Saturday, June 2, 2012

Forecast... W-E-T

I'm so blessed to work from home. We had gorgeous weather all week long and I've so enjoyed our little yard this week. Sadly, for those who are stuck in offices Monday through Friday, this is the weather they'll be 'enjoying' this weekend.
(Don't mind me - I clearly don't even know what day it is as I mention that it's "June 3rd" in the video when in fact I took it today, June 2nd!)

The rains were coming down so hard at times, I ran to get my camera. Of course by the time I got back, it had let up a little, but it was still coming down at a good rate. My mother would have said, "It was raining cats and dogs."

There were no Sammy's or Chip's out during the downpour..

 ...but they did come out a bit later for their peanuts.

Yesterday afternoon I noticed that we had some new visitors to the yard. The berries on the mulberry tree are coming into season and we had several cedar waxwings feasting on them! Very exciting as we've never had them in our yard before!

So if this rain ever lets up, maybe I'll get some photos of them!

Enjoy your weekend, whatever the weather!



  1. Hi Donna, We have been getting some much needed rain in my neck of the woods, Michigan. It was cold all week so I didn't get out to work in the yard. I've been looking through some of your older garden postings and your gardens are beautiful! It seems you love birds as much as me and my husband. I think your gnome dome is adorable! Birds sure do provide hours of entertainment don't they?

  2. Hi darling, your rains look wonderful. We're in desperate need of some rain here, they're calling for some today and possibly tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed we get some. It's unusual for us to be this dry this early. Thanks for sharing darling.. hugs ~lynne~

  3. Only one time have I seen waxwings. They were coming through Tyler. There were a LOT of them. Made a big mess. But I got pics here somewhere.

  4. Hi Donna...Yeah, it sure has been waterlogged, hasn't it? Flowers are happy, though. Was glad in a way as when it rains, Honey Cat stays put inside and doesn't want to go out.
    Take care and here's a toast to a "sunny" week! Susan

  5. Donna,

    I enjoy your photography and comments. But I especially enjoy your love and devotion to animals!! Thank you for a lovely blog.


  6. Good Morning, Donna,
    Yes, raining cats and dogs...and lions and tigers and bears! But everything looks so lush and green.

    I hope you are staying dry. Have a marvelous Monday!
