Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Party till the cows come home...

 This may be the cutest group of party animals you'll ever see!

 We took a different route while driving Amanda back to the city Monday morning...

... and because of that, we were treated with some new scenery -
a pasture full of beautiful bovines!

 A local, who had also pulled over to take photos, told us that these are all heritage breeds.

 They're much shaggier than the cows I'm used to seeing.

I could get lost in this cow's eyes...

Just look at that sweet little face!

This guy was massive!

He stood head and shoulders above everyone else!

It was unseasonably warm for mid-January in New England...

... and these fellows were clearly enjoying the high 50 degree temps.

And, of course, the warmer than normal temps also meant that love was in the air, 

... here, there...

... and everywhere!

We left the boys to butt heads (in the background) and battle it out over who would get the girl.

We hated to say goodbye, but Amanda had to get to work so we went on our way...

But before we left,here is a video of:

...the "head butting to win the lady..."

... the winner (also known as "Love in in the air")

... and a "Mooooo-ving" goodbye as we were leaving.

Have a lovely week, everyone!
We're bracing for temps more in line with mid-January in New England ... brrrrrrr!



  1. Hi Donna...Oh, what adorable cows! Loved the shaggy ones. Great job on the photos! Is that you with the camera?

    Yeah, it's a chilly one tonight, eh? Can't wait to get into the soft fleece sheets and keep snuggly warm. Since it is still winter, we can expect some chilly nights, right? Susan

  2. Great looking cattle! Some of them have really BIG horns!

  3. Gotta love those cows! Seriously, I've always loved cows. The face on the close-up cow was adorable! I'm on my i-pad so I don't have flash (can't see the video) Don't you love taking the back roads and discovering new things?
