Saturday, October 31, 2009

Do you believe in ghosts?

Many people believe that The Colonial Inn, located in historic Concord, Massachusetts, has visitors (not of this world) staying at the Inn and in some of its other buildings...

This beautiful old Inn is located in the heart of Concord Center. when Amanda and I headed to Concord last Friday we knew the Inn would be one of our stops.

The Colonial Inn has been the subject of many articles and TV specials on ghosts (I'll provide links at the bottom of this post so you can read more if you'd like)...

You don't have to be a guest of the Inn to enjoy their lovely restaurant. While Amanda and I were visiting lunch was being served and - oh my gosh - the aromas!! We really wanted to stop and have a bite because it smelled soooooooo good! But we had a lot of ground (all over Concord) to cover in very little time so we passed, promising ourselves we'd head back to the Inn restaurant in the very near future.

I love this door knocker on the restaurant door...

All of the doors leading into the Inn are painted bright red.... they're all so striking that I photographed all of them!

A close-up of the etched glass panes...

As luck would have it Room 24, where most of the ghostly activity takes place, was empty. One of the desk clerks was kind enough to bring us upstairs. This is one of the hallways that leads to Room 24. (Ever since The Shining, long hallways in old hotels give me the shivers!!)

Unfortunately, I forgot to change my camera setting once we were inside so all of my photos were taken on the Landscape setting - therefore out of focus and the tint is off... But here is Amanda at the door leading to Room 24.

The room itself is so bright and cheery...

...and on the day we visited, nothing was out of order... The room was very quiet and peaceful. We didn't even capture a single orb (more than I can say about my own house lately, as I showed you in last week's posts!!)

So... would I stay in this room overnight? I dare say I would!! How would I react if anything out of the ordinary actually happened? Now that I don't know!!


  1. Hello Donna and Amanda... yes, of course I believe in ghosts! I would love to go there! Maybe someone was there with you and just camera shy this time! Happy Halloween! I will check out those links! Bisous... Julie Marie

  2. I guess I would say I don't not believe in Ghosts! I have been watching the Ghost Hunters Marathon all day!
    Great post thanks for the tour!
    Hugs, Lisa

  3. I do believe in ghosts - I've never encounted one that I know of - but I have certainly felt communication from loved ones that have passed on...does that qualify?

    Such a fun post, Donna!

  4. I DO, sugar!!! I believe the veil between now and the next life is very thin...


  5. Looks like the ghosts in that beautiful hotel must be very charming ghosts, indeed!

  6. Hi Donna! I ain't afraid of not ghosts! Couldn't help myself. That is a lovely place for a ghost to haunt I must say. Hope you're having a nice time.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. If I were a ghost, I think I'd probably want to stay there too. It's such a charming place. laurie

  8. What a charming post, ghosts and all! What fun to see all the fantastic photos of this interesting place. Thanks for sharing and have a beautiful day!

  9. Hi Donna!

    What great posts you've been having! Such a famous cemetery and the pics of orbs were great. I definately believe that our loved ones visit us. I also have vivid dreams of loved ones that have passed on. I'm going to do a post about it soon. I am sure they are real visits while I'm sleeping.

    Thanks for all the great stories Donna!

    Hugs, Sherry

  10. I'm definitely a believer! You're so lucky to live in Mass. I've always wanted to go to Salem myself. Maybe one day!

  11. ghosts, no...but great architecture? Yes! sweet, sweet kitties.

  12. I know where I'm staying if I come to visit there! How fun and so cute too!

    You must rent that room with your girls for a weekend some time.

    I'm dying to know what happens there. LOL


  13. Thanks for sharing! I'll try to read all the links during my lunch time later. I love spooky storiesss... thanks!!

  14. Hey Doon it's me again Melissa.
    Do me a favor and yourself...
    Get the whole Red Door from the Resturant blown up to a 8'10. Then, put it in black and white. My resoning is that it might or might not be a reflection or might be a nice App of someone....I just don't know unless it is blown up to where I can see it allot better;)
    Happy Ghosting!!!

  15. Hey Doon it's me again Melissa.
    Do me a favor and yourself...
    Get the whole Red Door from the Resturant blown up to a 8'10. Then, put it in black and white. My resoning is that it might or might not be a reflection or might be a nice App of someone....I just don't know unless it is blown up to where I can see it allot better;)
    Happy Ghosting!!!

  16. Ok Donna!
    I just got to blog you on my site ASAP!!!
    and Yes I beleive in ghost....been there and done that and still are!
