Saturday, May 7, 2011

It's a "We Love White" party - and you're invited!

While visiting Donna at the beautiful Funky Junk Interiors earlier, I learned about a fantastic We Love White party being hosted by Marianne at Songbird, and everyone is invited!! Marianne is also having a giveaway at her beautiful blog (3 giveaways, in fact!!) so be sure to visit her to see why she loves white, and why all the other participating bloggers love white!

Anybody who visits my blog knows how much I love white! Over the past 6-7 years, we have transitioned from a darker, primitive decor (which I still do love!) to a lighter, brighter shabby cottage decor.

(click any photos to enlarge)
The dark pine trestle table that we've had for the past 21 years is always covered with white (or light) table coverings, and the dark bow back chairs were replaced by six white farmhouse chairs. I also painted our old primitive hutch white, giving it instant cottage charm (before & after photos).

All of our living room furniture was painted white as well, which really brightened up this small room. In addition, our 21-year old blue Sturbridge Plaid loveseat is concealed under a white slipcover. Color is easily added through the use of pillows and the vintage bedspread throws that cover our old, threadbare wing chair.

The same goes for the family room. The matching Sturbridge Plaid sofa is covered with a white slipcover and an equally old, threadbare wing chair is covered by a variety of spreads, just as in the living room. Having the white slipcovers, bookcases, and lamps allows me to easily switch accent colors.

Our teeny, tiny windowless kitchen was once a dungeon (before & after photos here)... but not anymore! It's amazing how a little white paint made this small room seem so much bigger! And our old brick fireplace, that hubby would not let me paint, is now hidden behind the new white fireplace cover he built (before & after photos here).

White lampshades, lace runners & table scarves, and pillow shams help make the small rooms in our little home seem so much brighter.

Vases filled with white buttons, white sparkly holiday decorations, pale white & pink pillowcase shams (used as curtains on our front doors), and a white church and tan angel keep the white theme going...

... while white cats (some real, some not) provide a little whimsy here, there, and everywhere.

Our Halloween decorations are light and bright rather than the standard orange and black...

... and white is the predominant color ...

 ... of all the Christmas decorations, too!

And as you can see, the white theme carries right through to the outside as well... There is white wicker patio furniture, our little white backyard shed, and the most beautiful WINTER white for several months out of the year (this is New England, after all!!!).

I hope you enjoyed these collages of Why I Love White! Now be sure to click the button below to head straight to Songbird's WE LOVE WHITE party!!

Have a beautiful weekend, everyone!



  1. I love looking at pictures of your cottage. The white is lovely. Carla

  2. Oh Donna, what beautiful photos. I also love white, even if I don't have much of it in my home. My guest bedroom does, though, and I love to lounge on the daybed sometimes and read, or just listen to music!
    May I come to your lovely home, stay for awhile, and finish writing my book?! (just kidding, of course, but yours is such a welcoming home!)

  3. Hi Donna...You have transformed your cottage into an enchanted place. It looks absolutely adorable. That kitchen transformation should be in a magazine! Fabulous job. It looks really, really great. The mother-hating designer would keel right over! Thanks so much for sharing, Donna, and have a great day. Susan

  4. I am not really one that has ever embraced the white look...but if I were, I would want it to be just like your lovely cottage. It is really, really cute.

  5. I love all the white in your home. Love those diamond paned windows too.

  6. The white looks IS pretty, and I love the photos of your charming home. however, I usually have a bit more color in my home. I do have a secretary with a white vignette in it! A first for me.. so I'm learning to like white more and more.

  7. Your home is so beautiful and warm Donna...truly enchanting!!!
    Love all that you have done to it!
    Big kisses to baby!!!
    Pamela xo

  8. Your cottage is so beautiful. What a lovely white transformation. White kitties too? That's too funny.

  9. It is all so incredibly gorgeous! And I love that little idea of putting buttons in a container like that to hold artificial flowers or greenery.

  10. I love the white also. I wish I had more. Your pictures are an inspiration....gotta get me some white paint!!

    Come visit me....I'm giving away something pretty!

  11. Hi Donna! What a pretty home you have, girl! Isn't it amazing how much change in not only the room but the entire feel of the house when you slap a little white paint on things...??? lol! Thanks for the scoop on the fun party!

    xoxo laurie

  12. I'm with you! I love white. It's all over my home. Your home is beautiful. You did a great job making it look so pretty!

  13. Oh, it all looks so lovely! Really, truly lovely. Sigh!

    Now, here's my question -- how do you get the spreads and throws to work on your chairs? Because I see things like that on other people's chairs and then when ever I try it at home it doesn't work! The spread ends up piled up all over the floor, and the throw is so small it doesn't cover anything. Please help!


  14. Hi Donna,
    What a lovely home you have. You can really see that you put a lot of love into it.
    I love how all your whites tie it all together!

    I finally found a quiet morning to visit everybody again and actually leave a comment this time.
    Thank you again for playing in my We Love White linky party!

  15. Donna, your home is just gorgeous! Every corner, just lovely! Of course, I love all of the white, too.

