Thursday, August 16, 2012

Comfort food for the soul...

I seem to have a growing collection of little mid-century Catholic statues and figurines.

I grew up in a Catholic family and attended Catholic school. That was a long time ago, back in the 60's when it was mostly nuns who taught.

 So figurines of Mary, Jesus, and angels remind me of those years. In particular I seem to be drawn to statues that are old, worn, or broken...

Those statues whose gold trim has become worn and faded over the years...

...or whose painted bases have chipped...

... and even those who are missing hands.

None of that matters, as they all make me think of my Mom, my Dad, and my Grandparents. This small collection is part of a makeover my little home office/painting studio will be undergoing as I move into the bigger spare bedroom later this year. And from the looks of it, I think it's pretty safe to say that I'm leaning toward a Vintage Catholic decor.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!



  1. That's actually a nice collection, Donna. And posting it is very timely since the Feast of the Assumption was just yesterday!

    Take care. Thanks for sharing. Susan

  2. I also love your collection.Peaceful!

  3. This is a lovely and meaningful collection, and I see great beauty in your selections.

  4. I imagine these statues are comforting in a wonderful way for you, Donna. I find that the older I get, the more I gravitate toward things that remind me of my childhood. It's an awfully pretty collection!


  5. Lovely collection. I grew up with those statues too with my Catholic family.

    My grandmother had them in her bedroom and I think they are all still at my mother's house.

    Love Vintage Catholic deoor.

  6. I to went to Catholic School with mass 6 days a week. And I remember having a fear of the nuns and priests, I don't know why I was a very quiet student in school.
    I like your vintage figurines. I like anything vintage!

  7. LOVE THIS! Have you been able to trace any history w/ any of these statues you've collected? For example, Medjugorje might be an easy one to start with ....
