Thursday, March 21, 2013

Prayers for our boy...

As I type this, our sweet Mr. J is undergoing surgery.

This all happened so suddenly. He was fine yesterday, but this morning seemed lethargic. And then when he showed no interest whatsoever in his breakfast, we knew something was wrong.

This is a dog who LOVES eating. His eyes aren't locked on me in these photos. They are locked on a dog bone I'm holding up in order to get some good photos of him.

Our vet saw him this morning and after an x-ray they sent us to an emergency 24 hour animal clinic where an ultrasound showed possible internal bleeding and a mass on his spleen.
They first needed to stabilize him due to the internal bleeding.
They weren't sure what time they would actually start operating,
so I am sitting by the phone waiting to hear something.

 While we were at the emergency clinic, I spotted this little magazine from across the room. The dog on the cover looked like what I imagine our  sweet Mr. J looked like when he was younger, before his entire muzzle turned white. We didn't know him in the early years of his life as he came from a shelter at an older age.

I've been missing in action for most of this past month due to some medical issues of my own. It's been a trying month, that's for sure.

Hopefully I'll be writing again soon with some very good news about Mr. J!!!



  1. Donna, I know you're heart is aching with worry. Sending love and best wishes to both you and Mr J

  2. Oh- I am so sorry, Donna. It is always so hard when our pets are sick. I will pray that he is okay and pulls through and regains his health. Poor boy-poor you! I hope you are holding up okay- let us know when you can how he is- xo Diana

  3. Sending lots of love and prayers your way!


  4. Hugs to you, Donna. I'll keep you and Mr. J in my thoughts. Sending good karma your way...

  5. Oh, I know how tough this is as I've been through it myself. I'm sending you and Mr. J all my love and strength.

    Hang in there, Donna.


  6. Hoping for the best for your sweet companion and for you!

  7. I'll be praying for your sweet little pooch. You've been a good mommy to adopt him, showing him love and taking care of his needs.

    And I am so sorry that you are experiencing some medical issues. I will be keeping you in my prayers too for healing. {{{hugs}}}}

  8. Oh no...I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. I'll be keeping you and Mr. J in my prayers. Sure hope he'll be OK. {{hugs}}

  9. Praying for both Mr J and all of you! I know how hard it is to have a pup sick and needing medical attention.

    I'm sending Reiki to Mr J and you now. Reiki, if you aren't familiar with it is energy work and energy can be sent to an individual, human or animal, to receive and have tremendous results. My intent in sending Reiki is for all of you to feel peace and a sense of calm...and most importantly to help the Vets with what they have to do and for Mr J to heal up and come home!!

    Jan ♥

  10. i sure hope things turn out well for your doggie. It's so scary when they are so sick. I hope you are better as well.

  11. Oh, gosh, Donna. I'm so sorry to hear about your doggie. Hope all will be well soon. With doggie and with you, too. Susan

  12. Wishing for a quick recovery for your baby.

  13. Prayers to Mr. J and to you, also. Miss the Baby updates and wondered why you had been MIA for awhile. Get well and take good care of Mr. J.


  14. I sent up a prayer for you and Mr. J. God bless.

  15. I sent up a prayer for you and Mr. J. God bless!

  16. I do hope everything goes well for sweet Mr J. Our pets are so precious entrusted to our care and love. Patty/BC

  17. Hugs and prayers coming your way.

  18. Hi Donna, I'm sorry to hear about your medical issues and poor Mr J's need for surgery. I will keep you and your sweet Mr J in my prayers. I know how awful it feels when your furbaby is sick. Sending get well hugs to both of you.


  19. Oh my! I am so sorry your little guys going through all this. Hugs to you and know that my prayers go out for you.

  20. Sorry to read about Mr. J. He seems like such a sweet dog. I am praying for a fast recovery and visualizing him enjoying his favorite doggie treats again.
