Thursday, May 30, 2013

A focal point for the fence...

 Last fall we replaced our ancient 25 year-old, damaged rustic stockade fence with new panels. The old window box that was mounted on the old fence also needed to be replaced...

So a few weeks ago we got busy... The above is an "after" photo showing the old window, new window box, and my hanging cherub birdbath once again attached to the fence.

The fence panel next to the back yard gate is where the 'grouping' hangs, and it looked so naked before everything was hung!

I painted the flower boxes (three of them - one for the front fence, one for the tree house in the background, and one for the deck).

Then the window....

... and flower box were attached to the fence panel.

And then it was time to plant. I can't believe I forgot the vinca vine!

Now that's better!

These photos were taken a couple of weeks ago, right after we hung everything...

...and at that time, the bleeding heart was in full bloom.

As with all perennials, its bloom time has passed, but it was sure pretty while it was flowering!

Have a great weekend, everyone!



  1. Donna, Your yard and new fence look great! The window and the flower boxes made a huge difference!

  2. Ohhhhh, very pretty Donna.

    I planted our window boxes this week, too. Used red and white impatiens and I did remember the vinca vine. (Sorry. hee hee) Susan

  3. Your fence looks so pretty! My husband just got done rebuilding our fence. I love the idea of putting a window box and window on it! Your backyard looks just lovely :)

  4. Now THAT'S better :)
    My husband used a similar colors on boards he used to fashion a seat for an old iron settee. It was left-over paint from a potting bench he created...I still have some left for another project or two. Hmmmmm. I just MAY have a window box sitting around SOMEwhere.

  5. Everything looks lovely but I think I like the two chairs the best, as it looks like a great place to sit and enjoy the day. I just found your blog and I am your newest follower. I would love for you to stop by my blog sometime at I just did a post on a house tour of a home I built a few years back. Thanks, Patty

  6. Oh, Donna- I love it. I just got my computer back and am happy to be able to visit again. That looks spectacular! xo Diana

  7. What a fun idea to use the old window and the window box together!

  8. Hi, I saw your post over Cindy's. What a cute idea with the window pane and flower box! The whole setting is so charming!

  9. Oops, I forgot! I saw you on my OWN reading list, I already follow you!
    lol Gina

  10. It looks so charming and cozy! I adore your outdoor space!!!

  11. Your fence looks absolutely charming, Donna! That's one thing I miss around here - a fence. You can do so much with one and I often wish I had one!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  12. I host a weekly link party called "Seasonal Sundays". This week, in honor of my fourth blog-a-versary, I'm having a giveaway of a $100.00 gift certificate to HomeGoods/TJ Maxx. I'd love to have you join the fun!

    - The Tablescaper

  13. Love what you did with your fence. The window and flower box both give it such a whimsical look. And I love the adirondack chairs, too.



  14. Love how you're hanging things on the fence - looks great!

  15. It all looks so lovely at your place.

    Tell Sammy Squirrel I said hello! :)
