Monday, December 2, 2013

Celebrations and a giveaway winner...

 I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.

Ours was lovely as we combined Thanksgiving with celebrating our Amanda's birthday 
since she was home from the city for a few days.

Amanda always enjoys coming home, and one of the highlights is that she gets to spend time with her sweet Tiger, who is now over 20 years old!

This is a photo of them sleeping together back in September of 1993. 
Aren't they adorable?

And to this day, Tiger sleeps on Amanda's bed.

We've built her something of a "Tiger cave" that she can snuggle into to stay warm....

... or lay in front of if she wants a bit of fresh air. She's such a sweet little girl.

And speaking keeping warm, I snapped this photo last week of our first 'mini snow' - Brrrrrr! I feel cold just looking at this photo. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to get through the next four months, but c'est la vie! That's New England!

And now it's time to announce the winner of the giveaway for any 16" x 20" or smaller 
art print from my Etsy shop....

Hubby did the picking and he pulled Carla from Here in Texas!
I'll be in touch with you, Carla, to work out the details for your print choice & address.

I hope you all have a wonderful week, and be sure to stop back because I'm going to be having another giveaway for a fabulous 1995 edition of The Night Before Christmas with amazing illustrations by Christian Birmingham. As many of you know, I have an extensive collection of "Night Before Christmas" books. When I spotted this book while out thrifting, I knew one of you would enjoy it as I already have it in my collection and it is gorgeous!

Till then, stay safe & warm!

This week I'm joining Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show & Tell Friday.



  1. Happy birthday to Amanda! I loved the pictures of her with Tiger. I can't believe she's over 20 years old...she looks so pretty and healthy still. My oldest cat is 14-1/2 and I hope he still has lots of years ahead of him, too. Congrats to the giveaway winner!

  2. Hi Donna...Ohhhh, I'm so glad Tiger is still with you.

    Glad your daughter is home for a visit, too.

    Our Honey Cat is about that age and I've been taking her to the vet lately. She hasn't been doing that great.

    Take care. Susan

  3. Wonderful family pictures! Happy birthday to Amanda! Daughters are just the best!

  4. What a sweet post! Loved all of it. Thanks for sharing with us!

  5. Glad you had a wonderful birthday and Thanksgiving celebration! Amanda is a cute gal and the photos of her with her kitty are adorable.

    And congrats to the lucky winner!

  6. Tiger is adorable and she looks like a much younger cat. She is one lucky kitty with you as her mom. Love the kitty cave!

    Nice you get to spend time with your daughter.

    Congratulations to your giveaway winner.

  7. Happy Belated Birthday to Amanda! Tiger has the sweetest face - what a darling!


  8. Awe--this is so sweet! We had a cat that looked similar (Sassy) and she passed a year or so ago at 17. We miss her. What wonderful companions cats make. Love the pictures with your daughter!

  9. that is a precious picture of kitty and daughter
