Sunday, June 30, 2013

The new patio tent and a mish-mash of flowers...

This is the new tent we picked up last week for over our little backyard patio.

We would love to have gotten a few more years out of the old tent...

... but during the high winds and heavy rains of the past few weeks, several branches fell right through the tent to the patio below (Glad I wasn't sitting out there when it happened!).

 And although the little white wicker set under the tent is water resistant, it's not waterproof. As it is, it's deteriorating faster than we'd like so we want to keep it as dry as possible to get as many (more) years out of it as we can.

 While I was out photographing the tent, I noticed one of the bright clematis blooms right by the deck. I focused first on the new tent in the background....

... and then on the clematis bloom right next to me. I have to say, I'm really pleased with my little Canon Power Shot Point & Shoot. I know it's nothing fancy, but it has served me well over the years.

I did the same thing on the other side of the deck, focusing first on the impatiens on the dining room window 'screen feeder' flower box...

... and then on the clematis cascading across the arbor over the back yard gate.

This last photo is just the hanging basket I put together that hangs from the deck with the girls' old tree house in the background.

A couple of posts ago I shared a photobomb I recently captured, and in my next post I'll share a videobomb that I caught today! It's all in the timing...

I hope you are all having a beautiful weekend. 



  1. Your little covered area looks like such a nice place to sit and relax! Pretty flowers :)

  2. Lovely pics! Thank you for sharing...

  3. Lovely photos, Linda. And the new tent is nice, too.

    Glad you like your Canon Sure Shot. I feel exactly the same way about my Panasonic Lumix digital camera. So easy to use and it takes great photos.

    Take care. Susan

  4. What a great idea to put up a tent/canopy over your patio area! Your flowers are just beautiful.

  5. Hi Donna,
    Great sitting area, the new canopy looks great. The angles of your flowers photos are awesome!
