Thursday, August 15, 2013

My morning glory experiment...

... gone awry...

At the beginning of the summer, I planted eight small morning glory plants in two large pots on the deck. I stuck small branches in the pots for the morning glories to climb. Some flowers were deep purple, like these...

...  and others were a deep pink/magenta, like these.

(The impatiens in the shed window boxes in the background are still going strong)

My favorite color is the sky blue.

I'd love to be able to show you the other five colors I planted...

... but I gave them the kiss of death (sigh)... Not sure how, but they did not bloom.
Not one to give in easily, I will try again next year!

I hope you're all enjoying the month of August! My hummers have been very active lately. I think they know their stay is coming to an end soon and they have a long flight ahead of them to reach to a warmer locale! Pix and movies to come of these sweet little birds!

I'm joining Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show & Tell Friday this week.



  1. We lived here for ten years and out of the blue I found a morning glory plant blooming in the yard.Funny thing is that it bloomed only one year in that spot and now it is growing in another part of our yard. The sad thing is the plant is on our neighbors fence and he keeps ripping it off.

  2. Love your morning glory! Such pretty photos. I planted a morning glory this year and its huge, but I haven't had any blooms this year. I'm still hoping for a few before summer is over.

  3. so very pretty love your morning glories
    come see what I shared at

  4. Morning glories bloom best with lots of sun, not too rich soil and not too much watering.

  5. What beautiful colors.I think you did quite well.

  6. heavenly favorite too
    My hummers are active right now...a joy to spot in the garden......

  7. Ohhhh, Donna. Pretty, pretty, pretty! Wow! I didn't even know you could plant morning glories in pots.

    Yours came out great (the ones that lived anyway. ha ha ha)

    Congratulations. Looks like that thumb is pretty green! Susan

  8. Blue is my fav too. I planted some but they didn't come up I guess. My purple is from last year. They're pretty too.

  9. I LOVE morning glories! I'm sure yours are beautiful. Looks like your Baby kitty is a little bit mischievous! Love how you have pics. of all of your fur babies, past and present, on your side bar. So many sweet babies over the years.

  10. Your morning glory blooms are gorgeous! I bet the hummers really like them. Our hummers have been drinking down the sugar water in record pace lately, and we have more coming to the feeders. I bet some of them are visitors who are already making their trek southward.

  11. Beautiful Morning Glories! I think the secret is that they like lots of sun. My favorite are the blue ones, too.

  12. Your morning glories are beautiful! I planted seeds this year but it was kind of late. The bunnies at them right off the bat. They are coming back now and still might have a little time to bloom. Fingers crossed. :)
