Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You were always on my mind....

While in New Hampshire a couple of weeks ago, my car (all on its own, mind you) headed straight to one of my favorite places to browse - Fairground Antiques in Swanzey...

I often come across things that remind me of something I've bought in the past, or of someone I know.... For example...

I spotted this little robin's egg blue Mellin Infant Formula bottle, very similar to the one I purchased last year in New Hampshire...

And this sweet little angel reminded me of my mom, who was Irish through and through!!

And a really good friend of mine loves The Wizard of Oz... Jill, don't you think this little guy kind of looks like a flying monkey? (if they were cute and sweet, of course!!)

But did you know that many of you are also on my mind as I browse through the aisles of these shops? Yup! I often find myself thinking of my blogging friends when I spot certain goodies!

Mini Update for Tammy: Okay, Tammy (For A Stitch in Thyme), as soon as you left a comment that clowns creep you out, I had to add this photo from Fairground Antiques as well - just for you! ha ha (I didn't show all my photos from that day because my post would have gone on forever if I'd included them all!)... Does the fact that it's done in pretty pastels make it any less creepy? LOL

This little display reminded me of Claudia (Mockingbird Hill Cottage)... The dog on the ashtray reminds me so much of her Scout, and the vase/wall pocket next to it is McCoy...

And this Hallmark motto featuring "Home" by Edgar Guest also made me think of Claudia (who has a special connection to Edgar Guest!!) ...

Here's a nice collection of dolls (although the one in black kind of creeps me out)...

... but it was this display that made me think of Rue (Rue's Peanut Butter & Jelly Life)... There's a little box with the beautiful American flag that Rue displays so proudly on her home... but right next to it is a doll head that I know would creep her out because she recently posted about one!!

And I thought of Annie, Rue's daughter, when I spotted this sweet guy because she's got a huge collection of horse statues in her beautiful new bedroom!
Look at the back side of this hand-painted horse picture.. I often wonder how a gift so personal and special ends up in a junktique store...

You know who I thought of when I spotted these lamps? Me! At $6 for the pair, I think they'll go great in our bedroom (if we ever get around to giving it a makeover!!!)

Another set of lamps that were very sweet... They look like southern belles so right away I thought of Susan (A Southern Daydreamer)...
There are lots of things for bird lovers!! Here's an ashtray... (I think junktique stores are the only places that sell ashtrays anymore!)

....and a very rustic birdhouse. LOTS of bird families could build their homes here!

This one caught my eye, too!
I loved this nest on the distressed pedestal...
And this chubby faced little cherub singing with the birds (I never knew there was a company by the name/numbers of 666! But apparently there is and it goes way back!! Probably all of you who really know your antiques already knew this!)

I thought of Cindy (My Romantic Home) when I spotted this cherub planter... It would be perfect for her patio!

Assorted 'antiques.'

These little guys were all made by Lefton, just like my parakeet.

I love these old cast iron doorstops....

This one reminded me of Kim (Daisy Cottage)... No surprise there, huh? Kim has a beautiful cottage filled with beautiful colors - and daisies!

This "God Bless our Home" sign also reminded me of Daisy Cottage... Sunny yellow and cheerful!

I think Kim should come to New England for a visit. I'm seeing an awful lot that reminds me of her! Isn't this piece distressed to perfection?

When I spotted this box filled with miniatures, I immediately thought of Sue (Suzeez's Home Sweet Home & Tranquil Garden)... They'd be perfect for her dollhouses and fairy houses!

I immediately thought of Kathi (Rural Maine Life) when I spotted this hand painted nun! She goes way back with the nuns, the same as I do!

I thought of Laurie (Bargain Hunting with Laurie) when I spotted this sampler styled art...

...and also when I saw this sweet Victorian print of a little girl praying (Laurie has a beautiful prayer list on her blog sidebar)...

And of course I thought of Lisa (The Pickled Hutch) when I spotted this vintage black poodle. Maybe Alfie would like a friend?

This sweet little baby face....

...and these beautiful baby prints immediately reminded me of Tracey (Notes from a Cottage Industry) because she has some beautiful new babies in her life now!

A flashback to the fifties!

These reminded me of Joanne (My Little Cottage in the Making)... She's such an incredible hostess... I could picture her table set with these (and one of her incredible cakes!)

This little tray reminded me of Cynthia (Cynthia's Cottage Design)... She has the sweetest cottage-styled kitchen and I think this would look adorable in it!

Of course Becky (Sweet Cottage Dreams)...

...came to mind as soon as I spotted all these tole trays! (especially the green and black ones!!)

This tray reminded me of Corey (Tongue in Cheek)... Not that it's necessarily a French piece, but she just popped into my mind as soon as I spotted it!

My gosh, this looks like something my mom had back in the sixties!! What wonderful memories!

And I can't ever look at beautiful old windows without thinking of Linda (Blue Gate Blog). Her conservatories (made out of windows) are 2-die-4!!!

So see? You guys are always on my mind!!! All the bloggers I mentioned here are listed on my sidebar and it's definitely worth visiting each and every one of them!!!

Have a wonderful week, everyone! The sun is shining here in New England and my hummers have returned. Ain't life grand??



  1. Oh, Donna, what a wonderful post! I wish I had been with you...the dog does remind me of Scout and you know I love my McCoy! And Edgar Guest, my Daddy's godfather - how lovely to see that poem of his. More importantly, it speaks to what a great blogging friend you are to me and to so many! It is true that we get to know each other's tastes so well, that it is only natural to be reminded of them when we are out shopping! That makes it all the more fun!


  2. What awesome things you came across :) I do the same thing when I'm shopping. I find so many things that remind me of all the blogs I read LOL. Sometimes I wish I could just buy it up and pass it on! lol.

    All the best,

  3. Good Morning.....what a great shop & great pictures!
    I would love to dig through that box of little dishes and things ....thanks for thinking of me.
    :o) Sue

  4. Great post. I do the same thing when out shopping for treasures. It never fails that I see something that reminds me of a blogger friend.

    Thanks for sharing


  5. I always loved visiting your charming cottage home over at Rate My Space and I've been lurking/visiting your delightful blog for quite some time. Now that I'm officially a newbie blogger myself, I thought it was time...past time, really... to say hello again.

    Loved this post! Apparently I read most of the same blogs you do so I could easily relate the item(s) to each blogger. Fun!

    (aka "susiehomemaker" on RMS)

  6. I love that horse painting!! Doesn't it make you wonder why it ended up there with it having been given as a gift? Old dolls creep me out in general. Clowns too! Oy. Love the multi-colored bird house. Fantastic.

  7. what a great place to browse, shop and "think" of bloggy friends. I know that would be a place I'd love to poke around.
    have a great day!

  8. I had so much fun shopping with you, and how nice that you thought about me-those did look like me! I'm glad this was a virtual shopping trip for me, because I could have spent some serious money in that place! Thank you for thinking of me, and for taking me shopping with you! laurie

  9. My heart beat quite a bit faster when I saw that multi-leveled, multi-colored birdhouse! With all the construction going on across the street, and the trees they've cut down, I'm sure some neighborhood birds that have been put out of homes could use that!

  10. ((((Donna)))))
    Thank you for thinking of me! I loved those items that reminded you of Daisy Cottage- great eye!!! Thank you for sharing - what a nice post.


  11. I LOVE that 4 story birdhouse...oh what a treasure! I think I may have to use that as an inspiration piece to persuade hubby...I really have been wanting him to build one for me...we have so many birds here and I would love to encourage them to stay! Great post of pictures!

    Hugs ~Angie

  12. Hi Donna
    What a great post. I am amazed at how many things you found that reminded you of blog friends and that you could remember what they all liked!

  13. Fabulous post Donna! I love how you matched up what you saw with different bloggers ...so on the mark!
    I visited a antique memorabilia shop when I was in Denver, Colorado visiting my little grandson a week ago and I was agog over the prices they wanted for everything! I'm not throwing anything away anymore ..lol

  14. Hi Donna, I do that when I'm shopping, too. You have made so many friends through your blogging, I'm encouraged to keep going. I love all the great stuff you showed, especially the rubber squeaky animals. I have one that is a little dog that looks a lot like Dusty. My daughters had the same one when they were little. I found it at the Salvation Army and I grabbed it!

  15. Bet you had a wonderful time rummaging through all that great stuff!

    So nice of you to think of your fellow bloggers when shopping.

  16. I bought my mom that Irish angel picture! And at least that monkey wouldn't give a child nightmares...lol...Jill
