansies. And the puppy reminded me so much of our sweet little Gizzy Girl, who we lost in March of last year.

She had blonde fur, big fluffy ears, and gorgeous brown eyes, just like the puppy on the hankie.

The hankie is the most gorgeous shade of peachy pink....

(I don't know why it looks yellow in this photo!)

I tried it out in several locations...

...before deciding to use it on the white tray that sits on an end table in our living room... I've also toyed with the idea of framing it so I can hang it somehwere.

Here's a photo of little Gizzy on the sofa, right next to where the hankie is sitting. (This was taken in her later years after she'd had one eye removed due to an infection, was blind in her remaining eye, and was getting insulin shots 2x a day... but look at the smile on her little face. She was a happy little troll dog until the day she left us.)

Having this little hankie displayed so prominently... such a sweet reminder of our little angel.

So thank you, Nancy, for this beautiful hankie... And thank you, Beverly, for another great Pink Saturday!!!


Kris said...

Happy PS

What a sweet hankie to have won. I hope your cat is still recovering well and I love the photo of the chip in the bag of peanuts you posted earlier.


Monika said...

I love it,very nice and cosy your flat, the terrace. Everything.

Kathi said...


A New England Life said...

Isn't it funny how unexpected things come into your life that were just meant to be? I definitely think Gizzy would approve : )


Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

What a beautiful hanky and so like your beloved Gizzy. I'm sure she would approve! Have a lovely weekend!

Lisa said...

What an adorable hankie and a sweet reminder of your little love!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa

Anonymous said...

It reminds me of the hankies that my grandmother would always place inside my birthday cards when I was a child....

A very sweet hankie indeed!

The Blue Ridge Gal

~*~Patty Szymkowicz said...

Lovely pink pics!
~*Happy Pink Saturday*~

Drawn to The Sea said...

And thank you, Donna, for sharing Miss Gizzy. What a precious little girl, you must miss her so. Having the beautiful hankie so prominent is a lovely tribute.

♥Mimi♥ said...

With our little PINK SATURDAY having a birthday this week, I am on "pink overload" and that is difficult to do to me! I'm lovin' it like crazy!

What lovely pinks this week you have, my dear. The better to see your through my rose colored glasses!☺

Have a great weekend. Not all that warm up in my neck of the woods but the sun is out and that makes the day good. I hope you are surrounded by those you love and that you, too, are bathed in sunshine.

Missy Wertz said...

Awww Donna how sweet! Happy Pink Saturday!

Shaam said...

Awwww I love your little doggy, sorry to hear she's gone but what a lovely reminder you have of her. Such a pretty hankie.

All the best,

Char said...

sometimes things appear in your life when you need them most. You have your hankie to treasure forever and it looks so good where you have it on your tray. What a sweetie you lost, I am sorry, that is always hard, happy pink saturday, Char

Claudia said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Donna! I love that hankie and the tribute to your darling makes me tear up! What a sweetie your Giz was. How fitting that the hankie you won reminded you so much of her. Have a great weekend. (I bought a little vintage birdcage that I have to blog about - I thought of you!)

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Happy Pink Saturday!


Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Love the hankie Donna! Happy Pink Saturday ~ I hope you have a great weekend ~ Susan

Joanne Kennedy said...

Well Donna, you did it again! I'm sitting here crying like a baby. I just love that little dog and that picture of her with her eye gone where she has that big smile on her face, well it looks like she is winking and is the happiest dog.

Animals have such a way to tugging on my heart string.

When I die and see God the first thing I'm going to ask Him is "Why didn't you let animals live as long as people".

There is nothing that breaks my heart more then when we have to say good bye to our beloved pets.

Now post about those chips so I can smile and laugh again.


Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

That hankie is adorable, and it does look like your little Gizzie. The hankie looks pretty on that tray table. laurie

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you won that hankie cause the puppy sure looks like your little one. What a sweet way to remember him by.

I feel kinda sad from the story cause I'm sure you miss him a lot.

Hope you still have a nice PS


Robin said...

What a perfect hankie....
It looks as though your little Miss Gizzy was quite the charmer. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope your cat is doing well.

Happy Pink Saturday....

Mary Ellen said...


That hankie belongs in your home. Your little Gizzy would be thrilled. It's adorable.

Mary Ellen

Beverly said...

Ah, it must have been meant for you to have that sweet hankie. Your little babe was a sweetie.

Happy Pink Saturday, dear Donna.

Life on the Edge said...

That hankie is beyond precious! How sweet to have a reminder of your little furchild Gizmo!


Beansieleigh said...

That's such a cute hanky. It's no wonder it's such a sweet sentimental treasure to you! Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you're having a wonderful week!