Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring vignettes...

Spring has really arrived here in New England! Not only outside, but inside as well!

A little spring vignette in the Family Room featuring a vintage paint-by-number and bird figurines.

I think Mama Bluebird is squawking to Mr. Blue Jay that he'd better stay away from her nest and eggs!

As you can see, I use most of my old chair pads on tables rather than chairs. This plant is enjoying soaking up the sun through the slider.

Now this plant is an artificial boxwood, so technically it doesn't need the sun's rays, but I think it likes this spot in the window anyhow!

Baby is enjoying lounging in the family room today, laying against one of my favorite pillows made out of an old chenille bedspread. It is definitely a spring pillow with a big pink rose against a blue and white background.

This floral swan was a bedroom decoration in one of my girls' bedrooms when they were little. They're now in their 20's, so it's been around for quite some time.

It sits above the family room sliders.

This is my Christmas/Easter cactus. I call it that because it blooms at both Christmastime and in the spring around Easter. It sits on a robin's egg blue floral place mat in the living room bay window.

And last, but certainly not least, is the bird bowl I shared with you in yesterday's post. This little fellow definitely brings a touch of spring to the fireplace mantel.

(photo editing courtesy of PicMonkey)

I hope you enjoyed some of our spring vignettes. I'm linking up to Beverly's Pink (Spring) Saturday at How Sweet the Sound, so stop on over!!

Happy spring, everyone!



  1. Happy Spring to You. Your home is lovely with all those lovely spring vinettes throughout. Looks like even kitty is enjoying the spring weather.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  2. I love your vintage paint-by-numbers! Great post!

  3. Sweet and gorgeous pink!

    My Pink, have a great weekend.

  4. Hi Donna! I was SOOOO happy to see your comment on my blog! We have not visited each other in a long time...and we need to change that! Sadly, I just had to cut back on my computery time...I find I can just lose hours and hours if I don't watch myself. However, you were one of my very first bloggy buddies and you are still so special to me!! I so enjoyed catching up on recent posts of yours as well as looking at your sweet array of fur babies on your side bar. You are truly a champion for our little animal friends!

    Hope all is well with you.....we just had our third gr. baby join this world two months ago. He's so sweet and chubby!! :) The other two were kinda on the skinny side! ha ha.

    Enjoy your weekend. It's gonna be a great one in KC weather wise!

    L, Dana

  5. Very pretty! Please come and link with me in Color Connection meme at my PINK Collection entry.

  6. I love the little birds! And your kitty is just gorgeous. Happy Pink Saturday. ~Marti

  7. Love your photos, Donna. And I love seeing Miss Baby lolling around the house. She's getting so big!


  8. Loved seeing part of you rhome and the way you are displaying things. Very nice.

  9. Hi Donna....Your photos look lovely! Susan

  10. Yes, I love the first signs of spring!!! Love how you incorporated inside your home as well! :) Reminds me to go fill my bird feeder so we can get some backyard guests soon!
