Thursday, February 21, 2013

Snowstorm Deja Vu x 2

 Baby's look pretty much sums up how I'm feeling right about now....

 "What the what??????"

These photos were taken over the weekend during yet ANOTHER snowstorm.

We're both looking toward the heavens, praying "No more snow, please!!!!"

Enough is enough!

No matter which way we look ...

Through snow covered dining room windows...

... or out living room windows...

...or my studio/office window...

There is nothing but white, white, and more white!

Even the birds agree with me as they're also growing weary of this cold, harsh winter...
(taking turns at the suet feeder)

We're so looking forward to the scent of blooming lilacs drifting about, carried on warm spring breezes.. and the bountiful harvest of insects that spring brings. 
(I'm the one into lilacs, they're the ones into insects, in case that wasn't clear.)

But until then, Baby is on the lookout for the first sign of spring. 
She assures me she will let me know as soon as she sees it on the horizon.

But since they're predicting yet ANOTHER 8-12" of snow for us this weekend, 
I think she's in for a mighty long wait....

Stay warm, everyone!!!



  1. Your BABY is beautiful. It makes me miss my kitties so much. I love the birds out there as teasers for your Baby. We have more snow coming tonight, too- UGH! xo Diana

  2. ha ha ha haha Donna, you are funny. Now I knew you probably weren't into insects. ha ha ha But then, of course, you never know, right? hee hee

    Yeah, another snowstorm's predicted. Can you BELIEVE it? Brother.

    Before, winter didn't seem too long. Now it does. ha!

    Take care and have a good rest of the day. Susan

  3. Kitty is so cute!! You must be getting so tired of all that snow!!

  4. I might be able to handle the snow if the ice would go away. My friend just slipped on it an broke her ankle so badly they had to do surgery. Now, I'm shuffling everywhere. My cats have decided to sleep the rest of the winter off and I should follow their lead!

  5. From a fellow winter-disliker: I'm over it! Enough, already.


  6. Abby does the same thing and yesterday she went out into a cold blowing wind that blew in a snow storm this morning. She did not stay out long. They keep saying the snow will stop soon. Ha, doesn't look like it!

  7. You REALLY have gotten alot of snow this winter. I was just telling a fellow blogger in email to come visit you and the squirrels, chips, and Baby. SHE has a very creative blog called "what happens at Grandmas" but today she'd posted about some cat toys that she'd made. They are a spin off from a craft that she'd done with her grandkids. SO I thought of your blog and Baby and emailed her. I love your blog and critter posts ...always so much fun to visit! :)

  8. Repeat after me...Snow is good for the garden...snow is good for the garden..snow is good......
