Monday, December 14, 2009

Winter white, silver, and green for the mantel...

Of course the winter white is year-round since it's the color of our walls, our painted furniture, and our slipcovers. I don't know why I'm so afraid of color. I love color! I drool when I visit blogs with bright colored walls, and furniture painted in blues, greens, & reds, with vibrant slipcovers in florals and stripes. Maybe someday I'll get over my fears, but until then... winter white!

(click any photos to enlarge)

Alrighty, so in my last few posts I've shared the dining room, including my bird tree and the dining room hutch. As you can see from the photo above, the hutch is actually located in the living room, right next to the fireplace (because our little dining area is too small to accommodate it!)

So come on into the living room with me... Oops - don't go too far! Mm hmm, that's the end of the living room already, right where the corner TV armoire is. Very tight quarters in here, especially at this time of year.

The tree has been set up where the loveseat usually sits. And the wing chair, because it's smaller, was moved over next to the tree. It usually sits next to the fireplace.

As you can see, it's pretty cramped over here by the fireplace, with the loveseat and coffee table plunked right in front of it. But instead of saying cramped, let's call it cozy. That has a nicer ring to it!

I tried the mantel with green glass balls hanging from the garland...

...but ended up switching to silver.

I guess I have a bit of a winter woodland theme going on. There are lots of trees on the mantel - all sizes and varieties of bottle brush trees, as well as some birches.

There are also woodland creatures, in the form of deer (stocking/garland holders), cavorting about...

... as well as mirrored snowflakes (again, stocking/garland holders) and sparkly silver trees of all heights and textures.

I wish I could remember the name of the woman that I purchased these stockings from years ago so I could share it with you - aren't they pretty? This one has a cream crocheted doily-type border at the top...

... while this one has delicate lace and ribbons.

The finishing touch is The Christmas star, sparkly white with silver tinsel edging.

I also decided to tucked my peach and green floral lap quilt over the loveseat sitting area for a little change of pace, trying to coordinate with the green floral sheet I'm using to cover the old brick hearth (we don't actually use the fireplace so the sheet is safe!). So that about does it for our cramped, I mean cozy cottage living room!
I still need to share my collection of Night Before Christmas books with you, and I also have a few things in the family room to show you!
But now you should head over to visit Cielo at The House in the Roses, to see the incredible mouth-watering meal she has prepared for Sunday dinner with her family! You'll also find a list of bloggers who are participating in Show Off Your Cottage Monday...
Then after that, be sure to head to Nesting Place for a huge list of Christmas homes to visit!!
Stay safe and warm, wherever you are!


  1. Hi Donna!

    Thank you so much for the encouraging comments about the loss of my dear sweet kitty. My husband and I were just talking about her this morning and saying how much we miss her. Time has softened the pain a little and I can finally look at her picture without bursting into tears. Thank you again...nice to know you understand. :)

  2. Your decorations are beautiful, they are so pretty, I just want to come and sit in your living area, and then have a cup of hot chocolate at your dining table!
    I havent done much here this year, I think i will just admire everyone elses talents!
    Merry Christmas,

  3. wow, love all the white and sparkle

    thoroughly enjoyed my visit via Nester's


  4. Hi there,
    i'm visiting via the Nester's tour and your winter white home is gorgeous! I'm the opposite to you - too scared to start painting furniture white, even though I love the look!

    Love the care you have taken with adopting pets too.

    Merry Christmas!

  5. BEAUTIFUL!! Everything is so frosty looking....perfect.

    mY tOUR iS nOW sHARED....come by if you can to visit. Happy Holidays!


  6. Donna,

    Your house is a winter wonderland with all that white and silver! I like the way you grouped so many different trees on the mantel. Cant say I would have thought of that but they look great.

    It sure is tough decorating our little split level homes. There just isn't much room for anything but you've worked it out. Everything looks beautiful.

  7. Your home is beautiful. I love the white!


  8. Oh, Donna, it looks so cozy and magical! I love what you've done with the fireplace - I know we both have 'cozy' homes...and adding a Christmas tree is always a challenge. You've handled it beautifully. I've clicked on all the photos to see all the details!

    With our tree in our already tiny den, the dogs are looking put upon. We have seriously encroached upon their territory! We're just about done decorating here and I will post photos of the tree soon. Do you have as much trouble as I do trying to get a good photo of the tree??? It is so frustrating!


  9. Love how you decorated your mantel! Gorgeous!!!

  10. Everything is so lovely! I love all of your whiteness and in my heart would love to do this! Your mantle is gorgeous! Love the little trees and those beautiful stockings! Oh, I would be honored if you borrowed my idea and covered the back of a cabinet. Some folks use scrapbooking paper! The 12 x 12 size. I would have done this here, but that size wouldn't have worked. But I used scrapbook paper on the backs of my little breakfast room china hutch.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  11. Stunningly lovely, sugar.

  12. I love the white and silver!! STUNNING!! it's gorgeous, great job decorating! Merry CHristmas!

  13. everything is soooooo pretty, and sparkly, i love it all!!!

  14. I adore your white house. so very charming and lovely , shabby chic, which I love! You have done a beautiful job decorating it. Blessings!

  15. What a wonderful elegant mantel you have created. I like the silver balls best. The trees are magical. A creative genius is what you are. Very beautiful every where you look. Small is cosy and thats the best.

    Hugs, Jeanne

  16. Your cottage is so beautiful! I love your tree and your mantle decorations. I love all of the silver and white. It is all so elegant looking.

    Merry Christmas,
    Lee Laurie

  17. You have such a lovely home.... love all the white and romantic touches through out your home... and I love love those stockings with lacey trim. Gorgeous! Thank you for participating in our "Show Off Your Cottage Monday". May you and your family have a joyful and blessed Christmas.


  18. Love your white and silver Christmas decor!!

  19. Very pretty! I came to your post specifically looking for mantel ideas for my white mantel. I like the ornaments dangling from the garland and of course the tinsel lined star the best!

  20. Your Christmas decor is beautiful. I love the fireplace, it is done with great taste.
    Don't apologize for the lack of color, I think your white is gorgeous! I really mean that. I am trying to do my home more and more in the whites, I just find them to be so calming. I am soon going to paint a bookcase white and put it in my living room in place of a dark bookcase. Everything in your home looks gorgeous! Hugs, Cindy S.

  21. beautiful! i love all the white and silver!

  22. Donna, I find your home beautiful and cozy. No matter the size! Yes, I'm a color girl, and I drool over your whites! I guess something compels us to surround ourselves with certain hues. Your mantel should be in a magazine! I absolutely love it. A wonderful idea with all the different trees. You have a forest right in your cozy living room!

  23. Wow this is breathtaking! Great job!

  24. Very lovely!! You have it all ready for santa!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  25. It's beautiful - it looks like a wintery wonderland!

  26. Fresh and frosty looking and YES. . . Cozy! It's charming, just charming!

  27. Your cottage is cozy!!!!!!!!! SO glad I came to visit. I joined Ceilo so late today that I am afraid no one will come to visit but, so glad I came to see you. I LOVE all the silver & white. I am one who lives with color & yearns for white. I have color & wood. You have white. Let's switch even if it's just in our minds. Merry Christmas. Thank you for sharing.

  28. Your personal touch is everywhere in your cozy little home.
    So very nicely done throughout !

    Many things peaked my interest and one...was your fireplace screen or whatever that is called. I LOVE IT....I just love it.

    Can you tell me where you got it ..or is it OLD ?


  29. Beautiful winter white & silver decorations! Your mantel is stunning. Thank you for the holiday tour.

    Merry Christmas and many blessings in 2010.

    Cristin @ simplified bee

  30. Beautiful absolutely beautiful, thank you for sharing,

  31. I love the trees on the mantel. Its all goes so well together. I would have to say your home is definitely cozy! Rosie

  32. I plan to get around to visiting all of you very soon - thank you all, so much, for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment!... Donna

  33. YOur home is so peaceful. GOD BLESS AND MERRY CHRISTMAS.

  34. I LOVE the white on white on white! We went pretty bold with color and are now retreating for more neutral tones. It's so serene and super cozy and I love it! Merry Christmas!

  35. OOOOOOOH Thank you for the tour. Gorgeous!!!Silver and White - always so beautiful. I love all of your silver trees.
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  36. I'm like you, but I love to look at white yet can't have it at home. My hubby would have it all looking like snow melting by days end!!! So I like to look, and you have it so pretty! Love those stockings!!

  37. Finally got a chance to catch up on your blog :) Have a Merry Christmas!

  38. Just beautiful, as always! I love all your winter white vs. eye-popping color - it's so peaceful and serene as well as versatile. I know we all get that urge for change, but when it comes to your cozy cottage, I honestly wouldn't change a thing!
    Merry Christmas!
