Friday, February 14, 2014

Old Man Winter, you have overstayed your welcome...

Spring is going to be sweeter this year for sure!

We have been inundated with cold and snow this winter.
(Don't you love my snowman flag? The artist is my good friend Jeri from Fiddlestix.)

I think Charlotte Bronte must have experienced a winter similar to ours 
when she penned the quotation I used in the above print.

We went out for a late afternoon dinner for Valentine's day. As you can see, the sky was clear and blue today, a nice treat after yesterday's storm.

But I'm afraid it's going to be quite a while before anybody heads out to the deck to enjoy a view of the lake while dining.

Snippets of yesterday's snow coming down in the backyard...

... in the front yard...

... in the driveway...

... and on the deck.

And guess what? Another snowstorm is due tomorrow.

I'm joining Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show & Tell Friday this week.

Stay safe and warm wherever you are!



  1. Spring IS going to be "sweeter" for a lot of people EVERYwhere, I think :)

    Wow! A picture is worth a thousand words. You really have your share of snow. Praying for the safety of everyone experiencing this unusually harsh winter...

  2. I think so many people are tired of winter this year. I sure hope my roses made it through--can't wait for them to start blooming! The snow is so pretty though :)

  3. Oh my, it does look like you've gotten more than your share!

  4. It has been a long and horrible winter for us, also. 45 days of below-zero weather! Won't we all be so happy when spring finally arrives?

  5. We got another round here last night ( I am south of Pittsburgh ) but I tell myself we are lucky as we get a few inches each day or night and not all at once as some have had. And even though we had ice last week it was not enough to cut the power.

  6. Donna- Old Man Winter is no longer welcome here in the Midwest! I am so tired of it all-and more snow coming for us on Monday. UGH! Great pictures here! xo Diana

  7. Hi Donna..Yep, looks like we are going to remember this winter for awhile to come. My right shoulder hurts from shoveling so much yesterday. We don't have a snowblower. Darn. Anyway, glad you are faring well. Keep warm and cozy. Susan

  8. Tired of it - soooo tired of it! I clicked your videos even though I can see the exact same thing outside my window right now! It's EVERYWHERE!
