Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Masters of Classical Music

I've been lucky enough to be in the right place (thrift stores) at the right time (three different occasions), resulting in this eclectic collection of composers.

Mozart is a plaster type bust, very rustic and chippy.
As a matter of fact, he's missing a bit of his nose as you can see in this photo. I think it just adds to his charm. Vintage imperfections always seem to have a positve, rather than negative, impact on me.
Mozart usually spends his days on the fireplace mantel, but I thought I'd try him out in the bookcase for a while.
Beethoven, on the other hand, is made of a resin type material.
Like Mozart, he's usually on the fireplace mantel, but I rather like the way he looks in the bookcases.
I must admit, though, Beethoven looks a bit grumpy in his new location. That being said, he looked grumpy on the mantel as well :)
My newest acquisition is Bach, who is just a small, plastic bust found at a Salvation Army a couple of weeks ago. Plastic or not, he looked quite regal with the late afternoon sun streaming in the other day.
Unlike his counterparts, he has lived on the library shelves since his arrival at the cottage.
A handsome trio, I'd say. Never mind the different materials, sizes, styles, or ages. I think they complement each other nicely.
And of course you know I was not tweaking this all by my lonesome!
Just peer down the hall a bit and you will see that I had a pair of eyes watching my every move whilst rearranging and snapping photos!
This week I'm joining Claudia at Mockingbird Hill Cottage for Favorite Thing Saturday
and Brenda at Cozy Little House for Tweak It Tuesday.
Have a great week, everyone!!


  1. Beethoven always looks grumpy! Every image of him has a scowl on his face. I used to have miniature plastic versions of these guys that I would win when I played a recital at my piano teacher's house. I like yours much, much better!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  2. oh my goodness I went back in time when I saw mom had a couple busts of composers on our piano when I was a young girl...forgot ALL about them until I saw yours! :)

  3. They look great with the old books! You were lucky to find them at thrift stores.

  4. Donna, I love your busts of those composers...Bach and Beethoven being my favorites over the years. Of course you have to love Mozart because of his style of music being soooo much fun to play. Last night I pulled out a huge heavy old book of Beethoven pieces and TRIED to play through the Moonlight sonata in the original....wish I could play piano! Sounded like a preschooler bumbling about!
    Beethoven has a scowl because he was going deaf and was frustrated he could not hear his own masterpieces, thus the intent looks on his busts. He eventually went totally deaf, cut the legs off his piano so it could lay flat on his wooden floor, and lay on the floor with his ear to the floor to try to hear it as he composed. At least that's the story we heard in music lit class!
    Maybe Beethoven will get a better reception is you share his story!!
    Hope you have a marvelous weekend!

  5. Love your bookshelves! And those busts are fantastic. A great little collection. Best wishes, Tammy

  6. What a fun collection! And this book lover had fun peeking in your bookshelves too. ;)

    Happy holiday weekend!

  7. Love your composers, Donna. They look perfect in the bookcase. Susan

  8. That is a handsome trio. I love busts too and all mine are thrifted. A lot of vintage busts have imperfect noses and that is a clue to age for me. big hus, olive

  9. I peaked at your books too:) You'd never know that these were inexpensive. Very well suited to your use.

  10. Love these busts among the books! Great look! And how nice to have "help" although being from a cat, it was probably supervision!

  11. My daughter had Vivaldi years ago, but I think he got taken to the Salvation Army store last year. A fine looking bunch you have there!

  12. Found your blog while linking to Claudia's "Favorite Thing," and I'm now a follower. Looking forward to browsing through your decorating and makeover posts. Your photos are great!

  13. Those are nice additions to your bookcase!

  14. What a nice collection of busts. they look great on the bookcase.

  15. And how does Baby like the composers? Does she want to knock them off their shelves? Just speaking from experience...

    They are lovely and perfect for your "library".
