Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Craigslist Bookcase Score

We were in desperate need of bookcases to house both our own books and the many books in our Etsy shop.

I eventually plan to move my office/studio from the closet-sized 3rd bedroom of our little "split level" cottage into the medium-sized bedroom that belonged to our oldest daughter. The problem is, when she moved out, she left 20+ years of her childhood behind (you know, the stuff she doesn't want to move from apartment to apartment, but the stuff she can't bear to part with!)! And until I can get her back home for several days (weeks! months!) to go through everything, I'm in a state of limbo.

The only possible place to put bookcases until I move into the larger bedroom is along the wall in this small stretch of hallway. It will be tight, but it's temporary ("Famous last words," as my mother used to say.)

Saturday night I went on Craigslist to see what I could find and I scored BIG time!!! I made arrangements with the seller to pick up the bookcases on Sunday. So for the grand total of $30, I got not one, not two, not three.... but seven of these white bookcases!!! I kept five for myself (the other 2 are downstairs) and I gave two to my sister. We spent Sunday afternoon cleaning them (they were pretty grungy, but they sure cleaned up nice!).

 This afternoon was spent sorting through books and trying to arrange them in an order that will make them easy to find. I've always loved the look of an entire wall of bookshelves (although not necessarily in a narrow hallway!). I was also able to play around with the clock shelves a bit (they had been holding books before as well).

Of course this morning, before I started loading books onto the shelves, Miss Baby (the proverbial Literary Cat) made herself at home.

It's amazing how cats must investigate and take ownership of anything new
that comes into the house. 
(In a cat's eyes, all things belong to cats. English proverb)

 It's not an option to a cat. It's mandatory.

Sorry, Baby. Time to move. Mommy's got work to do. Maybe I'll leave a bottom shelf open for you to hang out in.

So loads...

and loads...

and loads...

.. and loads later, I'd made a pretty good dent in it.

I still have another bin or two of books to go through, so you can guess what I'll be up to tomorrow as well!

Have a great week, everyone!



  1. You certainly hit the jackpot! I love the shelves, and they look great where you have them. This is my first time at your place. Come over and visit sometime. I'm your newest follower!

  2. What a great score, Donna! My gosh - I can't believe you got them for such a great price. They are the perfect shade of white for your house, too.


  3. What a great score on the bookcases! Gosh, it looks like you covered up an air return, so I hope it is a temporary arrangement! LOL, glad to see Baby approved.

  4. Donna, I must say I rather like the bookcases there! It is so appealing at the top of the stairs. But they'll be of wonderful use and look great anywhere. Can't have too many bookcases, I don't think! Thanks for joining my party! (Oh, that Baby...)

  5. Your did score big time. They look great at the top of the stair and are filled with some wonderful titles.

  6. Such a deal! I really like the way they look in your hallway or balcony area. (Maybe that's because I have something similar in my house.)

  7. That was the ultimate score for $30! You are so right about cats needing to get 'in' everything that comes in the house1 ~ Maureen

  8. Donna, that was unbelievable and soooo wonderful. As a book lover, I enjoyed seeing your new shelves. They look fabulous! And you didn't even have to paint them. Wowsers. Congratulations and great work! Susan

  9. What a great deal so many bookcases! They look wonderful on your wall. With all those bookcases surely you can spare one for Miss Baby! I see she picked the one she likes best.

  10. SEVEN! Oink, oink!

    Ah, that's just my jealousy talking. You didn't wonderfully!

  11. They look great and what a wonderful deal!

    Baby is happy too. I hope you left that bottom shelf open for her.

  12. What would we do without Craigs List? You did a great job of adding the stuff to your new bookcases. They look great!
