Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Fuchsia Sunset...

The last few hours before the sun sets are my absolute favorite.

This is the view when I'm sitting on the patio down in the backyard...

I usually sit on the settee in the center because it's easy to see both of my hummingbird feeders from there, and the hours before sunset are the most active for these little jeweled birds!

I can see the feeder that hangs from the mulberry tree...

(being visited by the female hummer here)...

.. and the one that hangs from the swingset deck sitting area next to the honeysuckle vine
(being visited by the male hummer here).

The patio becomes an almost magical place to sit and unwind as the sun starts to set...

The fuchsia plants that hang from the tent over the patio are brilliant as the sun streams through the blossoms.

I'm always amazed that the hummingbirds pay little attention to the fuchsias. They occasionally visit them, but definitely seem to prefer the feeders and the honeysuckle vine.

I tried planting cardinal climber from seed last year, but they hadn't even flowered by the time the hummingbirds left in September...

... so this year I bought well-established plants to climb the small twig obelisk we made last year. I certainly hope these flower long before the hummers leave in September!

My beautiful irises put on a spectacular show this year.

These photos were taken at the very end of May, when they were at their peak.

Their bloom time has now come to an end. I desperately need to plant more perennials that bloom later in the season. Other than some annuals and my honeysuckle vine that give summer-long color, it seems that most of the perennials I've planted are early bloomers. But all in good time...

After all, it was only 5 to 6 years ago that the backyard looked like this. We were left with a large crater after taking down our old above ground pool.

So rather than focus on how much still needs to be done, I think I'd rather reflect on how much we've accomplished over the past several years, transforming the "Roswell crater" into a little garden oasis that attracts a wide variety of birds and little critters (my beloved "Sammy" Squirrels and "Chip"munks!). The fact that they all make their homes in our garden and/or visit us on a regular basis makes me oh-so-happy!

Wishing you all a beautiful week...

I'm joining Claudia, Mockingbird Hill Cottage for A Favorite Thing Saturday,
Brenda, Cozy Little House for Tweak It Tuesday.
Tracie, Fishtail Cottage for Cottage Garden Party
and Cindy, My Romantic Home for Show & Tell Friday.



  1. Truly an enchanting garden to go with an enchanted cottage....lovely iris color.

  2. Your Fushsia's are just gorgeous! I love Fushsia's and though other potted plants seem to love me, I have never had much luck with Fushsia's.

  3. Your "oasis" is so full and charming...Our irises put on quite a show this year, too! Now the rose bushes are picking up where they left off.

    Oh--and I agree about the hours just before sunset.

  4. Your garden is so lovely. You have given me hope for ours. We are trying to fix ours up, if this rain would just hold up. HA! HA!

  5. Donna, try Verbena Bonariensis, it blooms forever, self seeds and attracts butterflies.


  6. Your garden is so beautiful, Donna. I love all the little nooks and crannies and places for the eyes to rest. I would so love to add bird feeders but we have several cats that roam this property (the neighbor's) and I don't want to tempt fate. Your garden has beauty, whimsy and wonderful touches everywhere.


  7. Your yard looks like a little slice of paradise, Donna. From crater to enchanted garden! Pretty good. Nice job. Love hummers, too. Susan

  8. Donna, I think you have a delightful back yard!! The fuchsias are beautiful.

  9. You've done an amazing job with your backyard over the years! Beautiful. Just beautiful!

  10. Your backyard looks like a magical place for you and your furry and feathered friends!

  11. What a lovely yard you have! You've done such a beautiful job. It's so nice to have pretty place to sit and enjoy the flowers and the critters who come along to visit!...Beautiful blog too! Paulette :)

  12. Beautiful photos...I love hanging fuschias. That's the plant that Mama Robin decided to build her nest in here at my house! So, the plant is kind of dying right now, but that's OK...Mama Robin and her babies have to come first. ;-)

  13. Donna, your garden oasis is wonderful! Everything is so beautiful, especially that fuschia plant! Hummingbirds are always such a welcoming and sweet sight aren't they? Have a great week! Gina

  14. Your yard looks like paradise. You have amazing flowers! I just found your blog through My Romantic Home - Show and Tell Friday and I am your newest follower. I would love for you to stop by my blog at http://homeandlifestyledesign.blogspot.com/

  15. It is now such a beautiful garden. Enjoy all your labors.

  16. The sun shining through the fuchia is gorgeous; the flowers just glow!

    I'm visiting via Fishtail Cottage.

  17. I absolutely love your sweet garden - it must give you so much joy! I have a small cranesbill geranium and the hummers really seem to enjoy it, yet they don't bother with the foxglove. Oh well, I am just happy to watch them flitting all through the garden.

  18. Your yard is so shady and sweet. You must just love sitting out there. We recently moved to a country home, with no shade - and I am trying to figure out what trees would grow FAST! I love your iris - and all the fun accessories around - so fun!

  19. It sure looks enchanted . I wonder if fairies live there.
    Smiles, Dottie

  20. Good Morning Donna, Your Fuchsia flowers are stunning, they hang like crystals from a chandelier.... and the pink and white colours are so restful on the eye.
    Your garden is so lovely and what a treat to be able to sit under your arbor and watch hummingbirds feed. I live in England and we do not see these delicate little birds.
    Donna, I have really enjoyed my visit so I have become a new follower.
    I would like to invite you to visit Ivy, Phyllis and Me! when you have a moment to spare.
    Best Wishes

  21. Hi Donna,

    Visiting via Claudia's...both your lovely garden outside, and your cozy interiors (from your header) are true examples of enchanting spaces - delightfully charming! I am especially taken with your hanging Fuchsias; 'drop' dead gorgeous!


  22. As I read this I'm sitting on the back porch and enjoying late afternoon. I agree with you about it being a good time. Fuss hiyas are one of my favorites and I'm so glad to be in a place where they survive!

  23. i love your blog and your gardens are fabulous!
