Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dog Days, Squirrel Days, Either Way They're Spelled H-O-T!

Oh, yeah. The dog days (squirrel days) of summer are upon us.

When my Sammy Squirrels go flat, and don't even flinch when I open the door, 
you know the temperature is closing in on 100.

It's been brutally hot for at least the past 5 days. How I'd love a good old summer rainstorm.

I think Sammy would, too. 
When he and his friends do muster up the energy to move around a bit...

... they don't go far. They like being near the sound of the water running in the fountain. Sammy brings his peanuts right up next to the fountain to eat. Pretty smart since he can follow up his meal with a nice cool drink. It looks like Mr. Blue Jay in the background has the same idea.

And little Chip is looking awfully impatient while waiting for Sammy to move. 
I think he wants to get a nice, refreshing drink from the fountain himself (either that or steal Sammy's peanut to tuck into his other cheek!) It looks like he found only one peanut for the right side!! Silly Chip.

Wishing you steamy summer heat if that's what you love,
or gentle rains and balmy breezes if that's more to your liking!

This week I'm linking to Tracie's Cottage Garden Party at the lovely Fishtail Cottage
and Cindy's Show & Tell Friday at the beautiful My Romantic Home.



  1. Oh, Donna, Sammy and Chip are adorable! Bless them! It's been miserably hot here, too, and we need rain SO badly! We set a record at 108 a week or so ago...Ugh. (My zinnias are loving it, though!)
    So glad you keep a water fountain for them...we do, too. LOVE your yard...(I miss big trees here!)

  2. It sure is HOT! It's hard to get anything done including work in the garden. And the critters are suffering right along with us. Your fountain must be so refreshing for your little friends.

  3. I love this photo story. I have never seen a squirrel so flat!!! How funny.

  4. These are amazing photos! How tame and trusting the wildlife must be in your area to be so exposed and vulnerable! They are very cute (as long as they don't get into your eaves and attic)!

  5. What cute pictures! I know what you mean about the heat! We hit 100 today and it's not the first time! EVen when we do get storm in the afternoon, it just seems t make it more humid afterwards.WE have squirrels that do the same lounging act on our deck and fence, altho' I haven't seen too many lately, or chipmunks for that matter. I think they're all hiding out from the heat. Sometimes, they dig down into my flower pots and lay in teh cooler dirt - so much for my flowers LOL! Love your blog and will be back to read more soon! Have a great night! Hugs, Leena

  6. Donna your little visitors may be hot, but they sure are cute. How fun that you could get so close. I hope you receive some relief from the heat soon. We had a couple days of rain, but back up in the 90's. We have been put on water restrictions and my plants are not too happy about it.

  7. This is great... reminds me of my sister and her (almost) pet chipmunks! Larry

  8. Poor Sammy looks exhausted. I sure hope he recovered. Always something to watch in your yard!

    Hope he is enjoying the break in the heat wave!

  9. Donna, I love your tiny birds and critters. they're so adorable! you're right, when the squirrels spread eagle then you know it's one heckuva heat wave!!

  10. Hello Hon,
    I just adore this to cute post.Poor hot squuirels.It was the same heat here a few days ago now we have had some rain and it did cool us off. But it will right back up hot again.
    Marie Antionette

  11. Hahaha, those little critters are so cute! Hey, we discovered a chipmunk hanging around our front flowerbeds, so I've started to put out peanuts in the shell. 3 are gone out of 4!

  12. Here I am enjoying and going through all these cute squirrel posts!
