Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Room with a view...

...if you're looking for a view of snow that is!

We were supposed to get about another 6" of snow today.


I think we got more like a foot on top of what we already have (which is a lot!).

A sweet mourning dove on the screen feeder outside the window. 
I continuously brushed snow off  the feeder all day. One time alone it had about 6" on it.

The little side window of the bay window looks out on the garden gate and arbor, always a favorite place for the birds to hang out as it's in close proximity to the screen feeder. I can't wait to see how the honeysuckle I planted beside the arbor does. I know the clematis will come back strong, as it always does, but hopefully I'll be able to watch hummers at the new vine come May or June!

Mr. Cardinal braved the snow to feed several times today...

... as did Mrs. Cardinal, whose body is twisted here. She did, indeed, have tail feathers!

Almost every time I looked out... 

...there was someone waiting to hop on over to the feeder.

I think these little darlings will be even more happy than I will be to see spring.
What a brutal winter it has been for those who live out in the elements.

Lucky for Baby, she is an indoor kitty.

On cold days like this, she loves to lay in front of the living room bay window on top of the apothecary chest. The heating vents are on the floor right by chest so she gets a regular stream of toasty warm air on her furry little feet.

Today's storm lasted from morning to this evening...

...  and we're due to get a couple of more inches of snow tomorrow.

This winter is a throwback to the kind of snowstorms we had when I was a kid growing up in New England. I left for a few years in the late 70's, but when I returned to New England in the very early 80's we had tons of snow every winter. (I missed out on the Blizzard of '78, the snowstorm to end all snowstorms!)

Then in the mid 80's and for many years afterwards, we had pretty wimpy winters by New England standards... more fog and rain than snow it seemed. So this year has been more like the winters I remember from years gone by.  And while I love the nostalgia of these storms and the memories they bring back, I am soooooo ready for spring!

Stay safe and warm wherever you are!



  1. Somehow you have even made the snow look cozy!
    Lisa & Alfie

  2. Oh I am so ready for spring too! Baby is lucky to be an inside kitty, as our mine. It breaks my heart to see cats out in the snow. Your snow pictures are just beautiful--but looking forward to seeing beautiful spring flower pictures soon! Enjoy the seasons :)

  3. Hi Donna, I am enjoying all your pretty pictures so much! Have been absent from blogging for awhile and have decided to come back! Love the pictures of the squirrels, the snowflakes and your pretty white kitty!!
    ...your new friend, Debbi

  4. You really seem to be getting a lot of snow this season. So are we. It reminds me of the snow amounts in my childhood, also! Where the piles of plowed snow hid the windows in our house.

    I really enjoyed these lovely photos of your yard, and of course, the always beautiful Baby. Our cat lays by a heat vent, too. She gets such a nice warm kitty smell!

    I feel sorry for the outside animals living here, with our 40+ days of below zero weather! Hurry up, Spring!

  5. Thank goodness you have a warm and cozy home to shelter you from the wicked winter weather. I know that you've gotten more than your fair share of snow this year, so I don't blame you about dreaming of spring time!

  6. Donna, you take such lovely photos! We had 50 degrees here in MO. yesterday so all our snow has melted. Now its just all grey and brown. :( I'd much rather be snowed in and see the sparkling wonderland outside than see the bare trees and brown grass. But it sure will be nice to see sprouts of green soon! Enjoy the beauty and stay warm!
    love rosie

  7. It has been snowing like crazy this winter! Gosh we're in IL at 70", and today we "hacked" ice out of our rain gutters. Our Little One (no's she fat) is a stay in cat like Baby! Hope it gets warm soon! Love looking out your windows!

  8. Oh yes, never ending Winters. It seems like every other Winter is bad nowadays.

    If you left in the late 70's you also missed the time we had a snowstorm in May 1977. Crazy!
