Friday, August 5, 2011

And then there was one...

I tend to crave symmetry when it comes to decorating.  The thing is, I love the look of items that are staggered, unbalanced, layered. But I always come back to my comfort zone, anchoring things on either end of a shelf, a mantel, or the top of a cabinet.

A few years ago when I came across this pair of lamps in a junktique shop, I was in heaven. Soft cottage blue with pink roses. I was in love. A pair. Two. Anchors. (Not to mention they were only $6 for the pair!)

For the past few years, those beautiful lamps have enjoyed a place of honor in our living room, framing the mirror on top of the pie safe.

And they survived a year with our wild and crazy Baby, who we adopted last August. But luck finally ran out for my sweet pair of vintage lamps. They are no longer a pair.

Hence the title, and then there was one. Just look at the gaping empty spot where that gorgeous lamp sat before crashing to the floor into hundreds of pieces.

Now to find a Baby-proof spot for the one remaining lamp.

The loud crash of the lamp did scare Baby. She ran into the family room and hid under the hassock. I'd like to say that this incident cured her of her wild antics, but I'm afraid she was up to her old tricks the very next day.

In my next post I'll share another treasured item that sadly didn't survive our crazy little Baby. I'm also linking to Cindy's My Romantic Home for Show & Tell Friday.

Changing the subject a bit, I don't normally ask for favors, but my Dad is going through a very tough time right now and I would be so grateful for any prayers or good thoughts you could offer up on his behalf. Thank you all so much.



  1. You know that your Dad is in my prayers, Donna. I'm thinking of you during this time. My Mom is fading rather quickly, as well.

    That Baby is a troublemaker! I'm so sorry about the lamp!


  2. Good Morning, Donna,
    I'm sorry about your precious lamp...but who could stay angry at that sweet face?!

    I am sorry to read about your dad. I will keep you on my prayer list.

    Take care ~Natalie

  3. I will pray for your father's well-being and for strength to help him through rough times.

  4. Oh bad kitty, I could tell where this was going just seeing her sitting up there. My cats do "pretty" well when it comes to getting up on things but every so often they'll surprise me, I bought a trio of plates from TJ Maxx that I love and put them on my side table, but I fear one day I will hear that crashing sound and I will SOB!

  5. So Baby shook up your comfort zone a bit, huh? Two down. After three strikes, is Baby out? lol I'm sure not. We love our pets almost as much as our kids, don't we. ;)

    I'll pray for your dad, Donna.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  6. Shame on Baby messing up the symmetry! She sure does have the prettiest fur though! You can get away with a lot when you are cute...

    I will certainly pray for your dad.

  7. That Baby! Those lamps were gorgeous. And only $6? I bet you had a little weep.

    Prayers for your Dad. Hope he recovers soon.

  8. Hi Donna.
    I'll certainly say a prayer for your dad. And Baby is one beautiful "baby!"....Certainly worth a few broken pieces *winks* Vanna

  9. Hi Donna; So sorry to hear about your sweet pretty lamp.... I hope sweetie baby has learned her lesson.... at least she did not get hurt on the broken is a beautiful lamp for sure.... keep it safe...I will be keeping your Dad in my Prayers,,,, God Bless;


  10. Donna, I will send some healing thoughts for you father. That Baby keeps you on your toes, pets bring so much joy an occasional breakage is a small price to pay!

  11. Oh Baby is at it again. Just like my Percy, I stopped counting how many things he's broken or wrecked in the 11 months he's been with me.

    Actually I read that one should decorate with odd numbers of items.
    So Baby must have know that, she's so smart!

    I will definitely pray for your Dad. So sorry he is dealing with illness.

  12. Your Fur Baby stole the Show... she is most definitely the best accessory in the room... and she knows it! *winks* Ergo she's knocking off any competition I think?!? *LOL* My Fur Baby used to be jealous of anything or anyone I gave more attention to and she would let me know about it in her own special way... I sure do miss her.

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  13. Donna, I will be more than happy to pray for your Dad. I am also praying for you, I know that it's hard on you to see your dad going through tough times. May God bless the both of you! Carla

  14. Hi Donna Sweetie...
    I will be sending up some prayers for your Dad sweet friend. Healing, much healing.

    I loved your share with the antics of Sweet Baby. I can see she is a curious and feisty girl. Her coloring is so pretty and that photo of her peeking out, I love it. You really captured her soul in that one.

    Love the lamps, and yes what a bargain they were for 6.00 for the pair. Oh my gosh. I can see why your heart was broken. You must find a safe place for the one remaining. Yes you must. It is so pretty. I love the little rose buds. I have never seen a lamp such as this. Just gorgeous.

    This is the Miracle Weekend makeover. I am one of the hosting sites. For every comment left, Guideposts magazine will pay a dollar, to the next cancer makeover patient. Please stop by and read the story about 9 year old Charlie, and bless me with a comment. Out goal between the 4 or 5 blogs is 5,000. I know we can do it. I would appreciate it, if you pass the word around to as many friends as possible.

    Thank you sweetie for a wonderful post. I love it. Have a glorious weekend. Country hugs from Phoenix, Sherry

  15. sad to hear that :( poor old lamp, but you can not blame Baby....
    i love all of your interior design, so neat and relaxing. i always wanted to have a very cozy house like yours. i have gained a lot of ideas..thank you for sharing!

  16. CATS! But what fun they are. I love just one of things. I rarely put a pair of anything together in a vignette. Stack a few sweet books up under the lamp and give it a place of honor. I can't keep my kitty off the furniture either. Oh well life with cats.

    Must tell you we have 2 babies right now. It's a long story of someone dropping them off here so of course I had to adopt them. Blog post to follow. See you soon.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  17. Thinking of your Dad and you too.

    Do you use museum putty? I learned about it (too late) after the huge earthquake that rocked us in 2002. Now all my rare vases and bowls, platters and teapots sit atop a little glob of this putty and it saves them from destruction.

    Peace to you and your dad,


  18. May God touch the body of your Dad from head to toe. I believe you the Lord our greatest physician who can heal our sickness. And by your stripes, our friend's dad will be healed. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

    Cassy from Acoustic Guitar Lessons

  19. Aww bummer they were so darling. We have cats too so I know the damage they can wreak on a house.

  20. Uh oh! naughty curious kitty. I have two of those. Sorry about your lamp. We have a few items that have met a similar demise. I love the photo of Baby looking "oops, sorry mom."
