Friday, March 21, 2014

The early bird gets the...

... house!!

As many of you know, as soon as our bluebirds arrived, we immediately ordered and hung a couple of bluebird houses. And although the bluebirds have been checking out the houses...

... they may have waited a wee bit too long to stake claim to them! At least this house.

This scene unfolded mere minutes ago. Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow seem like very serious contenders as they discuss the pros and cons of this new home.

Mr. Sparrow checked out the neighborhood (tree) while Mrs. Sparrow sat firmly on the roof lest some other birds come along looking for a new house.

Looks like I've been spotted!

Apparently I didn't scare them off because they're now peeking inside.

Well, they've now both inspected the inside and Mrs. Sparrow is taking one last look at the view from the front door before they make their final decision.

It looks like it's a done deal. Mrs. Sparrow just dropped some 'bedding' inside the front door and I see that Mr. Sparrow has some in his beak as well.
Ahhhh, spring is definitely in the air (although you'd never know it by the temps!)

"Honey, I'm home!"

Sorry, my bluebirds. There's still one more house mounted in the yard and one more waiting to be mounted. Don't forget, the early bird gets the (meal)worm and the house!

Have a great weekend, everyone!



  1. Awww, too bad they missed this house!!! We sure hope they get the other houses...Love love this post!!!
    Have a great weekend!
    Hugs & Purrs,
    Miss Kitty Ino & Izzy

  2. If those are English sparrows they are not natives and crowd out the bluebirds. Tis sad, I hope the bluebirds claim your other houses.

  3. *haha*

    You snooze... you lose!! :-D

    Happy Spring, Donna!

    Love~ Andrea

  4. ha! The bluebirds must know, by now, that the early bird get the worm AND the house, Donna! ha So cute.

    My heated birdbath remains untouched. I look out off and on through the day but alas, no birdies want a drink. Sad but true.

    Oh well, maybe someday. Susan

  5. What a wonderful post! You captured the entire transaction and it unfolded exactly the way most home sales do! I suppose your commission will be paid in many happy hours of watching this little family grow and hatch their babies. Best paycheck ever!

  6. This was the sweetest post ever! They really looked like they were checking out the place....too cute!
    Blessings, Joanne

  7. I do like sparrows, they are cheeky little fellows.

  8. Donna that was wonderful! I loved watching the sparrows get a new home. I do feel bad for the bluebirds but they lagged! Maybe they will take the other house and make good neighbors! So glad you were watching when all the happened.

  9. Don't you just LOVE watching the interactions of birds? I get the biggest kick out of seeing how the react to one another. You got some marvelous shots that really tell a story- xo Diana

  10. I can't tell you how much I enjoy the tales of your backyard. They really are very amusing! It must be so fun to watch and see what's going to happen next. It looks as if you've provided Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow with a lovely home! I'm hoping a bluebird couple will take up residence next!

    We're back to winter temperatures here. 3 degrees last night. Still lots of snow, also. I'm so anxious for spring to hurry up and get here!

  11. I love the 3rd photo where she's telling him everything she likes about this house...square footage, neighborhood, etc. lol


  12. What a sweet picture story. Yes, spring is finally here.

  13. Donna I cant beleive how many gorgeous bluebirds you have there! Ive never seen that many all together like that! Whatever you are doing or feeding them or attracting them----keep on doing it! They are so pretty aren't they? It must be so fun to be able to watch them at such a close distance like that! Your photos capture them perfectly!

  14. You have more tolerance than me, Donna. I always kick the sparrows out. Last year they trapped the female BB in the house and pecked her to death. A scene that is right out of a horror movie. I hope the Bluebirds find a home to call their own! : )
