Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our tiniest visitors...

Of all the creatures who visit the feeders or baths in our yard...

(click any photos to enlarge)

... the ruby-throated hummers are the tiniest visitors.

I never did capture them at the bee balm or crocosmia...

...but a couple of days ago I was able to snap pix of them at the hummingbird feeder by the deck.

I can't believe that they'll only be around for another couple of weeks before heading south.

The summer, although extremely hot, has flown by. I can't believe fall is just around the corner! And although I enjoy the cooler temperatures of autumn, I absolutely dread the freezing temperatures, ice, snow, and darkness of winter... So I'll try to focus on these little guys for the next few weeks and enjoy what is left of our beautiful summer!
Be sure to visit Cindy at My Romantic Home for a list of everyone participating in Show & Tell Friday, and to see Cindy's gorgeous chandelier!
Donna (who would also like to fly south for the winter months)


  1. Oh I adore your pretty red throat hummingbirds! I posted on them last summer as well. We had a family of four that just loved our feeder. They are truly amazing little creatures.

    Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  2. Lovely photos! The hummers were late visiting this year. Most of my red cannas were killed with our unusually cold winter and they loved them.Like you, I hold on to summer even with the extreme heat!
    Have a good week-end, Annette

  3. What kind of splendid this the madárdrinking! The hummingbird is very kind! I like the birds very much! I feed them in winter.
    Mammka-Monika from Hungary

  4. Last year the last day I saw my Hummers was September 15th & that was rather late for them.
    They are amazing creatures.... They feed & feed & then poof they are gone!! No fan fare... no flocking...just gone until next year!!
    Have a Wonderful Weekend!

  5. I LOVE hummers! Great pix here. They are so dainty and sweet. Thanks for showing us. ; )

  6. I just love those little creatures! They are visiting our feeders in droves right now, building up their strength for the long journey ahead of them.

  7. I don't have hummingbird feeders, but we have phlox, butterfly bushes,and cleome that they visit daily. I never have my camera with me. You're lucky to catch them.

  8. Oh, the little hummer is adorable, Donna. The key for me is the live in the MOMENT! Then, when winter comes, I try to think of the good aspects of it, like sitting in front of the fireplace every night; drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows; feeling the face freezing air that energizes; wearing soft, warm sweaters; etc. Susan

  9. So cute! You always have quite the menagerie in your yard. I think you are the Koolaid mom to the animal kingdom!

    Enjoy the last of summer days. I am looking forward to Autumn in New England.

  10. wow...great shots. amazing. i love those little hummingbirds.
    have a fun weekend. Dogwood

  11. Hi Donna! I love those tiny miracles, too! We have "hummy wars" on our deck night after night as they battle for the dominant spot on the feeder. What a joy they are! And I am sooo with you about winter. :( NOT looking forward to it in the least. Dreadful long, cold, dark, dreary days. So....let's cling to this hot, humid tropical-like weather as long as we can!! :)

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  12. We have 3 or 4 hitting our feeders pretty hard. They are such a delight to watch. I agree with summer flying by although I love autumn, but not the winter that follows even though here in the south our winters are not that harsh, just boring!!

  13. I haven't been around blogger much at all in the last few months, so I'm catching up on visits. It was so nice to come visit your blog again, and see your beautiful gardens and all your animal visitors! So glad you finally got a picture of the hummingbirds!

    I've actually put up a new post. Stop on by if you get the chance.

    Life on the Edge

  14. Great pictures, Donna, the little hummers are so cute and amazing to watch.

  15. i glad i found this site those picture adorable and the bird feeder is so cute i sending this site to my brother he loves bird also he have a lot of birds. wind spinner

  16. We just had a hummer sitting on the patio, drinking in the nectar of a fallen flower from our trumpet vine. It was amazing!!!!
    I am also holding tight to summer...
