Monday, July 15, 2013

The Butterfly Bush and Lucifer Crocosmia...

... are both in bloom right now.

I love the combination of purple and red.

Our butterfly bushes don't get nearly as thick and full as others I've seen (probably due to our "on the shady side" back yard); but nevertheless, what we do get is oh-so-beautiful!

(colored pencil filter)
There's also a white butterfly bush that sits behind the birdhouse. It's in an even shadier spot which is probably why it normally takes longer to start blooming.

The blooms on the butterfly bush are a beautiful purple with orange-red centers.

Hopefully I'll have the camera ready when the butterflies visit. This photo was taken last week before the lucifer crocosmia (to the left of the butterfly bush) came into bloom.

But they are in full bloom now, much to the hummingbirds' delight! I'm definitely going to try to get some photos/movies of my little friends at the crocosmia before their short bloom time comes to an end!

I hope you're all enjoying this fast-moving summer. I can't believe it's already the middle of July!

Have a great week, everyone!



  1. I love the butterfly bush flower with the red eyes... so pretty. They go so well with the Crocosmia. I love the combination!

  2. They look beautiful. I can also count on my butterfly bushes to grow in my yard.

  3. Your right, a beautiful combo.

  4. Your yard is a gardener's delight!

  5. My butterfly bush has really grown (it's on the sunny side of the house) and it's just starting to flower. Stay cool, my friend.

