Sunday, August 2, 2009

I'm seeing red...

... squirrels, that is!!!

We've been delighted by the antics of this little fellow, who showed up out of the blue in mid-July...

Now we have never, ever had red squirrels in our yard or neighborhood, so this was quite exciting!! And they are so different from our gray Sammy Squirrels!

First of all, they move at the speed of light! No moseying around for these guys.. Nope, they zip, zip, zip from one place to the next, almost doing a bunny hop!!! And they're tiny compared to grey squirrels! At first glance, they almost look like giant chipmunks! Also, their personalities are more similar to chipmunks than squirrels, as evidenced by these photos...

... They're much more trusting and way less fearful than the grey squirrels. All our Chips are quite trusting and brave whereas most of our Sammies are a little more cautious... But this little guy had no problem racing across the top of Squirrel Gulch to greet me once he saw what I was handing out, because...

... that's the one area where there's NO difference between red squirrels, grey squirrels, or chipmunks - they all love their peanuts! I think this photo says it all!!!!
Hope you all have a lovely week!!!


Anonymous said...

He's so cute and looking right at your camera lens too! What a poser he is.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Caroline said...

Welcome back Donna, I have been waiting for updates on new posts!! I love your blog. That little guy is so cute chewing on his peanuts. I feel like taking hubbys peanuts from the cupboard and going to feed Mr. Chippy outside. We get a lot of black squirrels where I live but lately a little chipmunk has been hanging around.

Claudia said...

Oh, Donna, he is adorable! What a cutie and what great photos you managed to get. Squirrels and Chipmunks love you - they are definitely drawn to you! Have a great day!

Sometimes It's Good said...

What a cute guy! Love your photos of squirrels and chippies!

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

We have black squirrels where I live. I had never seen that color until I moved here. I have seen an albino squirrel which is definitely an amazing thing to see!

Cindy said...

Absolutely LOVE the photos. Love the Red Squirrels, Love the Grey Squirrels...I am 'Nuts' about the little creatures.
The photos are wonderful

A New England Life said...

Cute as a bug they are, but what rascals! They are constantly cleaning out my peanut feeder and scaring the sweet birds away. We have a couple young ones that show up and sometimes they like to lay on the railing and tease my dog, Lily.

I can't lie though Donna, you got some cute pictures!


Anonymous said...

I love that last picture - what a cutie!!

Unknown said...

That is so cute! What's this one's name? LOL!

Shaam said...

Haha!!! So cute! Gosh I wish I had squirrels in my backyard to take cute photos of and feed peanuts to lol.

All the best,

Stacey said...

He looks just like the squirrels we have here in Oklahoma. Isn't it funny how they are different depending on where you are? Sometimes when we are traveling we are shocked to see them completely different from what we are used to. We feed ours sunflower seeds and corn. Have to get some peanuts. He obviously loves it.

Connie from Beverly Hills California said...

Great pics. We have the big Gray Squirrels in Big Bear Lake. And, yes we feed them peanuts. Our guests love to watch them. Connie

Brenda Pruitt said...

What a cute little creature!
Witty too.

Jean Tuthill said...

He is so cute. You have made a friend indeed! Seems like he is pretty tame and used to you. The red squirrels are not as common as the grey ones around here, so when I see one, I am so excited!

Elaine said...

You take the best photos of your "pets". He is adorable.
I've seen a few red squirrels but I didn't realize they were that small.

Nice of you to feed them all.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

What great photos! He's so cute! laurie

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Mr. Squirrel is so adorable, Donna!

Joanne Kennedy said...

I just love all the little ones that come to visit you. Wish I had that here. It would never happen though as my two dogs would scare any little thing away.

I love that you get them and share your photos with us. They always make me smile.

You get such great photos too.
